
October 17th

#Chapter28 October 17th

As much to my Fall break luck and thought I would be able to live my life without someone interfering with my peace in the wonderland I'm supposed to be at, Cayden and his friends are also going to the place where we'll be staying for the next five days.

It sucks to be me. I mean, if you think it's going to be a great vacation for me and that I'm so lucky to be with this Greek sex-god monster, well... I'm not even so lucky if I say so myself. Although, I might have a chance to see him shirtless.

Goddamn it, I should stop thinking about him shirtless.

My mouth started to feel dry all of a sudden, maybe it's because of what I just thought a few seconds ago, and I searched inside my backpack for a water bottle. But much to my luck, again, I already drank it, all.

/"Amelia, do you have any water?/" I asked, looking at the back and saw that Amelia, Ethan, and David are fast asleep like babies. /"Fuck,/" I muttered under my breath.