

Pyramid_Gentleman · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Chapter seven: Help!

You find yourself in between the state of being awake and unconscious, switching from both back and forth, you don't know what's happening, but then after a while you gain full consciousness from the really loud sounds and see a lot of those bad guys or bandits having a party, you are not sure as you have never seen one only heard what they look like from Destiny, you are held up dangling by you arms, it really hurts but that doesn't matter right now, you ask them where is Destiny as you remember she went in before you and you fear what they could have done to her, then they stop making the super loud noises and all look at you, one of them with big round glasses on his eyes that cover it all even from the sides says, "Oh so your finally awake sacrifice, we are happy to see you die", as you know you can't die if you wanted so you ask him again where is Destiny, he looks at you in the eyes then punches you and tells you to never tell him what to do, while you are spinning you take a pike at the other bandits and see Destiny, you surprised but not fully as she killed you twice now, but unlike the other bandits she looks sad, right now your getting mixed signals and don't know what to do so you scream to her, "Destiny l am so glad you ok", as you know you can live even though you might get killed but you don't know what happens with other people even is you go back. She looks at you with a look of surprise and even more sadness, it seems she might has done this without her consent and was forced, but out of nowhere you her the glasses guy say eyes up here before kneeing your face, you don't care about the pain as it's only temporary so you look at him and say, "Well l am a sacrifice huh, well get it over with but, don't l at least get an explanation for what's going on", he punches you again and says to only speak when spoken too but out of mercy he will tell, "You are one of the five holder you see and if you die the black cloud might just favour use like it did to the other right men", the other people started yelling after that, you don't under stand anything and have no way to escape so you just are waiting to die, then he says, "And we couldn't do it without you little Destiny who knows what her destiny is right", Destiny nods but you know that, that was a forced nod, you don't know what he meant by that but remember what she said to you about her sword and how it is suppose to guide her to her destiny, can you even escape this or has this become your fate and hers too, then you hear her lips the word, I am sorry, but glasses guy sees her and punches her saying that she isn't allowed to lips anything without permission, you are made by just imaging what she went through all this time with these decussating people, then glasses guy says she brought the mood down and how he was planning to torcher you to get more favours but he's too down to do it, what a bastard, then someone brings him a small loud shooter that hurted you a few days ago you figure it can kill you and relieved it's over and you can start again till he tells you to say you last word and you have permission to say them, that scum. "Destiny I know you wont remember this but l will save you from these bastards no matter wha-", you said before he killed you, it seems he didnt even let you say you last words.