
Dark Eye's

A World with Mysterious beast and Powers gifted from GODS.

LunaRenFA_11122 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
17 Chs

Chapter 11- Get Up and Fight!!

Feeling something soft and comfy underneath and a warm but heavy piece of cloth on top of me, she opened her eyes to only stare at a celling of a light shade of gray. Turing her head to the side she saw Hako messing on her phone. Slowly bringing herself up Tokume felt the sides of her stomach aching and her body screaming, the soreness all around her kept her from getting out of the cloudy bed.

"Hey, take it easy you took a lot of those hits!" Hako walked over as she gave Tokume a bottle of water.

Taking the bottle of water, she took small sips, Hako studied her seeing her sister being more silent than before, "Hey don't let your loss get to you, you still did pretty good."

"Hm oh uh yeah don't worry about me I'm just thinking on how much I still need to go," Tokume immediately got rid of her sadden attitude, "and since when did you worry about me?"

Hako only took in a deep breath and let Tokume slide with that one, "Where's Shoyo?"

Hako pointed right behind her, Tokume looked where she pointed and saw Shoyo laying down on a bed, "What happened to you?"

"I got my ass kicked by that kid with different eyes."

"How did he do that."


"He was knocked out with a single punch right after the match started." Hako answered for him.

Instead of mocking him she left it alone and couldn't blame him that person is a force to reckon with, "So how long have I been out?"

"About probably 20 minutes but just in time for my fight. Which case pray for me because I'm going up against that pyromaniac." Hako felt a cold sweat go down her neck as she just thought about it.

Reaching out her tired arm she patted Hako's shoulder, "I'll start making arrangements for your funeral."


As the two laughed one of the people in the blue jacket went up to Hako saying they are calling for her. Feeling her legs start to quiver she took a deep breath and readied herself, waving to the two she walked out of the room. Tokume and Shoyo started at a T.V on the wall waiting in silence, before walking out of the darkness Hako looked at the palm of her hand and started to press on to it.

Whenever a sense of anxiety came over her, she always presses down the palm of her hand to calm her mind. Taking one last deep breath she exited out of the darkness and into the light.

As they meet in the middle Hisuku expression suddenly almost seemed hurt. Clicking his tongue, he turned his head to the side to avoid looking at Hako. She felt like she was being looked down on and hated it, but her fear was more overwhelming than her hate. As soon as Erics countdown stopped Hako used her petals to launch her back.

Not moving at all Hisuku spoke, "I'll give you a chance to back down. We both know you can't beat me."

"I can defiantly try."

The petals that Hako used earlier started to swarm around Hisuku putting him in a illusion, "That should by me some time, from his previous fight he should be a close combat so that means I just have to keep my dista-."

A sudden scorching heat went right past her head, the petals that surrounded Hisuku turned to ash as his lifted hand was covered in his blood red flame. Looking at the wall where his flame was aimed at,her face quickly turned into despair. The concrete wall was already falling apart, it only took two seconds for it to happen. Biting her lip, she looked back at Hisuku who started to walk towards her.

"Tch why did you have to look like her." Hisuku whisper to himself as he got closer.

Hako bit her lip to the point it started to bleed, then a blizzard of petals covered the entire arena. Heavily breathing she tried to gather her thoughts, but a small red spark came within the storm, the petals where instantly engulfed with his flames burning every single petal to nothing. A small flame left the top of Hisuku head then the next thing she knew was that he was right behind her.

A quick hit to the back of Hako's neck instantly knocked her out making her fall to the ground. Leaving her on the ground he walked away back towards the tunnel.

Opening her eyes, she realized she was in the same room as the two and on a bed next to Tokume, rubbing the back of her neck, looking at Tokume she had her head resting on her hand and said to Hako, "Hey you. You're finally awake. You're were trying to fight against-." Hako threw a pillow at Tokume's face interrupting her.

"Shut up." Hako fell back on the bed as the back of her neck started to ache.

Thinking back on the fight they had, well if you can even call it a fight, she remembered his behavior seemed strange but there was nothing she could do about it. She was sure if she asked him, he wouldn't give it another thought and killed her. Hearing Erics voice even from where they were it was loud a clear. Looking at the screen Tokume saw Fuyu come out of the tunnel and already they saw Hisuku come out again right after the last round from Hako's.

"Hey look its Fuyu!" Tokume pointed at the screen.


"It's the other new friend I made earlier today."

"Should've known."

As the two met in the middle Hisuku gave a large sigh, "I guess you just want to make more work for me."

"I'm not going back." Fuyu stated.

"Fine have it your way."

As soon as the count down stopped a wall of fire came underneath Fuyu, without hesitation she jumped right threw the flames with no sign of harm on her. Throwing two quick punches Hisuku effortlessly dodged all of them, bringing his knee up to her stomach she vanished out of sight. Pulling his hand out of his pocket he aimed behind him and sent a blast full of flames, appearing from behind him she saw the ball of flames come right at her. Rolling to the other side by a hair the flames missed her.

