
Danmachi/Sin Of Pride

A somewhat socially awkward man, who was isolated from society due to his absurd amount of frankness and the fact that he rarely chooses not to voice up his thought when annoyed, finds himself in a world of Gods and adventure.

HolierThanThou515 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
17 Chs

Honored Status


Before going into the chapter I pull a page out of EvansKannon's book and explain some things here.

First, about the mc's skills. Yes, he won't ever have to worry about 'mind down' because of the 'six eyes' and no he won't have limitless as that would be way too op.

Second, about his 'Sin Of pride' skill, most of you should have already noticed since I got some complaints about it. Were you expecting him to be all prideful and arrogant and never take an L? Yes, will it happen gradually? Yes, right now? No.

You have to understand that it's a gradual process, the skill will be affecting him over time and make him the proud man we all hope he becomes, but expecting it to happen immediately is not feasible, that would be pulling bullsh*t out of my ass.

A normal human can just be so proud naturally and considering how he was before even coming to danmachi, he was barely more prideful than the next Joey. So yeah no, not doable.

So please let out man cook, making his way up there, to be proud you need something to be prideful about, and that thing will be his strength, the strength he will gain while getting stronger.

Plus you are not going to tell me, you don't want to see him change and evolve while also seeing the reaction of the people around him to these changes.

With that being said, that's all for now, enjoy the chapter.


Today was a day like any other for most. As most followed the rise of the sun and went about their business. Some were merchants, some were farmers, some were streetwalkers, and some were adventurers. Every single people in the city of Oraria had things they did daily.

Noctis was no different as he was an adventurer, he was one who treaded between life and death in quest of power, fame, and woman... At least that was what most thought.

As Noctis and his familia members did their things, days turned into night and night into days. And gradually without them even noticing how quickly time passed, a month went by since Noctis became an adventurer.

Althought for all others today may not be much different than yesterday, for Noctis it couldn't be much different.

Why? Because he was going to get his status updated at the end of the day. It had been long enough already, in fact, he had been planning to do it two weeks ago, but at that time he wasn't used to the weight he was wearing yet.

'I can not feel them anymore.' He thought as he punched through the crystal head of a war shadow before stepping sideways, spinning, and using that momentum to elbow the head of another one.

'With all of that, after getting my status updated, I should feel like a speedster right?' He thought to himself as he collected the monster drops.

People look too far away, one of the most broken powers in fiction was super speed, if you think about it, it's mathematic, not more like physics.

F=ma .

The more speed you get the more power you can produce.

'But I digress. I wonder how much my stats will grow.'

The reason he didn't want to get It updated until he got used to the weights was simple. As he explained to the others, it's all about efficiency.

'After that, I will make it even harder for myself, the next set weight will be made such as I would hardly be able to even move in them. Like what Gon and the others experienced when they wanted to enter the Zoldych Family residence.' Yeah to that extent.

He would probably not be able to go adventure in the dungeon for some days, but it will all be worth it in the end as ultimately, excelia can also be obtained by simply training.

Going even lower into the dungeon, he made his way to the tenth floor while killing monsters on the way.

Because of the effect of the weight in the beginning, he was forced to find some way to conserve his stamina, so he learned to disregard unnecessary movement and take down his opponents with maximum efficiency.

That could have been rather difficult to achieve for others but it came naturally to him... but well, it still wasn't perfect.

But that was not the problem since he already memorized the behavior and movement patterns of most monsters from the first to the tenth floor.

Today his goal on the tenth floor was not just to kill random monsters, no, this time he had a specific goal in mind. He was going to kill an orc which could pose a problem to even your average level two.

'Where might it be?" He looked around trying to locate one, but instead, he saw something just as interesting.

'Monsters are converging?' He raised his glasses as the six eyes peered through the misty light, and showed him the scene as it was.

'Imps, black bats, horned rabbits... Around 20 in total without counting the two orcs, and... they are heading toward me?' It was easy for him to make out that make due to his enhanced sight, in fact, he could see kilometers ahead if he wished.

'That definitely isn't normal... something is at play here.' That was his thought on the matter. There also wasn't any adventurer around.

'But can I do it?' He wondered before smiling brightly. What a question. "Of course, I can." He wasn't one to doubt himself.

Instead, he started taking off the weight he was wearing, hands and feet.

"Ahhh... that does indeed feel better." He stretched as he felt himself lighter than before.

"Then shall we dance? Monsters." Though he said he was seeing them more as prey than monsters. 'If they gave him crops, of course, he would nurture them.

'Guess that is all for hand-to-hand combat today.'

He started slowly walking forward as he unsheathed the short sword on his side.

His walking rhythm slowly increased as he gauged the extent of his increase in speed.

After forming a clear picture in his mind, his walk turned into a full-blown run as he met the incoming group of monster head-on.

