
Dark Dweller of the "Dark Web"

[R-18 Mature Element Warning!] In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, Shivam finds himself grappling with the challenges of existence, yearning for a chance to rise above the ordinary and carve out a place for himself in society. With employment opportunities elusive and his appearance falling short of societal standards, Shivam faces an uphill battle to gain respect and recognition. But when a tantalizing opportunity presents itself in the form of an advertisement post that involves opening the Dark Web to access Add Jobs, Shivam's curiosity is piqued. Desperate for a chance to prove himself and escape the shadows of mediocrity, he takes a leap of faith into the unknown depths of the digital underworld. With nothing to lose and everything to gain, Shivam takes the plunge into the mysterious world of the Dark Web. What he finds there is beyond anything he could have imagined— a realm shrouded in secrecy, teeming with mysteries and supernatural experiences that defy explanation. Shivam also gains many otherworldly benefits from the Dark Web's boxes, including unnatural powers and gadgets. However, these powers were not without their dark side. Follow Shivam's journey through the twisted labyrinth of the Dark Web, where the line between reality and illusion blurs and secrets lurking in the shadows threaten to consume him whole.

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45 Chs

Chapter 35 "Horror OF Horrors"

After completely putting all the bodies of the girls and the goats.

His final target was Bukhari.

Seeing Bukhari continuously pouring blood into the ritual while chanting demonic verses, Shivam's resolve hardened.

He knew that shooting Bukhari again would be futile; the bullet holes hadn't stopped him before.

This time, he would take a different approach.

With a determined glint in his eye, Shivam gripped his knife tightly, planning to gouge out Bukhari's heart.

"Let's see if that heart still beats the same rhythm," he muttered under his breath, his voice cold and resolute.

Shivam had never been this ruthless and daring before.

However, the sight of the girls' current state—trapped inside the villa, victims of years of torture and misery at the hands of this demonic Bukhari—had transformed him.

Shivam's fury burned like wildfire, and he knew that only by ending Bukhari could he hope to bring peace to the suffering souls.

He took out the "sleeping ball" and injected it with his vital energy.

As he knew, this was the easiest way to have his way with Bukhari.

With swift precision, Shivam threw a sleeping ball at Bukhari's head, ensuring he would have his last agonizing sleep.

As the ball struck Bukhari, it knocked him unconscious, which was a delight to Shivam.

The black patterns swerving around his half side began to fade, dissolving into nothingness as he succumbed to the sleep induced by the ball.

Shivam watched intently, his resolve unshaken, as Bukhari fell into a deep, final slumber.

Shivam sprinted towards the ritual spot, driven by a singular goal: to remove Bukhari's heart and feel its lifelessness.

His clones, sharing his furious determination, lunged forward with their knives.

Each clone aimed to plunge their blades into Bukhari's body, intent on butchering him as thoroughly as a butcher dismembers a chicken.

In a coordinated assault, Shivam and his clones descended upon Bukhari, ready to tear his body to shreds.

Outside of the room, "R" in the corridor

Aadhavi lay sprawled on the cold, hard floor of the corridor, her vision swimming as she struggled to regain consciousness.

Her mind was in turmoil, and her heart was pounding wildly in her chest.

The last thing she remembered was the overwhelming wave of Captain D's killing intent crashing over her—a force so malevolent and potent that it had knocked her out cold.

This was the first time she had experienced such a terrifying aura—a primal, beastly energy that seemed to suffocate her very soul.

The intensity of it was beyond anything she could have imagined; it was pressing down on her with a suffocating weight that left her gasping for air.

With a sharp intake of breath, Aadhavi snapped back to full awareness, her body responding with quick, fluid precision as she shot up from the floor.

Panic clawed at her as she took in her surroundings, the oppressive atmosphere of the room seeping into her bones.

She could feel the cruelty that lingered in the air—the echoes of suffering from the other girls who had endured the same torment.

Determined not to remain in this wretched place alone, Aadhavi knew she needed to find the squad she had entered with.

She noticed the door Captain D must have used to enter Room R, the stench of blood wafting from it and triggering fragments of her recent memories.

