
Preface: The beginning

As Queen Lisa and her twin sister Amira were sitting in the garden, next to a big cherry tree. Amira looked at her sister Lisa and said, "Lisa have you ever thought that your husband doesn't love you?" Lisa sighed at the question and continued to stare out into the distance. When she looked back to her sister and said, "I do love my husband, and he loves me. But some of the nobles have been pressuring him to take a concubine or two, to help give him heirs to the throne. But little do they know. Is that I am pregnant with his children. And my husband will never take anyone as his concubine." She looked up to the tree and raised her hand towards it saying, "This cherry tree is proof he is keeping his promise, and our love will last forever." Lisa stood up from the ground and touched the tree where her and her husband (Maxie) initials were engraved. 

Lady Amira was hoping to see her twin sister Lisa in despair and heartbreak. For she was questioning her sister's husbands' faith and their love. She then said, "You act as if he would never hurt you! Did you forget what he did to our mother's boy-toy? He could have killed him! If you didn't stop him, who knows what would have happened. And now our mother hates us because of your husband! Come on Lisa!! You know for a fact you hate him for that, and now you are having this monster's brood? He has no love for our family?!"

Anger started to rise in Lisa like a tidal wave as she walked over to her sister and slapped her face, before she said, "My husband is not a monster as you claim!! Mother's toy is the reason why I had to step in front of my adorable husband Maxie and him. Because our mother's boy-toy Jasa was planning on killing me with a poisoned knife. A knife that never should have been made Amira! It could have been you or our mother who had gotten stabbed! Making it where you would never be reincarnated, with that type of poison, Amira. He was lucky that I did stop Maxie from killing him. Especially if you attacked another kingdoms' Queen and the mate of The Silver Elven King. If mother hates us that is not my husband's fault. He fights for what he believes in, and what he holds dear. He would protect his family and his loved ones, and yes, I will be having my husbands' children! I don't care if it means being disowned by mother. I will stand at my husband side no matter what might happen in the future. I don't hate my husband. In fact, he opened my eyes on how toxic Jasa is and I will never be around him or have that toxicity around my children. If I were you Amira, I would drop the subject, at hand right now." Lisa said the last part softer than the first, with hurt in her eyes. 

Amira put her hand to her cheek, as she glared at her twin sister, and said, " How dare you slap me! If I was...." Amira suddenly stopped talking and grasped at her chest. Feeling like something is off with her husband, it was not a good feeling. It felt like something dark was taking over his body. She could feel him heading their way. She turned to Lisa, saying " Lisa, I am sorry for saying that but, right now we need to leave here. Now!" She takes her sister's hand, taking her to the Rose Garden where she knew her sister was going to be safer. 

Lisa let Amira take the lead for some reason and she thought it was odd because Amira apologized for talking shit about her husband. She did love her sister dearly. When Lisa was about to say something, she turned her head to see that Amira's husband was running after them with his mind set on murdering one of them. Lisa looked back at her sister with confusion on her face and said, " Why are we running away from your husband Amira?" 

Amira's heart was racing. She was silent as she was trying to use her special ability to talk with fay of the rose garden, to help her keep the queen safe. But she was not getting any response from them, so she took her sister there. Because the Rose Garden would protect anyone from danger, as long as they do not do harm to the Garden. She knew the garden will protect them. 

She stopped for a short breath and looked around when her husband tried to contact her telepathically trying to track them down. She touched the ground to see how far he was, but there was a lightning bolt thrown at her, and she cursed to herself, and said, " I am sorry Lisa, but I have to put you in this tree for time being to keep you safe from my husband he is wanting to kill you." 

Amira knocked on the great white tree three times, and the tree opened its trunk and pushed her twin in the tree and knocked on it again but this time it was different from her first knocks. It was two knocks, then stomped on the ground four times then one loud whistle. The tree trunk closed on Lisa and Lisa was having a hard time understanding why her sister and brother-in-law are acting weird. She than heard her sisters voice saying, "Hello my love, why are you wanting to kill my sister and why have you taken the darkness in to your heart?" 

