
Dark Hearts-Poisoning for Revenge and Long Lost Love

Let's life intertwines with a Vampire trying to solve a killing of a fellow Vampire. He needs her help. But why?

j_g82 · Fantasía
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12 Chs


After visiting SangreCulto and their Elder. Elias with Caleb made a trip to the retired Vampire Hunter's place. They had to venture into the woods which gave off an eerie aura. Elias drove for a little in the woods until they reached a log cabin. This was where the retired vampire hunter lived. He pulled up on the driveway of the log cabin and shut the car off. He looked at Caleb and they both nodded their heads at the same time. He got out and shut the door. A man was waiting on the porch already. He was cleaning a big knife. A warning to anyone that he can take someone on if needed. The man was tall with crop brown hair, stubble, and a stern look on his face. Nothing compared to Elias and Caleb. They looked like two elf men from Lord of the Ring going to ask the king of humans for help. This thought ran through Elias's head and he fixed his posture. Caleb went up to the man. "Hello sir I'm Caleb Ramus. Are you Frank Smith?"He held his hand out. The man stared at Caleb's hand and then at Caleb. He didn't touch it. "Yep," he continued to clean his knife. Elias expected that. He was a hunter. A good one he could tell by the way he carried himself. "We just have a few questions." Elias took a few steps towards him. He was afraid of him, to be honest. What Vampire would be comfortable putting himself in that spot? "You're a Vamp I know that." Frank pointed his knife to the spot next to him. Elias walked over.  "What questions Vamp?" Frank finished cleaning his knife and put it on the table next to him. It was quite visible that Elias was uncomfortable. "Am I sweating? Vampires don't sweat." he thought to himself. That didn't matter. He had to get himself together.

"Frank, we found a young Vampire dead from poison near our Coven."

Frank interrupted him " What Coven?"

"Winter's Bite."

"Yes, I've been there. Beautiful."

"Thank you, sir"

"So the young Vampire?"

"Yes, we found her dead near our Coven. She was poisoned in a nasty way."

"She was poisoned? How do you know?"

Elias showed him the picture he had. Frank observed it. "Alright come in then."

Elias entered the cabin and there was nothing unique about it. Until he walked to a table that had pictures of what seemed like friends and family. There was a girl that looked familiar. She had raven black hair and violet color eyes and there was a boy next to her that must have been related because he had the same features. When he took a step back he bumped into Caleb. "Hey isn't that your sweetheart? Huh. What a coincidence." Elias knew there was something about her and it must be this. Her connection to two Vampire hunters. Frank cleared his throat. "Follow me." Frank led them to a back room. It was dark except for some candles lighting the room dimly. A big bed with a side table. The side table had a bowl of water on it and a rag next to it. You could hear labor breathing. When Elias looked at the bed there was a woman in it. A Vampire in it. She had big beautiful brown eyes and long brown hair. She bore a striking resemblance to Frank. "This is my daughter. I think she's been poisoned. She showed up at my door telling me that her mother had passed and she was my daughter. Then she fainted. By the looks of it seems like poison." Elias got closer and saw she had grey skin and open sores. It was exactly like the Vampire they found near their Coven. "We can take her to our Coven. We plan on catching who did this and bringing them to the High Priestress."

"Witches did this?"

"I'm not sure but if it's poison I'm sure they have a potion to help."

Frank made a small smile as he looked at her daughter.

"I believe that she's my daughter."

"Her mother is a Vampire. I loved her mother with all my heart. We had to break up because her father came over asking her to go back with him to marry a rich Vampire. She must have been pregnant at the time she left. I wish that she would've come back."

Frank wiped her forehead with a rag. Then dipped it in water.

Elias had never heard of a Vampire/Human relationship.

"What is her name?"


Elias knelt by the bed and made sure he was close enough to Kristina to ask his question.

"Do you know who did this to you?"

She shook her head.

"Were you kidnapped?"

In a raspy voice, she said "Yes."

"Do you remember anything even little that might've happened?"

"They threw me in a bath. It burns my skin."

Frank looked at Elias. "So it was Witches! Who has enough power to affect a Vampire's skin?"

Elias felt there was something wrong but the facts kept pointing to witches. He couldn't think of anyone else.

"We can't jump to conclusions now, Frank. We need proof."

"My daughter is proof!"

Kristina shifted and groaned.

"Are you okay my darling? Look she is starting to bleed from her eyes."

Elias looked and was disturbed.

"Do you know of any witches, Frank? We must get her help."

Frank nodded his head.

Frank and Elias left the room. Caleb followed behind them.

"Caleb start the car." Elias pointed at Caleb.


Frank was busy on the phone.

"Ok, I have a friend who can take Kristina now."

Frank ran back into the house.

Caleb stayed waiting at the wheel and Frank stood by the back door with the door open. Time passed. He knocked on the car top. "Caleb, I'm going to help Frank."


Elias went in and didn't see anyone. He walked to the back room and didn't see anyone. He heard some gurgling sounds. It was Frank on the floor choking on his blood. There was an open wound in his throat. The Vampire was sitting next to him. She was like a monster. She was growling. She was no longer a Vampire. Just a shell of her former self. She stood up and jumped at him. Her fangs were the largest he'd ever seen on a Vampire. She grabbed him and tossed him across the room.

"Ouch, shit."

He got up and tried to grab her. But it was no good. She jumped at him again. He caught her and snapped her neck.

Elias ran out to Caleb in the car. "I just killed Frank's daughter."

"Holy shit dude"

"She killed Frank. One minute she's dying. The next she's tossing me across the room." Elias was out of breath.

Caleb was understandably confused. "Caleb call Elder Natasha"

"What is she going to do?"

"She should know who to speak to. I'm not calling the police. They'll behead me."

Caleb nodded in agreement.

Caleb grabbed his cell phone and dialed Elder Natasha's phone. He explained what happened to Elias to her.

"Elias, Elder Natasha will be here soon. She's bringing the police, do not worry there are policemen on the force who are Vampires. They will sympathize with your situation."

Elias went and sat on the porch and he had his head down. He heard gravel moving and he saw from his level cars. When he looked up they were all police cars. Elder Natasha came out of one and immediately ran to Elias. "Are you okay?" She looked him over.

"Yes, I'm fine, and the police?"

"100% Vampire"

"And those people?" He looked at a group of men standing off in the corner watching them.

"They were friends with Frank. To add the current head Vampire was his nephew ."

Elias couldn't shake the feeling he had about Dew and Nate. It was probably safer to speak with Dew. She seemed a lot more patient with him. Her brother was unpredictable.

Caleb was speaking to the police and walked over to Elias. "They say we can head back to Sangre Culto. They don't want us going back to our own Coven because they plan on doing their investigation."