
Dark Force

Horu Askava is a little boy born in a little town with his father, he loved his dad more than anything and wanted to be like him. But everything changed on his birthday when he found a crystal on the ground that bonded with him. This is the story of how Horu goes through pain, love, action, adventure and many more to be the strongest fighter.

Hroda_Cornelius · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Dark Force (Chapter 13, Mystical Beings)

The boys entered the portal and started falling down from the sky, but they noticed that they were teleported to an unknown land filled with trees. Horu used his explosive fire to stop himself from hitting the ground whilst Bastra used his telekinesis to stop himself and Leeron.

Leeron: Where are we?

Bastra: I think, we're in the Mystic Plain....

A wide shot was then seen, with loads of animals in the trees and on the ground with the three boys standing there like little ants that just entered a large human house.

Horu: Large, very large....

Bastra: Are you scared?

Horu: No, no no, not at all, hehe (sweating profusely)

Leeron: Are you scared of large things Horu?

Horu: I ready said no, what are we going to do here anyway?


Horu: But I thought you guys also got the visions

Leeron: We did, but we thought you knew what we were going to do here.

Bastra: Oh I hate you guys do muchhhhh

Horu: Good thing is, we're all orphans hated by society 😁, so there's nothing we could've done anyway

Leeron and Bastra: Idiot...😑

Horu: Hmm, something just clicked, Shestoye Chuvstvo!!

Bastra: What's that?

Horu: It's a sort of hunting instinct, but I believe that since we've now broken through it should upgrade?

Leeron: Smart choice.

Horu then closed his eyes sensing the area around him, because the mystical energy in this realm was in abundance and because of their breakthrough, the skill worked way better than it was before.

He opened his eyes and his glowed red for a few seconds.

Horu: Let's go here, I sense people...

Bastra: People? there can't be anyone in this area, only those with the power of a Crystal can access this realm.

Horu: I never said they were human... but they're very far back so we have to hurry up.

Horu: A race?

Leeron: How can we race if we don't know where we're going😑

Bastra: Knucklehead..😑

Horu: Hehe sorry 😁, you guys have to follow me then. But I'll be taking it up a notch..

Leeron: Sure...

Horu activated his rage mode and added his instinct unto it. He then put his hands behind him and created a large explosion to boost him forward, the explosion was so powerful, that it almost destroyed the large 40-50m trees behind him. He was surprised at this power but excited at the same time making him think of what was going to happen if he reached the other locks.

Bastra followed behind Horu using his telekinesis to the max which made him keep up with Horu's speed, Leeron however couldn't keep up with their speed even though he was now as fast as a lightning strike but the others were about two times faster than that.

Leeron knew he was getting left behind and even though he was giving it his all, he dug deep and wondered why his crystal was so weak compared to the others. But after thinking of that, he realised that he wasn't using his abilities to the max.

Leeron: How could I forget about this? Lights Out!!

He then activated a whole new realm of speed, he realised that with this boost he could become way faster and even more powerful than the others.

Leeron: Watch out, I'm coming in!!

He then went all out and zoomed past Bastra and Horu, Horu saw this and saw it as a challenge, he started using more power in his blasts and Bastra just saw this as dumb

Bastra: I'll say it again and again, knuckle heads

Horu and Leeron smiled as they were racing ahead of Bastra.

Horu: Guys wait!

Leeron: Are we there?

Horu: It's right behind this bush, Let's go meet them🤓


Leeron: It's not a good idea to go there like that Horu

Horu: But we will anyway, I'm famished, thirsty and in a fighting mood

Bastra: This isn't going to end well...

Horu stepped out of the bush to meet these humanoid creatures, some had green skin whilst other had red skin, they had a sort of antenna on their head with a ball like tip, they were very tall and all had muscular builds even the females looked more buff than Horu.

The creatures were doing some sort of training with each other as if they were preparing for some sort of battle, then Horu came into the fray.

Horu: Hello! My name's Askava, We're from a very distant place and we're looking for someone.

Bastra: this boy's going to get us killed

Leeron: I'll go and get him.

Leeron went out and tried to make Horu stop what he was doing. But one of the creatures went closer to Horu and Leeron and thus provoked Bastra to come out as well just in case there was a fight about to occur.

Creature: Hello small people, we are the Gondura of the mystic plain, my name is Gundami, what are you doing here?

Bastra and Leeron were shocked because they thought that the creature was going to attack them but as usual Horu wasn't.

Horu: oh hello Gundami, I'm Askava as I said before.

Gundami noticed that Leeron and Bastra were still not convinced that they were good people so he shrunk himself to the height of Horu and so did the others behind him.

Horu: 😯cool ability you got there.

Gundami: Thank you very much Askava. Can you please tell your brothers to keep their guard down, I sense a bit of hostility in their aura.

Horu: What are you guys doing? these guys are definitely not bad calm down, you don't have to worry about it.

And out of nowhere, a Large Gondura warrior came around and asked what was going on at the area. It looked down at the others and decided to shrink itself as well.

Warrior: What are these things Gundami? They are not allowed in the training grounds!

Gundami: It's alright Genro, they are not here for war or battle

This Genro guy then went closer to Horu and they had a stare down, he looked straight in his eyes and looked behind Horu where Leeron and Bastra stood, he turned back as if he was going away but at very fast speeds he turned and delivered a punch to Horu sending him flying back against Leeron and Bastra.

Leeron and Bastra held Horu and got him up, Horu with his offensive nature went angry and activated his rage mode ability, his eyes glowed red and he went forward with fighting intensions against this Gondura.