
Snow White Hair

"I love food!" I shouted, my mouth filled with breakfast.

"I am assuming you are eating more of the powder Alfie has given you. Am I correct?" Fay continued to eat the cheapest thing in the menu while drooling over my plate.

The guilt trip!

"You know... we can afford the more expensive stuff that's yummy," I said.

"It is alright. I only eat to maintain my efficiency. Food has no need to be good as long as it is sustainable," Fay still continued to stare at my food with sparkles in her eyes.

U-Uhhh... that's a way to put it... though hypocritical if she still wants to eat my plate.

I do want her to enjoy herself. For the moment at least, Grail isn't here. His willingness to trade her away isn't comforting, to say the least.

"Pick one" I covered the price of each drawing and just let her pick.

"It's still easy to know which one is more expensive by the plating though," Shin spat out.

He's not wrong... but might've fallen for it if he didn't point it out!

Sighing, I tried to find a way to bs this, "Who knows, I might be using illusion magic to mess with the plating,"

I can't use illusion magic...

If I did it'd be forbidden spells or spells that would cost me a lot of stuff. I like Fay, but not enough to suffer unimaginable pain just to make her eat a good snack.

"You can use illusion magic? I thought it'd be forb-"

Immediately Alfie shoved a handful of bread into Shin's mouth whispering something to him. I tried reading her lips and came to a conclusion of her saying "Just shut up and let the girl eat,"

I'm so glad I brought Alfie along! She was sitting next to me so I showed her a thumbs up under the table.

"Pick pick pick!" I shouted out like I was saying shot shot shot or something. Ugh... don't let me think about drinks... even if it's not illegal here, it's risky as hell.

Fay looked confused, but eventually gave in and picked a slice of cake.

Sweet tooth like always haha.

"This one sir!" I pointed at the drawing and showed it to the waiter.

After our breakfast, Alfie planned to look around the capital a bit and we agreed that we'd take a small break before going out.

I was the only one who objects on the waiting since I know my own impatient nature, but since it was a 2 on 1, with Fay not siding with either, I lost.

"Am I supposed to just stay here for a while?! There's nothing to do!" I rolled around back and forth on my bed then stopping after I became tired of it. My eyelids felt heavy. My muscles relaxed. The silence of the room paired with winter's cold air slowly made my mind drift away as I closed my eyes.

Right... I haven't slept in... a while.

Before I knew it I stood there again. In a black void. With only emptiness in my heart. Cold. Colder than any winter.

Scream. My own screaming, screeching, scrambling for something to say or a way to fix this. My heart raced like always. I gasp out for air, slightly choking from my own tears.


"Who are you?"

"I'm not a hero and I don't plan to be, but you'd better not die on me,"

That line... I swear I've heard it before. From where? From when?

"Just answer me properly dammit! Don't just lie there on the ground with some stupid quote! Who-" I opened my eyes to find myself shouting in my sleep, "are you?" I whispered.

These walls are... paper thin... crap. Did they hear? I... hope not.

I sat up, combing my hair with my own hands and tying it up.

"Forge," A transmutation circle appeared at the bottom of my shoe, making me jump back. I forgot to change my setting back to hands...

I picked up the iron string I forged and tied my hair with it, looking at the mirror to make sure it wouldn't be a total mess.

The tip of my hair is white... it didn't look like paint or actual hair dye, but like the hair of old age or to put it simply, it looked like white hair when you get old. I'm only 17 geez...

Did the white get longer? Last time I saw it, it looked like it's a few centimetres shorter than right now. Although, I did use water as a mirror... pretty sure it's not that accurate.

Wait... the colour... how white it is without mix... it looks like Shin's hair. Why? Is there a reason? Is it only stress? We've both been starved... maybe it's because of the torture? I guess... not like I care.

I forgot to upload on Monday! Apologies! However, good news! Next year till January 15 my upload schedule is made! I'll be uploading 1 to 2 chapters per week[Likely on Monday or Wednesday or Friday]

An0nymouscreators' thoughts