
September 27th

#Chapter14 September 27th

/"How did he even end up here? How the hell does he know which town you moved into or which school you're even going to? There are hundreds and thousands of schools here in this town, and he happens to find the right one?/"

Amelia kept on talking and asking questions about Levi's sudden visit. I didn't talk about my past that much, but I did mention it to her last time when we were out, grabbing a bite after school, probably a week ago or two.

I'm actually surprised that she's surprised.

/"I know. It's so weird,/" I said.

/"You want to know what else is weird? Cayden sitting here at our lunch table when he should be sitting at the jocks table,/" Amelia said, taking a bite at her sandwich as she directed her gaze at Cayden as Cayden took a bite of his apple and exchanged looks with Amelia.

/"It's so sad how you're stereotyping me, just because I'm a jock,/" Cayden said, making Amelia roll her eyes.