
Dark Dragon

The world is doomed to fall to the Drogs. Evil supernatural beings who even magic can't easily kill. A man decides to unearth a past terror. The dark dragon. But will the new addition to earth army be enough.

TomzyGabs19 · Fantasía
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19 Chs

Issue 13: Darkon's Story

"You are creepy man and here I thought you would have been an innocent one." Dim interrupts and burst into laughter.

"Can You Not Stop Getting In The Way Of A Good Story?" Agatha replied with a loud voice and Dim gave her a puppy look. "She is a scary one." Darkon thought and chuckled. "Moving on. After the days activities, I went to my room to read the book…..''


He opened the book and was awed by everything he saw in it. Demons, dark dragons, giants, orcs, goblins, ghosts and many other dark creatures. He leafed through the pages and a topic showed bright on his face. Dark Magic and Manipulation. His eyes glued to it and he read it. 'All here are confirmed and true, for your safety you must be a warlock strong enough to get this power. An ordinary warlock or human would die to the power and dark beings would come into the world. You will make a sacrifice of something dear to you before you can obtain any of the powers in this section, if you still want to go on, open to the next page.' He gulped and opened to the next page. An header with title 'Rituals' was revealed. He looked behind him and nobody was at his back. Using his powers he created snow men to act as his spies and alert him if anyone came awake.

"Hmm something dear to me will have to go. In that case I will relinquish my snow magic. It's useless after all." He then chanted the spell he saw in the ritual section. "Dark, night, moon, sun, light, demon dwellers, demon conjurers, bear witness and take my snow ability away, cursed mark appear, show forth, take this body as yours, good begone, evil in dwell in this feeble body of mine, arise dark forces, trade your body for mine, I choose to be a dark warlock."

Suddenly his heart beat loudly, a black smoke entered into him and a red x mark appeared on his forehead spreading all over his body. He couldn't scream as his tongue had been burnt up, smoke came out from all parts of his body. His skin cracked and his body changed shape. He became more muscular and a red mark appeared on his forehead burning him and when the pain and mark were gone two dragon horns sat atop his forehead. His eyes glowed red and had a reptilian form and he spat fire.