
Dark Designs: Tales of Demons & Gods (Bimonthy Updates)

Waking up in Tales of Demons & Gods, surviving is one thing Leroy can do. After living as Liang Yu in Star Martial God Technique, he is able to pass off as a decent person when in this type of Dimensional setting. When he feels like it that is. It is a slow process to change things but it has been done before. Can he build a Safe Heaven in time while making sure those he cares about gain the strength they need to come with him, or will they fail like the others before him did? This is a Fanfiction that will have elements that do not exist in the original series. Events will not take place the same as several interactions for Nie Li. Which makes since he is not the person the reader will follow most of the time. Conversation hat was not covered in the original will be shown with different outcomes than the original author/artist wrote. Because it is a fanfiction which should be kept in mind. If you want no "forced" content, read the original. No profit is made from this.

Magmatide · Cómic
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125 Chs

Sacred Family Part 5 An attack

Shen Yue was not heading to the Holy Orchid Institue just yet today. After Shen Xiu arrived things were a little odd. Shen Xiu woke up early to attend to something with him. More important matters at hand prevented her from checking on the Elder before arriving.

Shen Xiu was not satisfied with what happened but let it be. To much had happened all at once for her to do anything with her current strength. She was sidetrack when Shen Yue handed some items to her to make trades for.

Shen Yue handed her some "glass" with inscriptions on it. Shen Xiu just took it as him holding out on here previously. She tried to pinch his cheeks in anger but Shen Yue pinched her butt causing her to jump away quickly.

"Pinch for pinch." Shen Yue smirked. "Take these to the Alchemy Association and try to sell them. Do not let your personal matters cause issues. You are still just a Silver Rank cultivator. These funds we acquire now are for us to use now, not later. Do not allow others to gain a profit from this."

"Humph! I know what I am doing." Shen Xiu looked upset but understood her own behavior well enough. She could put her foot in her mouth a little now and then. "You may have left the Sacred Family for now, but others know not to mess with me. Why does the glass feel so different?"

Inspecting the glass with her soul energy almost caused her nose to bleed from the backlash. It was set to react badly to her since Shen Yue knew the feel of her spirit energy.

*Boom! Boom!* The Glass contained "Thunder Spirit Energy" inside. It was capable of helping to purify one's energy and the blockage they may have that halted cultivation or impeded on it. Albeit very violently. The Energy would last for a few months before dissipating if left alone.

Shen Yue explained what it would do to a person. Shen Xiu had a look of money on her. The notion of bringing it to the family, for now, was not even entertained. They would just take it and cut in on the profit chance.

She left taking the two servants with her. Both had stepped into the Bronze Realm. But their energies were not settled enough as they needed guidance further.

'Hmm, the Connection is forming slowly but stronger than I thought.' Shen Yue was still having trouble with the way that particular part of his Status Board worked. 'Those with "family" type connections do form quicker than a normal person. Unless they are just a complete blank of a person. With that money, it will be easy for me to gather a force. However, I will need a little more power to act out against a few others.'

Thinking of a few future events, Shen Yue understood exactly how to go about gaining a little advantage quicker. Writing down a few details to throw suspicion about the death of the City Lord's wife who was murdered in the past was a starting chance. A small bit of information on those in the Abyss Prison Realm to help sell that he had means to move about undetected.

The 2nd was some matters about the Winged Dragon Family. A few locations of planned theft that the Sacred Family had planned. Something they were planning to blame on their Dark Guild Allies.

The 3rd was directly to the Alchemy Association. Listing a few item corrections of what they knew. Small simple ones. As well as having a description of the "glass" that contained violent thunder energy. Having written this all up, Shen Yue floated the pieces of the scroll up and covered them in 3 different types of spirit energy.

*Fwoosh!* The City Lord's Mansion piece was covered in spirit energy coated in the pattern of his Dragon Martial Arts.

*Fwoosh!* The Winged Dragon Family piece was covered in spirit energy coated in the pattern of his Star Martial Arts.

*Fwoosh!* Alchemy Association piece was covered in spirit energy coated in the pattern of his Flame Martial Arts.

"Well, that worked out fine." Shen Yue sighed a little. He started walking to his next destination. 'The things I learned have come back to me. The Cultivation Manuals are different but slight adjustments will take care of that easily enough. The herbs I know will defintely not work. Need to restudy the plants in this place. Rune Patterns will work fine. About the same as Formations and whatnot."

While this was going on, the three pieces with instructions landed at their destination. Guided by his Astral Sense made it pretty easy. Especially since no one in this Dimension was use to something like that. Close to what they had but not close enough.