His sword slashed through the first monster met which was an imp, an then jumped forward and quickly took down two of three black bats. Their sound waves attack could quickly get annoying in this kind of fight.

Landing on the head of one of the orcs, he once again took another jump, evading the hand of the orc which ended up slapping himself.

'Now I am done with the black bats.' As he flipped in the air he looked below.

Left, Right, his eyes moved erratically as he registered the position and ongoing action of the monsters on the field.

Feet on the ground, the former smile on his face was no longer to be seen. In his eyes at this moment, those monsters were nothing but inferior beings that dared to step in his way.


Asfi Al Andromeda P.O.V

'What in Lord Hermes's name am I seeing right now?' I couldn't help but ask myself in disbelief.

A number of adventurers reported to the guild a strange movement from the monsters on the upper floors, from what I have been told, there were a large number of monster gatherings.

I was told that they first wanted to take care of it, but there were two orcs with them, which was about the pay grade of any mundane level one adventurer. At least those that reported the information were able to make the others around evacuate.

And since I was at the guild for some business the moment it happened I have been asked to take care of it at the behest of the guild. I am a level four, after all, something like that wouldn't take more than five minutes. Stuff like that wasn't exactly rare, to be honest, it happened from time to time.

Using Hades Head out of habitude to turn invisible, I rushed there, it wouldn't be good to let the situation escalate.

So imagine my surprise when I arrived at the place and saw a young man asking the monsters for a... dance?

'Yeah that sounds stupid, he is just going to his death' at least that's what I thought.

I was going to hold him off and give him a little lecture for such reckless behavior but I couldn't help but stop myself as I saw him meeting the monsters head-on with a smile.

He seemed trained, his step measured, and his pacing calculated. As I watched him almost effortlessly take down the first monster he met, quickly followed by two other ones.

'He knows what he is doing.' I understood that much.

Then I watched as he started getting rid of the monsters one after the other with an almost scary efficiency... He rarely blocked an attack, only those that wouldn't stop him down, instead as if he had eyes behind his back, he moved and dodged without even stopping to take a breath.

'Is he really a level one?' I wondered but I was sure he was, the amount of physical prowess he displayed all pointed at the fact that he was.

I analyzed as I saw him put an imp in front of a needle rabbit's attack, then rip that rabbit's horn off and use it to kill another one. All of that while maneuvring and evading the attacks of the two orcs. His battle senses are a bit fearsome.

'Why would you throw your sword in the air?'

my eyes widened as he followed suit and kicked an imp upward, disconnecting it from the ground before punching its stomach sending it flying a little back, then as it did it was met by the attack of an orc that was trying to hammer down the adventurer.

He then retrieved his sword and then slashed at the orc's hand, although it didn't cut it off, it rendered it unusable.

I watched as he took advantage of the pain he caused the orc and ran his blade through its neck.

'This is almost addicting. It's like looking at a planned choreography' I started thinking that it was really not so different from dancing.

The rest of the fight didn't go much differently, it was as if he planned everything, all was within his expectation.

'Wait is he looking at me?' I was shocked since he suddenly looked in my direction.

'Those blue eyes of his...' they were as beautiful as they were unsettling.

Is he really seeing me? But I am sure of currently being invisible... it shouldn't be possible for him to see me.

'Argh... this is awkward.' he is still looking in my direction. 'Let's just leave and report it to the guild since he already took care of the situation.'


Noctis, sweat dripping all over his body making his clothes wet, finally felt the fatigue taking over as he looked at the figure of the leaving Asfi. His body fell to the ground.

Althought Hades head made her bend within the surrounding, essentially making her invisible from normal people's perspective, he was no normal person.

He could see much more than they could, and above all, he could see her magical signature, it was impossible for her to hide from him.

'I cannot rest here, it's not safe at all.' He forced his body to move and started putting all the monster drops on the floor along with his weight into his inventory.

'When you can make one second into ten and use that time to reflect on your next moves, the liberty of movement you can obtain in a fight is scary.' That was why he could take the liberty to fight as freely and erratically as he wanted.

Wearing back his glasses, he felt the strain on his brain massively decrease as he made his way out of the dungeon while taking note of his surrounding.

He eventually made his way out, but instead of heading toward the guild, he made his way home. It won't be too late to sell his stuff tomorrow.


After arriving, taking a bath, and getting changed, Noctis headed toward Takemikazuchi's room, and once there he knocked on the door.

One... Two... Three.

'Seems like he is not here yet.' He then made his way into the backyard and saw Ouka who was doing some push-ups.

"Ouka, where are the others?" he asked as he put his back against the door.

"Ho Noctis, you are back already?" Ouka stopped what he was doing and got up as he reached for his towel.

"The girls went shopping and they managed to convince Takemikazuchi-sama to accompany them." He explained.

"I see, used to your weight yet?"

"Not quite, still need some time to go."

"Train more then." He then went to look for something to eat. His body required subsistence after dancing so much.


"..." