
October 18th

#Chapter38 October 18th

/"It was actually my fault why my mom and sister died,/" Cayden trails off, looking down on his fingers, and starts fidgeting. /"I was part of a gang before but then left when my sister found out,/" He added.

/"I needed some money for my sister's hospital bills. I know my dad owns a school and all that shit, but he wasn't there when we need him. He was off somewhere, working,/" I looked at him and suddenly felt the tension in the atmosphere.

/"We didn't tell him. He doesn't care about us; he's too busy working or maybe cheating. 2 days after my sister found out, I decided to leave the gang. I keep my word for my sister. But then, this gang won't stop following my every move, then start threatening my family unless I re-join./"