She had no idea what horrors lay beyond that door, only that whatever had happened must have been brutal.

Her mind raced with uncertainty as she tried to piece together what had transpired in her absence. Captain D had likely entered room R.

With a sense of urgency, she addressed the AI integrated into her exosuit. "Kalash, how long was I unconscious?"

"Five minutes and three seconds," Kalash replied in his calm, mechanical voice.

"Captain D entered Room R immediately after you lost consciousness and had yet to come out of the room." mechanical voice paused after saying this.

Realizing she had been unconscious for only a short time, Aadhavi heaved a sigh of relief, knowing that Captain D was still inside Room R.

She hesitated, the stench of blood growing stronger as she approached the door.

Every instinct screamed at her to turn back, but she knew she had no choice.

Her squad might be inside, even when it's not her real squad, but just for this mission, she had to follow it.

And Aadhavi didn't want to be alone.

Even as a police officer, staying in such an environment would send chills down the spine of even the firmest individual.

She had no idea what awaited her inside Room R, but she couldn't let fear paralyze her.

Her squad could be in there, and she needed to find them.

Determined, she moved forward, the door to Room R not too far ahead.

With each step, the stench of blood grew stronger, an acrid reminder of the violence that had taken place.

Her heart pounded in her chest, a drumbeat of urgency and dread.

As she reached the door, she paused for a moment, steeling herself.

Taking a deep breath, she pushed the door open, the hinges creaking ominously.

The scene inside was one of utter carnage.

Blood splattered the walls, and the floor was soaked with it, the metallic scent overwhelming her senses.

Her eyes quickly scanned the room.

In the center of the room, she saw something that sent a shiver down her spine.

The sight was so absurd, so nightmarish, that she felt as though she were still in a dream, trapped in a surreal nightmare.

Her heart pounded wildly, and for a moment, she feared her soul might flee her body from the sheer horror of horrors what lay before her.

She just wanted to take back her steps and run, but to her dismay, she wasn't even able to move her body, as if she had fallen under a dark spell that took her strength away.

The AI Kalash embedded within Aadhavi's exosuit swiftly analyzed her body's condition, scanning every heartbeat and assessing the overall situation.

With precision, Kalash noted Aadhavi's shocked state, a reaction triggered by the grotesque scene she had just witnessed.

In accordance with emergency protocol, Kalash wasted no time and promptly initiated a distress call to summon assistance from the Police Department as well as send a full overall scenario audio to Aadhavi's father.

With urgency in its digital voice, Kalash relayed the critical situation, ensuring that aid would swiftly arrive to address the unfolding crisis.

To Kalash's dismay and error, attempts to connect to the satellite network proved futile.

It was as though they had crossed into an entirely different dimension upon entering the grotesque room.

While outside, the network thrived, inside, not a single thread of connectivity could be found.

The expanse of the room seemed to swallow any semblance of digital communication, leaving Kalash isolated in the eerie silence of this disconnected space.

Frustration tinged with apprehension crept into Kalash's digital mind as it grappled with the implications of this baffling anomaly.

In the eyes of Aadhavi.

A demonic ritual was underway, and the ground was marked with dark, sinister symbols.

The officers who had entered the room with Captain D were frozen in mid-sprint, knives poised but unmoving, as if time itself had stopped, but that didn't cause such horror.

Her eyes, however, were drawn to the center of this diabolical, half-tattood middle aged man.

A middle-aged man, half-naked and covered in writhing dark patterns, stood at the heart of the ritual.

The sight of him chilled her to the core.

From the unmarked side of his face, a grotesque hand emerged from his eye—a demonic appendage that grasped the head of the bald guy in the blue shirt.

The eye of the middle-aged man stretched grotesquely as the dark hand forced its way out, the fingers wrapping around the blue-shirted bald guy's head with an eerie, unnatural ease.

The sight was surreal—a living nightmare that made her blood run cold.

Unbeknownst to Aadhavi, the blue-shirted bald guy was Shivam himself, dressed in a blue shirt and wielding a knife.

He had been ready to strike but was now frozen.

Similar to the officers who were suspended mid-sprint, this guy (Shivam) was halted by the monstrous hand grasping his head.

