
Dark Dragon

The world is doomed to fall to the Drogs. Evil supernatural beings who even magic can't easily kill. A man decides to unearth a past terror. The dark dragon. But will the new addition to earth army be enough.

TomzyGabs19 · Fantasía
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19 Chs

Issue 11: Perverted Dragon

She punched him hard on the stomach sending him flying to the sky and landing on the ground with a thud, dust and sand flying up and a piece of ground cracked. "PERVERT!" She yelled as she covered her breasts with her arms. She angrily dashed to him dishing him with punches which he didn't parry as her breasts bobbled as she punched him. He sighed contentedly. He had a nosebleed. "Punch me more, oh I could die romantically by your strong hands. Show me more." She punched him hard and knocked him out cold. He had a smile on his face.

Then she faced Dim. "And who might this your new friend be, Dim?" Dim had a fearful look on his face. Agatha was strong as ever. And scary to boot. "My love..Oh crap.. I mean my lady…" He stammered. "Has he infected you with perversion?'' She asked smiling mischievously. She knocked his head and he was out.

Conrad woke up and saw what happened. "Another pervert. What's wrong with boys of this days." He began to shiver. "Flame manipulation magic: flaming carpet."

A flaming carpet appeared and carried the duo inside the house. Conrad followed meekly. She sensed a figure who hastily tried to erase his energy, she smiled and entered into the house with Conrad.


The figure sighed as he felt Agatha's eyes leave him. "Thank the demons she didn't see me. She really is good at sensory perception." The figure is donned in black clothing which had a hood which covered his face revealing his red eyes. His right hand holds a sickle and he has a pair of black combat boots. The hood comes off and horns are seated on his forehead.

"The dark dragon is back, finally the end of the world is at hand. Once we get his powers, we of the Demon Guild shall free our master to destroy creation." He said in an evil tone as his red eyed glowed with pleasure.

"I will report back to the guild, in the mean time, I will call some of us to come apprehend him. Chaos is coming soon. Our master's awakening is no more an impossible dream." After this he vanished in a puff of black smoke.