
Dark Eye's

A World with Mysterious beast and Powers gifted from GODS.

LunaRenFA_11122 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
17 Chs

Chapter 15- A break

His phone rung on the corner of his bed. Half asleep he slowly turned his body around grabbing his phone. Seeing it was already pass twelve, he sighed and saw what the ringing was about, a text reading "Hey remember me! It's Tokume! Anyway, I wanted to ask if you were free today? If you are then wanna meet at the plaza?" It read.

He nervously chuckled.

"Shit…I sleep to long…" Shoyo replied back saying it out loud, "Sure…at what…time?"

An immediate ding came back to him, "Is an hour from now ok?"

"Welp she replies fast," He looked at the time once more seeing that an hour from now would be three, "Yeah sure, see ya there."

Another ding, "See ya!! (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ!"

Dropping the phone on his chest he started at the ceiling of his room not wanting to get up. Then knowing he already said yes, he rolled out of the bed, after awhile he finally got ready and put on his stitched up like clothing and his gloves. Heading downstairs he turned the nob of the door.

"Where are you going?" A voice of a women spoke out from the kitchen.

Turning his head, he smiled, "To meet with some friends."

Opening the door, he went out in the sunny sky. Time passed as he slowly made to the plaza to meet up with Tokume, reaching the plaza he looked around and saw Tokume standing near the fountain waving her hand at him. As the two walked over at each other they slapped each other's hand in the air as a greeting.

"Sup! How's it going?" Tokume smiled.

Shrugging his shoulders, he replied, "Eh nothing much, just practicing my ability's,"Tokume started to walk and Shoyo followed.

"what about you?"

"About the same, anyway you hungry?" Tokume asked.

Remembering that he didn't ate he replied with a yes, smiling she pointed, "Great! See that café? Let's get something over there."

"Uh alright but I forgot to bring my wallet…" He stated as they reached the doorstep.

Waving her hand, she replied, " Ah don't worry about that trust me. Come on let just go in."

Opening the door, they heard the ding of the bell, walls of black brick and the outline of white at the top and bottom. The name of "Break Time" was printed on the wall of black, multiple boofs with white leather cushions, tall chairs that stood next to the counters of a window, another countertop with a cash register on it and a guy wearing a black collar shirt taking payment from others.

Tokume grabbed Shoyos hand and walked over to a booth near a window. The two started to talk about things they enjoy going from games, movies, TV shows, anything they could say.

"Excuse me I'm very sorry to bother you but are you…ready…to order…." A familiar voice asked as her over the top cheery voice slowly died down.

"PPPPFFFTT!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! WHAT ARE YOU-OOF!!"Tokume was interrupted as she felt the hit of a fist on her head.

Shoyo did his absolute best holding back all of his laughter as he saw Hako in a maid outfit, looking towards Shoyo she stared at him with daggers noticing his puffed-up cheeks, "What you got something to say too?"

Quickly shutting his muffled giggles, he replied, "No-nothing at all…"

"Good. Now what are you two doing here?" Hako's attitude had a drastic change.

Rubbing the top of her head Tokume answered, "Ow did you have to hit me that hard? And were just here to hang out and I was wondering if wanted to join us."

Sighing Hako told them she'll be back, not long after she told Tokume to move using her hand as a signal, "Well I was able to go on break now…someone should take my place in a bit."

"Oh, ok cool!" Tokume said but covered her smile, "but I gotta say I didn't know you were into maid outfits."

Raising her fist she saw Tokume cover the top of her head only to put her hand down, "I'm not I just lost a bet that's all."

"You bet on things?" Tokume rested her chin on her hand.

"No but my coworkers kept bothering me, so I gave up and gave in." The annoyed look came over her face as she remembered.

"So what was the bet about?" Shoyo asked the question that was on Tokume's mind.

"One of my coworkers said they were gonna ask their crush out and everyone put a deal saying it will happen and I was the only one saying it won't. And well you can see it now." Hako explained.

"You doubted her that much?" Shoyo asked.

