
A Bloody Mess

As soon as the group returned from lunch, it came as a surprise, or not really as a surprise, that they had witnessed Raze running around the arena once again. It wasn't just his stamina that was impressive, but his mental fortitude to do the same task over and over again.

Some of the students, a group of five who had been stopped by Mada before they left the hall, were quite nervous as they entered the courtyard.

"So what should we do?" one of them asked.

"Well, Mada said we just have to deal with him before the assessment, right?" another replied. "So let's just get this over with the straightforward way."

The group nodded in agreement; they knew what they needed to do, but they were uncertain about how to do it in the first place.

For a while, everyone continued their training, and there were some questionable screams coming from part of the courtyard.

Whack! A ringing loud noise vibrated through the air.