
Dark Dragon

The world is doomed to fall to the Drogs. Evil supernatural beings who even magic can't easily kill. A man decides to unearth a past terror. The dark dragon. But will the new addition to earth army be enough.

TomzyGabs19 · Fantasía
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19 Chs

Issue 3: A Deal Forged- Oath Made

Dim chanted a spell and the chains fizzled out and Darkon, now known by his shape opened up his red glowing red eyes. He flew up in speed as if to stretch his frame and this was probably true as he was in an enveloped form for a thousand years. He roared loudly and a ball of dark flame escaped his mouth and he began to sniff.

"I smell humans." He said in a voice which sent ripples into the clouds. "Great one we need you."

Dim said bravely.

Darkon looked down and saw two tiny things like hummingbirds. He landed sending rocks flying and his tail destroying the beautiful plains. Conrad was already shivering like a chicken which was wet.

Darkon growled angrily sensing the massive powerful magical energy coming from the young man who seemed not to fear him. He was surprised his dark and massive aura had no effect on this man, but his companion was already a human chicken.


"Oh can you reduce your voice, it's threatening to make my ears fall off.'' Dim replied calmly.

Darkon was shocked, many humans, monsters, warlocks and even the sorcerer supremus trembled just by his voice and a boy just politely asked him to shut up. Though not directly but those words had an indepth meaning, he the most powerful being ever.

He growled angrily and put his hands together conjuring a giant dark plasma ball, he sent it to Dim, Conrad was shivering frightfully.

Dim smiled. Energy Manipulation Magic: Absorber." Dim chanted and raised his hands and a spectral form appeared and swallowed the blast. Darkon and Conrad were agape. Conrad had never seen Din cast a spell like that. "Fine, what do you want?" Darkon asked gently.