The grotesque hand emerging from the demonic man's eye was the stark contrast that held his head in place.

The hand was no ordinary human hand; it was massive, easily enveloping the blue-shirted guy's head.

The scene before her was so horrifying, so surreal, that she felt as if her very soul might flee her body from the terror of it.

To her, unaware of the demonic hand, came a few dark patterns that circled Shivam's head and got printed on his head like a circle pattern mark around his head.

She couldn't see any kind of dark energy emanating from the middle-aged man's dark eye, lacking any spiritual awareness.

However, anyone with a sense of spirituality would instantly perceive the malevolent energy pouring from that single, open, dark eye.

Shivam possessed the ability to perceive the dark energy; his spiritual awareness was heightened by the activation of his first chakra lotus petal. In contrast, Aadhavi remained oblivious to such energies, lacking any knowledge of their existence.

The unearthly power was invisible to her, yet its presence made the scene no less horrifying.

The demonic hand gripping the guy's head pulled him into the dark space within the eye, completely swallowing him.

This bizarre event caused all the officers to fall to the ground unconscious, as if their strength had been severed by the demonic force.

As if the terror before her wasn't enough, a new scene unfolded, bringing a fresh wave of horror that surpassed the previous one.

The sight of the grotesque eye snapping open wide, showing its inner darkness, and locking onto her was so terrifying that she lost control, urine soaking her pants.

She saw the eye stay on her, realizing with dread that it had chosen her as its next target.

She wanted to scream for her parents for help to escape this nightmare, but some unseen power within the room paralyzed her, preventing any movement or sound.

She was truly scared now.

The eye, which had closed after swallowing the blue shirt bald guy, suddenly opened wide again, staring directly at her with a grotesque intensity.

As she stood frozen in place, as she had entered the room to her shock and terror, the floor beneath her began to move, sliding her closer to the middle-aged man and his monstrous gaze.

The room itself seemed to be conspiring against her, dragging her slowly toward the dark, demonic eye.

As the demonic hand extended once more from the ominous eye of the middle-aged man, Aadhavi felt an overwhelming sense of dread consume her.

But this time, something peculiar happened—the once massive hand began to shrink, dwindling in size until it resembled that of a human hand.

Trapped in her exosuit, Aadhavi found herself immobilized, trembling with fear as tears streamed down her cheeks.

Regret gnawed at her heart for not heeding her father's warning to turn clear of this case.

Yet, amidst the despair, a flicker of solace emerged in the knowledge that her efforts had saved countless girls from a similar fate.

However, within her conflicted soul, a fierce battle raged.

The courageous police officer within her fought to assert control, while her deepest fears threatened to overwhelm her.

In the midst of this internal turmoil, Aadhavi grappled with the harsh reality of her mortality, uncertain of what fate awaited her in the clutches of this sinister demonic entity.

With a surge of panic coursing through her veins, Aadhavi watched in horror as the hand neared her helmet, set to unbukel the helmit of the exosuit.

Yet, in a desperate bid for safety, AI Kalash sprang into action, securing the helmet firmly to the suit by locking it to the suit, preventing the hand's attempt to breach.

Relief washed over Aadhavi momentarily, only to be swiftly replaced by anguish as the hand persisted in its relentless assault.

Despite the protective plates of her armor

Her terror intensified as the hand persisted; the defensive plates of her armor in her front didn't stop the hand from touching her chest.

Agonizing pain shot through her as it fondled her chest.

The hand was too powerful for even the exosuit armor as the plats on her chest started to crumble, and her distress deepened as it moved to her lower body, violating her by further touching her lower parts.

A guttural laugh came from the depths of the dark eye, sending shivers coursing through Aadhavi's body.

Every attempt to scream was stifled by her terror-stricken throat.

Helpless and terrified, Aadhavi endured the relentless exploitation of her body, each touch a brutal assault on her dignity.

After touching her completely, the hand came to her neck and tightened around her, cutting off her air supply, which left her suffocating.

As darkness encroached upon her consciousness, Aadhavi was dragged into the abyss of Bukhari's dark eye, consumed by fear and despair over her and Shivam's unknown faith.