
Danmachi: The Great Unique Sorcerer

The great goddess and titan, Hecate, remained hidden for the vast majority of the time she spent on the mortal world, her curiosity for the humans never failing to amuse her even though hundreds of years have passed since she first descended. Attracted by the stories of the adventurers of Orario, she now wishes to create her own Familia, unknow to others that her Arcanun powers aren't as limited as that of the other gods, she uses her witchcraft to summon the soul of a boy from the distant realm of Earth. -- OBS: The protagonist is the one summoned, Hecate is one of the main characters. DISCLAIMER: A/N: The cover and Damnachi don't belong to me, but the girl in it represents pretty well Hecate's appearance in my vision, just that her eyes are of a different color.

GreatMageHarkan · Cómic
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8 Chs

Hecate's plan

Hecate delicate hands caressed his head slowly, she felt her fingers passing through the strands of hair and hummed in her mind so that he wouldn't wake up.

"How did this happened..."

Leofric who peacefully slept in her thighs was mostly covered in bandages, his left arm was immobilized and the smell of healings herbs pretty much covered the entire place.

It has been three days since he came back from his last dungeon dive, it was the guild staff that brought him back from Babel tower.

They said he was like a demon coming out from the deepest of the realms of hell. He was covered in injuries, blood dripped from his finger and left a trail behind him, all he carried was a broken sword, and three bags full to the brim with items.

Apparently, it was an anomaly, reports were that the dungeon was behaving in a weird way that day. It all started with a co-expedition patronaged by the guild which counted on Loki and Hephaestus Familia.

They fought a new kind of enemy in the regions between the 40th and 30th floor, one capable of causing great damage to the Dungeon. Like a virus infecting a body, the dungeon started giving birth to more monsters in the same way the body would produce leucocytes to fight off the intruders.

It wasn't that dangerous for the adventurers, but those soloing weren't so lucky, starting from the 4th and bellow, monsters were appearing in masses, goblins and kobolds who usually only stayed with groups of 3 were seeing teaming with as much as 20 other from the same species.

Still, for Leofric to survive is no short of a miracle. He crawled his way back to the entrance alone and without resources, killing everything in his path. Other adventurers thought that he was a monster and only refrained from attack after noticing how he went past them without even caring for their existence.

It was because he kept saying her name, they thought he was a ghost of sorts.

She could imagine how terrified the adventurers must have been, he, covered in blood and injuries, mumbling her name in such a way that it sounded like gibberish...

In the end, Leofric could only be called extraordinary. He even managed to make 30 thousand alone that day, once he recovers, there's no telling just how much stronger he will be, hopefully, he won't have any mental injury from what happened, that would be a problem.

Pushing him slightly to the side, Hecate made him lie with his back towards her.

She sat down like usual and reached out a finger. Suddenly, a drop of blood formed on its tip, almost like she had been poked by something invisible, she brought down her hand and started touching in various areas, every time she did so, the hieroglyphs on his back changed.

She was updating the falna, reading all the excelia he gathered, and translating it to his body.

Soon she stopped and sucked a mouthful of air. Taking a small page, she touched it and after a moment, all the information appeared by itself on top of it.


Leofric Aldrich: Level One

STR: I - 20 -> I - 40

END: I - 35 -> I - 60

AGI: I - 10 -> I - 23

DEX: I - 10 -> I - 20

MAG: I - 0 -> I - 0


(Sorcerer's Origin)

Herectic Magic, forbidden and sealed

Allows for the practice of the forbidden art of Sorcery, stripped away from human hands by *****, the calamity, who cursed humanity's soul with the brand of *****, preventing them from ever again reaching the ***** deep within from which they originated from.


<Source Arrow>(no chant)

<Source Weapon>(no chant)

<Source Summoning>: With my soul as a beacon, I call you from the in-between, oh great one that rests thy soul in the slumbering void of realms, in exchange for your services, I offer my Source and promise that our ties will be for life, traverse the veil and join me in battle!


Hecate sucked a mouthful of air, excelia is a funny thing, gods aren't all-knowing beings, there are many mysteries that they aren't aware of, but the blessing which is literally a way to read past, present, and future, is able to bypass some of the secrets buried in the sands of time and bring them to light.

It was her first time ever hearing of heretic magic, as a goddess of witchcraft, she should have known about this, but there was no recollection of such a thing in her mind, and that wasn't all, there was something out there that could interfere with the records of time itself, erasing its name from history... no, it didn't erase its name from history, it erased it from reality itself, alongside the knowledge of whatever the human origin is.

Still, sorcery, she could feel it... even if the principles were somewhat different, it fell in her dominions as well, but its nature felt... foggy for her, as if... yes, that's the case huh... Sorcery is a system of magic that relies upon one's own soul as a foundation for the manipulation of Source energy.

Hecate was intrigued, the more she delved in the knowledge contained within her divinity in regards to this lost art, the more outstanding it felt, and at some point, she hit a wall, one that made her tremble slightly.

"Sorcery is the weakness of divine beings..."

This knowledge was frightening, beings of divine origins could refer to many things, or all of the things encompassed by the category itself. That included gods, primordial dragons, certain species of beasts, angels, and much more.

Not all of them existed in this world, still, every god knew what weakness entailed... If a god dies, he will one day come back, the divinity can't be extinguished by common methods such as stripping a god from its physical vessel. But if a weakness is exploited, it's possible to inflict damage directly to the soul, the soul is the source of life, and shapes the vessel, which only purpose is to contain the soul.

It was thanks to this that many eons ago, Typhon, an enemy of the gods was killed. Something that most probably wouldn't even know about, as it was a war that only a few survived, like Ouranos, Hecate, Crono, and so on.

Sighing, she left a kiss on Leofric's forehead and left the inn.

Now that they had some money, it was time for her to use her specialties for the benefit of the Familia.

"I hope the 30 thousand he brought back is enough..."