

Give me back my mommy,where did you take her? What did you do to her? Rome yelled at the man in front of him while hitting him. Enough,your mommy is dead,okay,she is never coming back,Martin yelled at Rome. Rome's life was turned upside down when he was separated from his mother by his dad, and taken to leave with him only to find out he has step brothers and sisters who dislike him including a step mother who hates him and will do anything to get rid of him. Now Rome has to adjust to his new life,will he be able to overcome the trauma he will experience and be able to escape the claws of his new family? Warning: Contains Swear words.

Caramelskinjana · Real
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11 Chs

Chapter 5

Sandra woke up some minutes past 8 on a Saturday morning. She looked at her son,who was still asleep with his mouth slightly open and his messy hair. His little snores made me laugh. She suddenly remembered something and rushed downstairs ,she then found the bag where she put the new clothes she bought from Granny for she and Rome.


How could I forget this? Was I that worn out? I rubbed my face as I walked up the stairs,then placed the bag on the corner of the bed. I looked at Rome who is yet to wake up, maybe by noon, we could go see Granny. I walked into the bathroom,stared at myself in the mirror for a while. According to people,I was quite a beauty,my eyes were sky blue,I had almost invisible bags under my eyes,my messy curly hair packed into a bun had a few loose strands,and my collarbones were visible because of my v-neck nightwear. I sighed then applied some cleanser on my face before leaving for the kitchen to make some breakfast. I opened the fridge and it was half empty,I need to go grocery shopping soon. I decided to make some pancakes to save time and because it's less stressful.

While I was contemplating on whether to wake Rome now or not. I heard some sounds that were coming closer to the kitchen."Mommy,he said while entering the kitchen carrying the bag I brought from Granny's place. I smiled he had seen what's inside. I came closer to him,"What have I told you about running on the stairs, sweetie?"Sorry,he said smiling. I smiled and took the plates of pancakes to the living room. He came closer to me and hugged me,"Good morning,mommy,he said smiling. Good morning, darling,I said caressing his cheeks. He then shook the bag in front of me,"I saw the clothes inside,are we going out today? He asked excited. I collected the bag and led him to the table,"yes,we are,we are going to Grandma's place today,I said as I put his pancakes on his plate."Really,he asked with twinkling eyes,I didn't know I had a grandma. I smiled at him,"Well you do and she's very happy to see you. "Yay! He squealed."So eat up,then we can go.

I also sat down to eat."Grandma is nice,right mommy,he asked while stuffing food in his mouth."Yes,she is,I said as I looked at Rome. He was stuffing pancakes in his mouth,I moved his cup of milk away from him so he wouldn't spill it. He never observes his table manners. "Rome,you aren't observing your table manners,I said staring at him. Sorry mommy,he said smiling."Eat it once at a time, I said smiling. He seems excited to his Grandma.

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You found her! A woman who was sitting on a sofa stood up in shock,the look on her face was one of anger and disgust. She was wearing a short green dress as she stared at a man who stood in front of her with his hands in his pocket. The man who was dressed in all black stared at her and replied,"yes,I did."Wow,I actually thought she was dead,the woman said disappointed. She scoffed,as she turned her back against the man as her hands turned into fists,"why does she have to be back now when everything going great? She whispered to herself,"she is such a parasite. She turned to face the man again as she remembered something, "how about the child? It's a boy right.

The man looked at her again,"The boy is fine,he said simply. She took a deep breath. The man finally stood up and stood face to face with the lady holding her hand."The boy has to be here,he said to her in a soft voice,I like to keep those related to me close by and the business that keeps expanding needs people to monitor. She frowned,"does he have to be here too? That means Cassandra can come to see him too,you said you loved her. The man looked at her for a while,"That was then,Lucy,I love you now,not Cassandra,my feeling for her is dead and long gone. She looked at him,"Okay,she said almost whispering,then hugged him tight. I love you, Martin.Martin replied with a little uncertainty in his voice.

About the cleanser I said,I really don't know about skin care products,so I hope you can understand what I mean that.

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Love y'all ♥️❤️

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