
Dark Dragon

The world is doomed to fall to the Drogs. Evil supernatural beings who even magic can't easily kill. A man decides to unearth a past terror. The dark dragon. But will the new addition to earth army be enough.

TomzyGabs19 · Fantasía
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19 Chs

Issue 12: Darkon's Story

Darkon woke to a sweet aroma and stood from a chair he was paid down on. He saw Agatha and Dim drinking tea. Conrad was yawning tiredly. "Perverted dragon, you are awake, I guess I got you good." Agatha mocked. Darkon shrugged. "I lost my guard and my you are really strong. Can I drink tea please?" He replied in a calm tone.

"I didn't know you were capable of being polite. Anyway care to share your story as we drink." Agatha replied and Darkon shrugged his shoulders as he collected the cup of tea, took a sip and began.


"I was born to a family of smiths before they became chefs, my name was Mico Trevor and I used snow manipulation magic before dabbling into the dark arts...

Darkon had no friends back in his days until he met one. Azrael Drakeshire. Darkon had unloving parents who were disgusted by him. He had low mana and could barely produce new spells. He was always beaten for any little mistake, starved and sleep deprived as punishment. He was mocked but in all maintained a cheerful demeanor, especially when he was with Azrael. He sneaks out to train and play with Azrael. Gradually he grew and developed new spells. But he couldn't meet up yet with his only friend and rival.

"One of these days, I will grow and become more powerful than you. Humph maybe even become the Sorcerer Supremus.

"Not going to happen pal, I will become the Sorcerer Supremus." Azrael retorted and they went their separate ways. All the mistreatment he gets didn't matter to him because he now had a goal and someone to look up to, he now had a rival he could train with until the day he got dark magic.

It was a sunny afternoon and Darkon was busy working as usual.

A man called to him. "Hey Mico chant your calming spell." He grumbled inwardly but obeyed. "Snow Manipulation Magic: Amazing Calming Frost." The man grunted satisfactorily as Darkon's spell worked his way into his system. Darkon began clearing dishes when he saw a book titled.

'Dark Arts Technique', he took it and hid it in his overall.