
Dark Bound Heart

[ WARNING: mature content ] "I love you from the darkest part of my heart." ~~~~~~~ Leah is a tenacious young woman, with a loving heart. Despite the past traumatizing memories that hunts her both in her waking and dreams, she still managed to put a smile on her face and be happy. She was content with her life and everything was okay till a man she had only met once and barely knew, took her against her will and claimed to own her... Lucius had only two obligations: protecting his family and keeping his activities away from the council's prying eyes. Nothing was more important than these two obligations, until the night he met Leah. He felt drawn to protect her and make her his own, despite knowing the dangers involved... Will Leah be able to find a way to escape Lucius's possessive grasp? Or will she succumb to the same intense passion and desire that Lucius feels for her, even if it means risking everything? __ Excerpt "Do what on purpose?" Leah asked him with a slightly confused look in her eyes as she tried to pull away from him, but her struggles were completely useless. "Challenge me, so that I get excited," Lucius said as he continued to rub his nose on her nape, slowly savouring her scent like it was sweetest thing he had ever perceived. "I wasn't trying to excite you, I was simply..." Leah gasped, her statement cutting short when she felt Lucius gently nipping her neck. "W-What are you doing?" Leah asked, her words coming out slightly broken. "I don't know," Lucius said with an innocent voice like he was truly ignorant of his actions, as he sucked on her nape earning another gasp from her lips. "You tell me." __ Disclaimer: Cover image isn't mine. Full credit goes to the original owner.

Jena_Blackx · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
48 Chs

Questions and answers (2)

"So, we are going to play a game of questions and answers and the rules are simple. I'll ask you a question and you have to give me an answer to that question, and we are going to be very fast." Lucius said smirking playfully.

Samara furrowed her brows in confusion. She felt lost, she did not understand what Lucius was talking about. She was still shivering from the cold water Lucius had poured on her.

Samara glared at Lucius, her teeth chattering from the cold. If looks could kill, Lucius would likely be lying on the freezing ground, lifeless, as Samara's eyes alone would have brought about his demise.

Lucius stared at her as if he was waiting for her to ask him a question. But he continued what he was saying when he did not receive the question he was expecting from her.

"Once I ask you a question you have to give me the answer to that question within seven seconds. And if you fail to give me an answer before the time runs out you will be punished." Lucius paused.

"You are not allowed to ask any questions in this game. If you give me the wrong answer to a question you will be punished. If you make me repeat my question you will also be punished. If you ask me a question instead of answering my question you will be punished. So I strongly advice that you try to follow the rules." Lucius said.

"Well, that is all that you need to know about this game. So do you understand everything that I have just said?" He asked her.

"What? I am not playing any game with you." Samara replied as she struggled to free herself.

"I'm sure you obviously understand the game very well. So the game starts now." Lucius said, ignoring what Samara had just said.

"Where did you hide the witch?" Asked Lucius, his demeanour turning from a playful one to a serious one.

"What witch?" Samara asked him back.

Lucius stared at her for some time before sighing and standing up.

He moved around Samara and came to stand behind her chair. Arching his back, he reached out and placed his right hand on her wet hair, his touch slow and deliberate.

"You just broke one of the rules, Samara," Lucius said sternly. "By asking a question, and a silly one at that. But I'll let it slide, just for old times' sake."

Samara felt a shiver run down her spine as she heard the coldness in his voice. She knew better than to test him, especially when it came to this matter.

"Where is she?" Lucius demanded, his voice low and dangerous.

"I don't know," Samara replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

Lucius straightened up, removing his hand from her hair and placing it on her shoulder. His grip was firm and unyielding.

"Don't lie to me, Samara," he warned. "I know you were hiding her."

"I don't know where she is. You have to believe me. The last time I saw her was fifteen years ago. I swear." She pleaded with Lucius.

"Wrong answer again." He said, digging his nails into her shoulder as she let out a muffled groan in pain. "Do you want me to pull out your nails, hm?" Lucius asked, pulling his nails out from her shoulder and pressing it back in.

Lucius grabbed her hair and pulled it down forcefully so she could look up at him.

"Don't test me, Samara," he said, his eyes piercing into hers. "The witch is also a great danger to your kind. Imagine what will happen if she falls into the wrong hands. So think harder....where is she?"

"I'm telling you the truth. I don't know where she is," she said, her face crunched in pain. "But I can find her." She said hurriedly, trying to nod her head as she spoke. Lucius left her hair and removed his hand from her shoulder.

"Tell me, how do you intend to do that. You can't find her with a tracking spell. I've tried that before, it doesn't work, So how are you going to find her." Lucius asked.

Samara smiled at his words before speaking. "I have my ways."

Lucius furrowed his brows at her and came to stand in front of her. "What ways?" He asked, his eyes studying her face.

"Untie me first and I'll show you." She replied.

Lucius smiled at her. "Not so fast, Samara. We're not done with our game." He said and sat down again.

"But I..." She started but was cut off by Lucius.

"No buts, Samara, the game continues," he said coldly, his eyes fixed on her. "Where is my dagger? The one you stole from me before you left that night."

Samara's eyes widened, darting around the room nervously before settling on the floor. "I buried it in the garden outside," she replied in a small voice.