At the bottom, each were signed with the name Celestial Master Liang Yu.




Shen Yue had reported to the Guard Post and shown his student id. This allowed one into the Training Grounds easy enough.

The Training Grounds was a place made for those below Silver Rank. Every year cultivators in Glory City would capture some low-level demon beasts and place them in the training grounds. The students could hunt them for obtaining fur, crystals, and various other material.

A nice little training method.

Once inside, Shen Yue released the snake and fox. It was time for training for them as well as a chance for him to obtain some product to mess with. He sent his Astral Sense out checking to see if any others were nearby.

"Know one right now, perfect." Shen Yue gave his orders to the two beasts who took off to hunt. He himself started to search the place. "Might find a beast that actually doesn't belong here anymore. That would be great."

The hours passed by quickly enough without him finding anything really. The first try was unfruitful. But the demon beasts marked the area well enough and had promising leads for next time. The spirit energy he changed up did not affect the forest area. Just fell short of it really.

A closer check with his Astral Sense with him nearby revealed a Formation in the area. It was very old and most likely set by the people during Founder Ye's time frame. Not messing with it, was the best course of action.

Just the same old beasts were killed. Gathering the bodies of those killed by the two beasts he connected back up with, Shen Yue moved to the exit. At least he was able to practice he movement techniques while running all over.

Only turning in two bodies to the Guard Post. Another two for eating was placed in his Internal Space area and throwing the rest into the Flame Vortex Core for refining.

After clean up, Shen Yue got dressed and sprinted off to school. Thanks to the new house, he reached it in no time flat. He was still late though. Slowly others trickled in.




The class came in as usual. Nie Lie and his group went to stand in the back. Every now and then he looked at Shen Yue. Quite a few looked at the change since it was so drastic.

As for Shen Yue himself, he sat in his seat cultivating with his eyes open watching the students move about. Doing it this way may be slow but it honed his senses faster.

"Huh, what the hell is going on with her?" Shen Yue mumbled. He looked over to see Xiao Ninger had a small bruise on her face. She looked down in the dumps slightly. 'She looks slightly depressed.'

Xiao Ninger herself sat down the row behind Shen Yue and put her head down. If one focuses hard enough, they could hear small stifles from crying.

'Well, this sucks,' Shen Yue thought. He reached back and dropped a handkerchief on her hand. "It will be alright at least I think it will anyway. I don't know really. I am just saying stuff to make you stop that." His voice was a little silly.

"Thank you. Yes, you are right. It will be." Xiao Ninger had received the news about what happened in the Sacred Family. Shen Fei was throwing a fit that the two should be married quicker. The bruise was from her getting into it with her father and then the elders. Her eyes were opened more to her family and the value she had with them. Basically just traded livestock. "Nice to talk to you in a nonformal gathering, as well as not just in passing." Xiao Ninger wiped away her tears. "I hope something terrible happens to your brother."

"Heh, yeah it is a pleasure to talk with you as well in a nonformal way. Call me Yue if you like." Said, Shen Yue casually, as he turned around to face the door. "Not my brother anymore, not part of the family anymore. Just need to put the final nails in the coffin." He felt a small fluctuation coming from there. Then Shen Xiu came in with bandages on her left arm and heavily wounded all over. Her spiritual energy was out of flux. Spiking up and down. 'Something to take care of later or maybe right now by the looks of it.'

"That looks bad." Xiao Ninger mumbled. She noticed Shen Yue looked upset at the situation. "I will talk with you later. You have a bigger matter to attend to." She felt happy that he was at least different than his brother. Admonishing herself mentally, she had no idea why she thought that. Even missing the changes that took place with Shen Yue. 'What in the world am I thinking!? Need to focus on getting out of that Shen Fei matter!'

"Alright students, just read over this for a bit." Shen Xia wrote on the board really fast. She then wrote a page number down for those who finished what was on the board to fast. Grabbing at her side to ease the pain was not enough. Quickly Shen Xiu excused herself. "I will be right back."

The class said nothing as she left. Shen Yue following right behind her. Most of them noticing how tall he looked. Following her into a room he could tell the morning matters most likely went rough. But he had to be sure.

Status: Shen Yue Health 1000 Spirit Energy: 10,500

Power: 27 Defense: 21

Willpower: 30 Intellect: 30



Flame Vortex Star Dragon: Silver Rank 5

Flame Martial Arts: Celestial Realm

Star Martial Arts: Celestial Realm

Dragon Martial Arts: Celestial Realm

Metal Seed: 4th tech level

Fire Body: 4th tech level

Astral Sense: 5th tech level

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