
Dark Dragon

The world is doomed to fall to the Drogs. Evil supernatural beings who even magic can't easily kill. A man decides to unearth a past terror. The dark dragon. But will the new addition to earth army be enough.

TomzyGabs19 · Fantasía
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19 Chs

Issue 9: Dim Roselei 2

The warlocks engaged the Drogs in battle and were winning. This was easy for them. The high order of warlocks were putting the Drogs to flight. Agatha was in the kingdom alongside other warlocks fighting some tough Drogs. Then the leader of the Drogs appeared. He was extremely powerful and squashed many of the warlocks. He was in the area of Diva and team and they rushed to stop him. The seven some began their battle with Drakon the leader of the Drogs. They had an edge against him until he used his magic. Dark fire manipulation. His fire burnt up the ground leaving scorch marks. The seven some evaded the fire but they couldn't evade forever.

Unknown to Diva, Hyro created a strong water shield capable of resisting fire. When he looked back to check for his team he saw them in a dome like shield. He banged it hard begging to be let in. He then saw the evil smiles on their faces, these people truly hated him. He wiped a tear out of his eyes and dashed to the king of the Drogs. Drakon grabbed Diva squeezing the life out of him. He managed to wiggle out of the big hand. "YOU SCUM! You bastards, just watch I will defeat him." Diva calmed himself and jumped high over Drakon. "Flower manipulation magic: Flower pricks! Die beast!"

From the earth, flowers appeared turning into spears driving themselves into Drakon's body. He howled in pain. "Flower bind!" Plants rose up from the floor and became very strong as they wrapped around Drakon squeezing him tightly. "Now it is over. Flower manipulation magic: Poison plants!" From the plants in Drakon's body, poison seeped into his body system and a huge mark showed on his chest. Poison mark. He sent dark flames to Diva who wasn't quick to evade and he got burnt up to charred pieces. Darkon touched his chest in pain, he howled and all the Drogs went away for that time till Drakon's body got better.

The warlocks came out of the shield and went to the burnt body. ''Tch! We had no chance to beat him, instead of the fool to run. He deserved what he got." Hyro said.

"Say that again and I will murder you!" Dim Roselei was suddenly in their midsts as he went to his father weeping over his body. He had seen everything that had happened but didn't want to come out so as not to hold his father back but he regretted not coming out to help out a bit.

"I won't allow cowards insult my father like that. My father trusted you, happy that he was teamed with people from his village. He wouldn't have accepted if only he knew that they were wolves in sheep clothing."

"He saw everything, let's kill him." Luriel suggested angrily. "Yes." They all agreed. Dim wasn't interested in them, he was angry at what they allowed to happen to his father and now they wanted to kill him to erase all evidence. Their deaths wouldn't be too classy.

"Combination magic: Elemental death wolf." They chanted putting their spells together to form a deadly elemental beast to destroy Dim. He rose angrily. "Energy manipulation magic: Absorber." A spectral form appeared and swallowed up their magic. Dim raised his hands. "Energy field!" A magic circle of thirty- six sides appeared holding the men down. Dim threw energy blasts at them and the men began to dry up. Their energy got sucked into the circle and the blasts were also draining their energy and they dried up to death. Dim wept in pain and teleported back home to tell his family but they were no more. The Drogs had entered the city killing everyone before their master was defeated, Only Dim's sister was alive as she was protected by their mother and siblings. The elder siblings had caved a path for her to run and they were killed by the Drogs. Dim exploded in pain destroying the house to mere bricks. He grabbed his sister and they both wept.