
October 5th

#Chapter23 October 5th

As I was driving on the way home, I still can't forget about what happened earlier. I don't even know what to react to what Ethan told me at the same time. I'm still quite confused about it. It seems a bit too unreal.

Probably, he's just pranking me or testing me? But that's not the case. If he did, he should've pulled a /"You just got pranked/"card like he usually does or maybe tell me at the end of our conversation.

But, based on my observations, he doesn't look like he was about to prank me. He seems really serious about it, and the weird part is that he's not devastated about it. Maybe he's been planning to do it for such a long time, but then it just happened.

~ Earlier ~

I walked inside the coffee shop and saw Ethan sitting already on a chair near this coffee shop's fireplace, the best spot there is. He was sipping his Iced Coffee in silence. I then decided to walk towards him.