He raised an eyebrow, surprised by her answer. "That is very strange. Why did you take it if you were only going to bury it in the garden?"

"I only buried it to hide it. I was supposed to take it with me when I left, but I forgot it there," she answered, still looking down.

Lucius was about to ask Samara another question when Priscilla came in again, her face contorted with worry.

"What is it, Priscilla? Why do you look like a thief who's about to get caught in the act?" Lucius asked, his tone sharp.

"We have a problem. Some people from the council are here. And they are requesting to see you." She replied worriedly, looking from Lucius to Alexander who stood there like a statue, looking unbothered by what she had just said.

Lucius's expression hardened. He turned to Priscilla who looked really worried. "What are we going to do?" Priscilla asked, her voice laced with panic.

"We'll receive them of course. We can't send them back for coming a day earlier than planed." He said, standing up from where he sat.

He brought up his right wrist and stared at the silver wrist cuffs with intricate engravings around his wrist with a calculative expression, before lowering his arm again.

"Tell them that I will be with them in a minute." He instructed Priscilla, who nodded before leaving.

"They really wanted to catch you off guard." Alexander said immediately Priscilla left before handing over a towel to Lucius. "What are we going to do about her?" He asked, gesturing towards Samara who sat there quietly, looking at both of them.

"Nothing." He Lucius said, cleaning the blood on his fingers with the towel Alexander had just given him before returning it back to him. "Just seal the room and gag her. We don't want her screaming and causing any unnecessary commotion." He instructed and left the basement while Alexander stayed behind and tied Samara's mouth with a scarf before leaving the basement.


Lucius walked into the conservatory, where the three persons from the council sat. He looked calm and unbothered as he approached them.

"No one informed me that i would be receiving you today, Robert," Lucius said to Robert who smiled in return, before taking a seat.

"We were asked to come here on a short notice," Robert replied. "I apologize for the surprise visit. The council felt it was necessary to start with your observation sooner rather than later."

"Hm. I understand" Lucius said, his expression remaining neutral.

Robert nodded and gestured to the two persons sitting down with him. "This is Fransisco and Jane. They will be assisting me on this assignment."

Robert was a man in his late thirties, with a tall and imposing figure that commanded respect. He had short, dark hair that was neatly combed to the side, and his dark eyes that seemed to look straight through anyone he spoke to. Despite his serious and calm demeanor, there was a sharpness to his gaze that hinted at a quick mind and a no-nonsense attitude.

He wore a black suit that was tailored to fit him perfectly, with a crisp white shirt and a black tie that was neatly knotted at his throat. His shoes were polished to a high shine, and he carried himself with an air of confidence and authority that was hard to ignore.

As he introduced his companions, Fransisco and Jane, it was clear that they were cut from the same cloth as Robert. Fransisco was a tall and muscular man with a shaved head, and Jane was a slim and elegant woman with long blonde hair. Both of them wore similar suits to Robert's, and both had the same air of seriousness and competence that seemed to be a hallmark of the council's agents.

Lucius took all of this in with a practiced eye, sizing up Fransisco who seemed to be glaring at him since he walked in. His eye settled on Jane who looked like the friendliest one amongst them.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Jane. I've heard a lot about your good works." Lucius complimented her causing her to smile in return.

"Thank you. I've also heard about your numerous contributions to the council," Jane replied.

"Numerous contributions," Fransisco scoffed, drawing everyone's attention to him. "If he was as good as you think he is, then we wouldn't be here in first place and he wouldn't have that restriction cuffs around his wrist." Fransisco spit.

Lucius stared at him still looking calm like the man had not said anything while Jane frowned. Everyone could hear the hatred in Fransisco voice as spoke.

Robert frowned at Fransisco words. He knew that not everybody in the council liked Lucius due to his methods in handling some matters. And he knew that Fransisco was among those people who despised Lucius. The two men had a little misunderstanding in the past which was later resolved, but it seemed like Fransisco was yet to let that matter go.

"That is enough, Fransisco. I strongly advice that you keep your personal grievances aside and focus on this assignment or i will have to replace you with someone else who can focus more on his job." Robert warned, looking at Fransisco with a stern expression.

Fransisco bristled at the rebuke, but before he could respond, Robert interjected.

"I apologize for my colleague's behavior," he said, looking at Lucius with a contrite expression.

Lucius nodded in acknowledgement. "It's fine, Robert." He turned to the Butler, who had just walked in a few minutes ago but stood by the door quietly. "Please show our guests to their rooms."

The Butler gave a curt nod to Lucius before turning to the guests with a polite smile. "Please follow me," he said gesturing towards the door.

Robert, Fransisco, and Jane stood up from their seats and followed the man out of the conservatory.

Lucius observed Fransisco with his keen eyes as they walked out, taking note of his arrogant strides and the way he carried himself. He remained sitting, with a calm expression on his face, his sharp gaze fixed on Fransisco as he disappeared from his view.

Lucius sat calmly in his chair, his eyes closed and his fingers tapping rhythmically on his thigh. He opened his eyes lazily and let out a small sigh. "Stupid fly. They just never stop buzzing until their shushed." He muttered to himself before closing his eyes again and relaxing back on the on the chair.

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