
End? pt. 2

Dammit I just blinked and I can't open my eyes anymore

"I think a little payback would be great don't you?" Another man's voice came from what I think is the smoke

It's just black. I wish I can do something, but I just know... I can't

Attack spells blew my body everywhere

It hurts... it hurts so bad...

A moment later the spell slowly wears off...

What the heck?!

Amber was nearly dead on the ground and Rex was barely standing with blood all over his face

I-I can't do anything. The only thing I can do is watch. It's so hard to watch. I'm too weak. Too pathetic.

"That was easy," the white-haired guy said

"I'm disappointed truly. One hero could beat you all up without a scratch" another girl's voice

"Kila" Rex said, his voice filled with fear

"Miss me?" Her voice gave me chills down my spine. It was twisted and sadistic.

"Yes, I miss the scene where you were crystallized very much. Especially Kai. That... son of a-"

"Don't even think of mentioning his name, traitor" she whispered, but it was clear she had murdering intent


Less than a moment later that white-haired leader thrust his blade through Rex's heart, following that he was slashed too many times to count. It was a huge blur to me, but one moment stuck out.

Rex calmly and swiftly pulled smalls bits of the enemy's white hair, keeping it in his right pocket which conveniently was the only thing undamaged.

"You..." She looks at Amber, Amber barely holding on to dear life... if she takes one more blow she'd die

"You're alive aren't you?" I closed my eyes to play dead, but I can still tell that she glared down to me.

She knows...

"Nothing personal kid... but I don't like your boss" she dropped her knife that she used to stab Rex on my chest and she dashed right in front of Amber's face.

Amber... am I really just gonna stay here and bleed out like this? Watching her die? Yes, Hiroto... you were always selfish and worried about yourself so just do it again. Yeah, it's not that hard... I'll just find another friend. It's easy right Hiroto? I can...


I sprinted as fast as I could... with blood dripping from my face, the knife hurting me every single step of the way, but I jumped... I jump in front of Amber...

"I'm not a hero and I don't plan to be, but you'd better not die on me!"

Can't believe I'm actually doing this cliche. Can't believe I jumped. In front of her of all people. In front of the girl that saved me from my invisibility. I don't know how much she sacrificed for me, but knowing her... she's probably the reason I'm still alive.

Is this it? Is this how it ends? Will this girl's face be the last thing I ever see

My life flashed right before my eyes

Wow... that crap about life flashing before your eyes is actually real.

"Hiroto!" I heard a small voice from a distance. It's Amber's voice when she was a kid.

My body fell down as I turned my head to Amber's face and smile one last time. Before I even knew it I said "I love you"

My eyes closed for one last time and pure white

"Hiroto" a voice from behind. It's kid Amber's voice again...

She hugged me from behind

I looked back to see her before all this happened. Before her nightmare. Before anything bad happened and I looked at myself. Smaller... more innocent. We were kids again...

This is where I wanted to be right? This is the end... why am I not satisfied? Why can't I smile? Is this really the end that I wanted?

End of Volume 3...

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