Amira felt an ice-cold breeze coming from him as he said, " Amiria, I thought you wanted to destroy Lisa and to get rid of her." Amira shook her head and said, " I don't want to destroy by killing her, I just want to embarrass her like she did to me, I still love my sister and I will not harm her, Xeassi please don't do anything stupid!" With a worried look she was scared what he might do to her and her sister. 

Xeassi started to laugh and said," Why should you not want to kill your sister Amira? You have been planning with Maxie to send Queen Lisa away and then, take the crown away from her." 

Amira was shocked that her husband misunderstood in sending Lisa away for her birthday, and not to kill her or take the crown. She walked over to her husband and said, " I never said I want to kill my sister or take her crown, I just want to send her away for her birthday. Yes, we are fighting over small stuff, but I love my sister to much! Why would you ever think that I want to kill her?" 

Xeassi started to laugh again, and said, "Oh please Amira, we both know that you have desired to take the darkness in to your heart." Amira was shocked by what Xeassi just said. She said, "Xeassi love, why are you listening to Mira? She wanted you to fall for her so she could control you." 

Amira and Lisa heard a voice talking to them both, to Amira it sounded like a gentle female voice, and she said to them, "Hello, young children fear not I will not harm you two. But I will harm your husband Amira, and the reason is because he has welcomed something so dark, that even the plants have called out to asking for help. Now Amira, I need you to take your sister back to the palace to her husband so he can keep her safe." 

A woman appeared in front of Amira and Xeassi, the woman had long silver hair, her eyes were the ocean blue color, and her skin was tan. The clothes that she was wearing were that of a noble and the color was like that of purified silver. Amira asked, "Are you the one that protects the garden with enchantments?" The woman turned around and smiled towards Amira in a gentle way and said, "I am one of the people who protects the Rose Garden and protect the people who live and visit Rose Kingdom by the garden. Are you the one who did the loud whistle?" 

Amira nodded to the woman and said, "Yes, I am the one who whistled." The woman then said, " Then your request has been granted to have protection from harm that comes towards your sister in turn you must also come to our aid. Just like we did." 

Xeassi smirked to them and said, "Well, if you want her to aid you, then you might have lost you mind for asking aid from my ex-wife. Lady of Silver heart, you might even die by my hand and never come back to life." The woman turns back around towards Xeassi and said, "Why do you say ex-wife? I still can tell that you still love her and don't want to harm her or her sister. But you have taken the desire of darkness into your heart, and you are now refusing to even listen to the good side of your heart for you wife. And I can see that you fear to use a name that means pure heart, and it can destroy what the darkness touches. Xeassi" 

Xeassi starts to laugh like maniac his eye's started to turn black and a dark deep voice came out of Xeassi and said, "Why, hello my sweet innocent minded wife." The women froze in place hearing that voice and she immediately pushed Amira backwards, before putting up a barrier to protect the two women, especially since they are both pregnant. She spoke telepathically to Amira and said, "Take your sister back to the palace, you both will be protected by the forest. when you get back to the palace, know you and your sister will be safe from any dark forces, and anyone who tries to control or manipulate will have no power over you or your children as long as you keep your word to us in coming to our aid. Now go! Without turning back." 

Amira knocked on the big white tree again and the tree opened its trunk gently pushing Lisa out of it. Amira holds her hand out and said, "Let's go back home sister to get you somewhere safe." Lisa nodded towards her sister and let her take her hand and lead the way back home. 

Six months had passed since they had that incident, and Amira has not heard from or seen her ex-husband Xeassi since that time. She was shocked that she was pregnant, she and her sister are due on the same month, both of them are carrying twins' girls in their wombs. 

Queen Lisa was in the nursery having the babies now, King Maxie is walking back and forth in the hallway, with the nurses running around like chickens without their heads, with buckets and warm towels into the room. Amira was in the room with her sister holding on to her hand as she said, " I am glad that you let me be here with you while you give birth." Lisa was in so much pain from the contractions and she looked up at her sister with a weak gentle smile and said, " I prefer you here than my husband, he might just faint while trying to be here for support." 

