
October 17th

#Chapter30 October 17th

He leaned forward, not breaking any eye contact and we just stare at each other's eyes for god knows how long. There's always something in his eyes that is so captivating, and maybe it's the way how they shine?

How I can see that he's happy, but he's just hiding it or maybe, his difference. How different he is from others. On the outside, he keeps on playing this role as a playboy and a rebellious kid but deep inside, and he's somewhat considerate.

Considerate of someone's emotions, but he just keeps on acting like he doesn't even care. But I can tell that he cares, and I can feel it by just looking into his eyes. His eyes speak louder than his actions.

/"I can't stop looking at how beautiful you look every time I see you,/"

He said. Those words are one of the things that make my stomach and heart flutter.