
Dark Dragon

The world is doomed to fall to the Drogs. Evil supernatural beings who even magic can't easily kill. A man decides to unearth a past terror. The dark dragon. But will the new addition to earth army be enough.

TomzyGabs19 · Fantasía
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19 Chs

Issue 7: What Now

The trio walked out of the palace, Dim in a gloomy mood, while Darkon was smiling mischievously.

They got to Dim's palace and everyone rushed out to greet him but were put off by Darkon's aura. Darkon reduced his aura.

A short woman wearing a house maiden's dress walks over to Dim. "My lord. Who is this foul being?" Dim threw caution to the wind as he replied her. ''Darkon, the dark Dragon.'' "Dragon, do they still exist, I thought they went extinct five hundred years ago." A girl close to Dim's age walks out of a room and everyone left to do whatever they were doing. Leaving Darkon, Dim, Conrad, the girl and a boy near her, probably her private servant.

Darkon looked at the beautiful girl and his heart missed a beat. She had golden hair, blue eyes which had kindness and love, a pointed nose on par with her oval face. She was dressed in royal apparel. She pushes her hair back.

"Come on, let's talk in my room. Don't let me keep you on your feet." Her room was artistically arranged. It was in a rectangular shape and adorned with various flowers, decorations and dolls. Dim grimaced as he saw the dolls.

"Taneera, I thought we agreed on no dolls. You are eighteen years old for crying out loud. Anyway who is he?" He said pointing to the boy near her

"His name is Gariel and he uses solar manipulation magic." She replied. Dim face was a shocked one. "Uh?" This was news to him as he thought only the king could use it since it was very rare, well his magic was also rare but what did that have to do with the both of them being together. As if reading his mind Taneera answered.

"Yes brother and we are developing our skills together or should I say, I am training him."

"And how old is he, that he can not train himself?" Dim asked. "He is nineteen and hold up, yes he can train himself but I love him. Don't talk yet, yes I love him and I am ready to fight for our love even against you brother." Dim chuckled. "With your undeveloped light magic, you wouldn't last a second against me." "You would be surprised, now excuse us we are going to train." She dragged Gariel and pursued Dim and his entourage out. Gariel bowed to apologize and followed after Taneera to the training grounds.

"Hmm fiesty, she had a fiery temper, she should have inherited the fire magic." Darkon said chuckling. "The king said no, so what now?" He sighed and faced Darkon who was barely listening.