Both of them started to laugh, and Lisa said, "I will even be next to you while you are giving birth to your children. Amira, and I will never leave your side even if it is an emergency." Amira smiled to Lisa after hearing her say those words and said, "I would be so happy to have you near me, while I give birth." 

After three hours of Lisa giving birth to her daughters, King Maxie walked into the nursery room and stood next to his wifes side. One of the nurse's showed him one of his daughters and the nurse said, "Your Majesty, this is one of your daughter's and your wife did say you can name this child." Maxie took the cute baby girl into his arms and said, "Her name is Anniaka. What is the name of her sister?" 

Lisa giggled and said, "Her name is Rosa, and they are both healthy." Maxie smiled at his wife and daughters, and he was ready to say something to his wife but there was a loud bang outside. Amira looked confused at the sound but then, she heard a woman's voice that said, "Lady Amira, we need you and your sister to hide the two baby girls now. But, let them not be near each other because your Ex-husband Xeassi, and the dark king is wanting to kill them." 

Amira said, "What of my sister? She would miss them." The women said, " she will not survive long once the dark king comes towards this palace Amira." Amira was confused and she said, "Did you not tell us that we will be safe from dark forces?" The woman sighed and said, "Yes, I did but my magic won't keep you safe from the dark king himself." 

Amira looked at her sister and said, "Very well, I have one more question will my children make it out of this battle?" There was a long silence before the woman said in a hurt voice by having to say the words, and said, "No, they will not survive this battle." 

Amira touched her stomach, and she was about to say something, when an evil creepy laugh broke the silence that sent shivers up Lisa and Amira's spines. The voice was that of a young girl and she said, "Well, why do you lie to her Lady Silverheart? Why don't you just tell her how truly her children will make it. But she will have to give up her life to be granted the power of a Queen, then again you aren't telling her everything now, are you?" 

A young girl came out of the shadows in the corner of the room, before she walked closer to Amira and Lisa. She started to laugh again and said, "Oh did I quiet the almighty Lady Silverheart? Then again you aren't even willing to show who you are, makes me wonder if what the dark king said was true, "He and you aren't even from this time, but were brought here by force until you both find a way to get back home." 

 Amira was shocked that the young girl knew something that she didn't know, and she said, "What do you mean I have to give up my life?" The young girl stares at her and said, "Have you ever thought that you might have to betray everyone, or you might kill a loved one that you hold dearly?" 

Silverheart opened the door to the nursery and said, "Touch them and I will send you back to your King. They are under my protection and what you have said to Amira is a lie." The young girl took out a knife and she said, " Oh, but I am not lying unlike you who won't even tell the people you are protecting the truth. How, about this then..." 

The girl pushed Amira away and cut Lisa's throat letting her bleed out. Silverheart caught Amira, and teleported away from the kingdom and said, "I am so sorry for not stopping the attack, but you need to keep your mind away from what she said to you. So, please try to understand the reason why I can't tell you the truth." 

Amira looked up to her and said, "IS what she said true? Was there a reason I betrayed the people?" Lady Silverheart watched Amira closely and said," Yes, it is true and no you didn't betray your people or family. The way she put it, but it was by force that you decide to betray to keep your people safe from him. You didn't know that everything that was being told to you by him and his minions was a trap to give him what he wanted in the first place." 

A small portal opens, and a young woman nods to them both, and said, "Lady Silverheart everything is ready for you and her." Amira asked, "Is your name actually Silverheart?" 

The woman shook her head and said, "It is only a title that was given to me because of how pure I am." Amira then says, "Are you related to our family in anyway?" Lady Silverheart shook her head and said, "No I am not related to you in any way. Now, we don't have much time before they will find us, would you like to join my friend here in safer place or just your nieces?" 

Amira looked at her nieces and she said, "Will I be able to see them again?" The woman sighed before she said. "That is completely up to the fates." Amira just nodded towards the woman and said, "I will let you guys take care of my nieces and send them somewhere safe away from here and I will do what must be done." With that Amira walked out of the room and onto the battlefield.