
Dante in DXD

I do not own anything that is copywrited that is included in this fan-fiction. I will try to either update somewhere between once a day and twice a week. Please for you critics out there don't hate post just because you don't like my writing. I am writing because I want to better myself not because I am a masochist that wants to beratted because his writing quality is subpar. For the rest of you I hope you enjoy the novel, please keep in mind that my descriptive writing isn't the best so bear with me, also if you cant quite picture what I am writing about then you can probobly find some kind of picture of the caracter online. Also I ask that the readers know at least some of the Devil May Cry story along with some of Highschool DxD. Other than that I hope you can enjoy my story. There will be a harem, some willing, some not so much. But there will be one.

Scarlet_Slayer · Otras
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39 Chs

Chapter 16:

The next few days were relatively the same as Rias was constantly bugging Dante to join her peerage, and he would always deny her. Kiba and Koneko were both bothered by how easy Dante beat them, so they asked him to train them and he agreed much to their surprise. Dante taught Kiba different sword techniques, and he taught Koneko different forms of martial arts. Due to this their power increased a bit, but they still couldn't touch Dante. Today Dante decided to walk to school instead of riding Cavalire and when he was passing through the park, he saw a young nun that had fallen down and, in the process, showing her ass and panties to the world. She had long bright yellow almost golden hair and emerald green eyes that radiated kindness and innocence. Giving a sigh as Dante knows who this is, he walks over and offers her a hand. She is flustered by his looks but manages to squeak out, "H-hello t-there. Thank you for your help, my name is Asia Argento. What is yours?" Dante mentally shook his head at the naivety of Asia, "Hello there Asia-chan, my name is Dante, you seem to be new in town, where are you heading." Asia's face turned somewhat red when he called her Asia-chan but when she heard his question she answered with vigor, "Ah, yes. I am indeed new here; I am trying to get to the church nearby. Do you happen to know the way Dante-san?" Dante gave her a small smile, "I'll do you one better and show you the way there." Asia was radiating with happiness when he offered to escort her there. Dante wasn't surprised that when they were walking and stumbled across a boy with a bloody knee and Asia healed it. During there walk Dante held a civil conversation with Asia as he was mentally plotting on how he was going to slaughter the fallen angels and maybe fuck Raynare and Kalawarner before he possible killed them. When they arrived, Dante wished Asia a good day before walking away.

When he arrived late no one questioned him because while he often skipped class, he had the highest grades in the entire school surpassing Rias and even Sona, so he never got any hassle when he was late or skipped class altogether.

That evening he went to a house on the outskirts of town where he knew that Freed Sellzen would be. When he opened the door, he smelt a metallic smell and knew it was blood. "Hey! Anyone home? I'm looking for a delusional and psychotic rogue exorcist." Dante called out as he was walking through the house. When he got to the living room, he found a man that had been castrated and crucified with his dick in his own mouth, "Damn, I knew Freed was into some weird shit, but this is on a whole new level of sick." "Well shit! I thought I got them all. Wait a minute, you smell just like a shitty fucking devil! Well it looks like I can finish jacking off after all since that last bitch didn't quite do it for me ha-ha!" Dante still had a smirk on his face, "Well I knew you had a shit mouth, but this is still surprising. Anyway, I think your nose is off, I'm a demon not a devil you retard." Freed was a deranged exorcist with a wiry frame, blonde hair, blue-green eyes, and his tongue constantly sticking out as he talked. He was kicked out of the Vatican because he found sexual pleasure in killing whether they were human, devil, fallen angel, or even angels, he would kill anything to get off. Dante didn't plan to humor him, so he pulled out Ebony and opened fire on Freed. Freed dodged the shots by bending his body in inhuman ways, "Damn, I thought this freak would be an easy shot seems that either I am losing my touch, or this freak had some damn good luck, or maybe both." Dante mumbled. Deciding that he wasn't going to waste time Dante used Quick-silver and appeared right behind Freed and shot him twice in the head, five times in the heart, and five more in the dick. "That solves that. Now then let's go get that little nun before more problems show up.

Dante found Asia in the basement trying her best to establish a barrier, "Hey Asia-chan." Asia jumped when she heard Dante, "Dante-san! What are you doing here?!" Dante just shrugged, "Had a job to exterminate a certain rogue exorcist by the name Freed Sellzen. So, I went ahead and did it." Asia covered her mouth with her hands and started to sob, "Why did you have to kill him? I know he was odd, but he wasn't bad." Dante shook his head, "Asia-chan, do you know why Freed was kicked out of the Vatican?" when she shook her head Dante continued, "It was because it was discovered that he killed for sexual pleasure and not for the greater cause of the Vatican. He was also found raping different low-ranking nuns that were unable to refuse him in fear of being killed." Asia's eyes went wide hearing why Freed was kicked out. "That is why I killed him, it being a job was just a bonus. Now then let's get you out of here before the fallen angels show up, I have something different in mind for them." Dante picked up Asia in a bridal carry and brought her outside through the back door, so she didn't have to see Freed's corpse. Once outside Dante summoned Cavalire and put Asia in front of him so that she wouldn't fall off as he sped to Rias' house.

When they arrived, Dante walked up and knocked on the door. After a few minutes he was somewhat surprised when Akeno opened the door, "Ara, what brings you here tonight Dante-kun?" Dante didn't bother with the fact that Akeno was only in a semi-transparent nightgown that showed off her massive tits and plump ass. "Hey Akeno, I need a favor. Can you look after this girl for a bit I need to go and clean out some stray crows. In return I can teach you some tricks with lightening and even take you for a ride if you're interested." Dante gave a smile in comparison to his usual smirk that caught the queen off guard. "I don't mind watching the little nun, but I will take you up on that offer." Dante gave a grateful nod and turned to Asia, "Don't worry she is going to take care of you. I will check on you later, so don't wait up for me okay?" Asia gave a weak nod as she unglued herself from Dante and walked inside. Dante surprised Akeno by giving her a peck on the lips, "You are the best Akeno, see you soon." Before Akeno could recover Dante summoned Cavalire and was speeding off in the direction of the church. Back with Akeno, seeing him speed off she mumbled, "I will make you take responsibility for stealing my first kiss Dante-kun." Recovering finally, she went inside to help Asia.

For those of you wondering why his thought process is abruptly changing compared to before it will be explained in due time.

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