Hako shrugged her shoulders, "Hey someone has to see the reality…but guess reality got me…"

A waiter came over and hid her chuckle seeing Hako as she asked everyone what they wanted. Multiple answers came out from coffee, sandwiches, and a piece of cake. Then not long after their orders came to their table.

"Really cake in the morning?" Hako asked Tokume.

"What? Cake is awesome!" Tokume replied.

Going right back to a conversation Shoyo and Tokume continued as Hako slowly sipped her steaming coffee little by little. Hearing their conversation Hako's ears kept perking up here and there, Tokume took a notice and smudged a smile. Shoyo also took a noticed then looked at her.

"So, what are you into Hako?" Shoyo asked.

Hako brought her cup to her lip and spoke before drinking, "Eh not much I-."

"She reads fan fic's." Tokume interrupted.

Hako spat out her coffee and started to cough while holding her throat, "PPPFFTT!! What the hell!?," Then she smashed her hands on the table, "NO! WELL, KINDA BUT NO!"

"Aaahh so your one of those…" Shoyo teased.

"AAAAHH! No, it isn't what you think! Well, I-I don't know what you think it is but trust me!!" Hako begged showing a new side.

"No it's pretty much por-." Tokume was stopped as Hako grabbed a piece of her cake and stuffed it in her mouth.

Red from her ears all the way across her face she started to breath heavily then turned to Shoyo with teary eyes, "Please let me explain…"

Feeling bad he nodded. Wiping her hand on a napkin getting rid of the cream from the cake she started to explain, "Look it isn't what you think it is. Its just reading what other people can do with those characters like how creative they can get or make up their own alternate realities with it. Like there was one in the original story the ending was pretty bad, but one person decided to make their own ending and now a lot of people consider that persons ending other than the original." She tried to explain not even thinking about her words, "Tokume just thinks its…that… because she decided to read one and got unlucky."

"MfmfmMMM!!" Tokume tried to speak with the cake still in her mouth.

"Sallow before you speak!" Hako yelled out annoyed.

Doing as told she repeated, "It was pretty explicit in many-!" She was stopped as Hako placed another piece of cake in her mouth.

"Maybe I should try it then…got any recommendations? " Shoyo asked as he took a bite out of his triangular like sandwich.

In an instant Hako's eyes lit up as she pulled out her phone, "Mmfmfmmf." Tokume was already showing Shoyo, Hako's phone number and did the same to Hako.

"How many do you want, well actually what kind of shows?" Hako asked with her phone ready.

"Umm I don't really watch that much TV so a list would be cool." Shoyo stated.

Putting her phone way and said, "Sure I'll send you like five or so later."

Swallowing the piece of cake and blurted out, "Have you heard the rumors of a drug that can make your Halo Force stop working!"

"That should be impossible." Hako replied, "Halo Force is a part of life, if that is shut down then technically you should be dead."

"People say that it will shut down somewhere a part of a brain where you will forget how to use your Halo Force." Tokume kept adding on.

"Again, that shouldn't be possible." She repeated.

Tokume shrugged her shoulders, "Hey man I'm not the scientist here but it's fun seeing whatever people come up with."

A sudden vibration came from Shoyo's pocket interrupting the two sisters arguing. A text reminding him of something.

"What is it?" Hako asked as she was pulling Tokume's cheek.

Tucking his phone way, he replied, "I'm sorry I forgot that I had to do something today. So 'm going to have to go. Sorry"

Pulling Hako's and away Tokume spoke, "Nah you're good, sorry if I interrupted something."

"Don't be," He got up from both and started to walk to the door, "I'll see ya guys later."

The two just stared as he walked out of the café, not long after Hako stood up, "Well I gotta get back to work. What are you going to do now?"

"Hmmm…I don't know, I don't have work today…eh I'll figure something out!" Tokume took the last piece of her cake.

Picking up the plates she said, "Alright well whatever it is I'll see you at soon or at home."

Tokume gave a smile, "You know the maid outfit really fits you."

She wanted to say more but she was stopped as sweat ran down her head when she saw the trail of petals at her neck, "What was that?"


"That's what I thought."

As the petals disappeared, she laid her head back wondering what she was going to do next.