
Dark If Hell

Kickplay and a player of an online RPG Kickplay online game that being the best player in the game he will get as much power points as he could to be the most powerful player in the game or rather a legend.

Huguel · Fantasía
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14 Chs


Ulizcask POV.

Ulizcask was walking home at night when he met some kids playing baseball. She walked up to one kid and asked how he was doing, "Good! Well my friend is pitching today so I'm trying to score a homerun!" replied the little boy proudly, "And I will win too! And then everyone will be mad at my friend!" he added laughing. "I think you should tell your friend that first." Ulizcask said. "But I already told you, he won't say anything since I told him we were going to buy something together!" The little boy complained.

Ulizcask sighed, he really didn't feel bad for the kids, they weren't bothering her so why was she wasting her time with small talk? But then the boy smiled brightly when he saw her father approaching the field calling out to him.

"Hey dad! Come see how amazing I am!" he cried. His dad came running over, "Hi honey! That was awesome! You've improved since I last saw you!" he said smiling at the boy.

"Really dad? Can I have this? I'm going to make sure I beat everyone's records this year and become the greatest player of all time!" the boy squealed happily showing his father his new toy. "That sounds wonderful! Let's play tag together later, okay? How about we go get some ice cream now?" The boy celebrated and ran to a nearby ice cream parlor and his father followed close behind.

Ulizcask smiled sadly before continuing his walk.

Ulizcask POV.

Kuroo was lying on his bed while listening to the sounds coming from his balcony door. He got up and looked out his window to see Katsuki and Tetsurou talking casually. Kuroo knew from the start that he shouldn't interfere with the two teenagers, but the fact that Tetsurou was trying his best to bring them together made Kuroo wonder why he tries to hide it from him. It seems the reason was because the reason was obvious; Katsuki was interested in Tetsurou, but Tetsurou only liked women. "Ugh, I'm sick of these idiots!" Kuroo muttered irritably as he walked over to the window, he grabbed the window handle and opened the window. The sound of breaking glass rang through the air, and Kuroo's face fell, "Oh shit" he muttered as he watched Katsuki pick up his broken phone from his hand.

"Why did you do that?! You scared me, I almost broke a finger!" shouted Tetsurou, looking at his friend. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm just upset," apologized Katsuki, still holding a grudge against Kuroo.

Tetsurou sighed, "Just promise me you won't destroy anything again, okay?" Kuroo agreed with Katsuki, it looked like he was being mean, even though he knew he was jealous of Katsuki's crush.

"Fine, but now you owe me a new phone" Katsuki said as she thrust her cell phone into Kuroo's hands. "Yes, of course" Kuroo said, he left the room and slammed the door behind him.

Kuroo POV.

Kuroo sat at a table having dinner as he watched his two friends fight, he felt a tap on his shoulder and looked up to see his boyfriend sitting next to him, "hey honey, can you help me finish this essay" Katsuki said making pout slightly. "Yes, of course" Kuroo replied as he finished his food.

Kuroo and Katsuki went back to finishing their homework as soon as it was over.