"I know how your ability works you know, and I know exactly how you fight," Hisuku talked as he predicted every move that Fuyu made, blocking, and sending attacks at her, watching her vanish, "to someone else they think of you as a teleporter but that's not exactly true. You mix most dark energy making you almost seem like some type of ghost."

Fuyu appeared right behind him throwing a punch only for it to be caught by his hand, he looked at her angered face and remembered, "Oh yeah that's right you hate to be called a ghost, what was it you called yourself a Phantom?"

"Shut up!" Fuyu yelled at him then her hand phased through his body.

"You can phase into or out of things or become invisible and sometimes fly or float in the air," Hisuku threw a kick behind him hitting Fuyu right on her stomach, "and during your phasing there's a three to four second window where your unable to phase out."

Falling on her knees the pain in her stomach was excruciating, it was only one simple kick, but it hit her like a truck. Being able to ignore the pain she phased through the floor and appeared from the opposite side of the arena.

"Who do you think helped you through your training." Hisuku appeared right behind Fuyu and punched her right on the cheek then a barrage of attacks hit her.

With a knee to the stomach, she spat out some blood, then a kick sent her flying, using her phasing she used it, so she doesn't hit the wall by not having any weight carry her. Coughing and coughing the wind was knocked out of her, using her invisibility she disappeared and wanted to take her time and recover.

Hisuku walked towards the middle of the arena and from the bottom of his boots a spiral of flames formed then quickly expanded to the edges of the wall, it was like a tornado of fire, it was impossible to see inside but for the audience the flames from the outside were warm. Fuyu started to cough heavily as she became lightheaded from every second as the scorching fire around her spun faster.

"Another thing about your ability. When you're not able to concentrate hard enough you can't keep up with your amount of mixing," Hisuku saw Fuyu become more visible as she feels on her knees, "so what if I used my fire to surround us? You start to lose oxygen and become lightheaded making you lose your concentration, not only that your lungs feels like they are burning."

As soon as her invisibility wore off, Hisuku kicked her in the head making her fall to the ground. Taking down the wall of flames, Fuyu grabbed her throat and gasped for air even though the burning sensation still lingered. With a foot covered in flames he struck her in the stomach another time sending her flying and hitting the wall. Falling to the ground she laid there as a little bit of blood ran down her eye and the cuts on her stung like a taser.

"I don't want to… I don't want to go back. I don't want to do this anymore," Tears ran down her face as she slowly pushed herself off the ground, "it's a living hell there. I won't go back to that life! I will make sure of it! That's why. That's why I have to fight! THAT'S WHY I HAVE TO GET UP AND FIGHT!"

"Our hands are stained with blood that we can't wash off," Hisuku was already in front of Fuyu, a sudden punch hit her in the stomach once again. A small burst of flames combusted behind her, the light in her eyes seemed to fade becoming blurry, "we can't escape that life, once we step in the darkness there is no hope of getting out."

Removing his hand, she fell on the ground, walking away he left her there on the ground. Then suddenly something weakly grabbed his ankle, turning around he saw it was Fuyu still hanging on a thread. Kicking her hand away he raised a single foot covered in flames, "Fine you want to be free so bad, I'll set you free."

As she saw the flaming foot come down upon her, she softly smiled and closed her eyes. Waiting for the moment to come nothing happened, opening her eyes she saw the boy with the different eyes to her side. Kotsu' foot was underneath Hisuku's foot holding it up.

"What the hell you think you are doing you. This has nothing to do with you."

"You're taking it too far. A fight is supposed to be fun and fair, what you are doing is the opposite of that." Fuyu was barely able to hear with her ears ringing but the next thing she knew was that she was far away from the two.

Slowly turning her head, the last thing, she saw was Tokume's worried face then she blacked out. Tokume's body was aching and screaming with pain from all the moving she did to get to her, her Halo Force seemed to go down dramatically but it didn't matter, waving her hand she covered water all over Fuyu's body to try and help her with the pain.

Smiling Hisuku removed his foot and asked Kotsu, "Hey cross eye prick did you make it to the finals?"


"How many rounds do you have left?"

"One last one."

"Great you seem interesting," Hisuku started to walk to the tunnel in front of him passing by Kotsu, "don't lose because I want to burn you to ash."

As he vanished in the dark Kotsu ran over to where Tokume and Fuyu were, asking if she was okay Tokume shook her head said that she needs to be healed right away. Taking a quick noticed Mia appeared to the next to them and said she will take care of it. Asking where she is taking her, Mia replied with to the infirmary because she with her ability she can easily make it there in no time. Nodding her head, the two instantly vanished.

Turning to Kotsu Tokume asked him, "Are you really gonna fight that monster?"

"Well, I have no choice and plus he seems like a challenge," He smiled but she could feel inside him that he was hiding his anger, "anyway what about you? You seemed pretty beat up you sure you should be moving a whole lot right now?"

Feeling the pain go through her she wished he didn't mention it, "It hurts but I can handle it. Anyway, I should go good luck on your match."

As they she walked to the tunnel, she turned around saying one last thing, "Hey kick his ass for us!"
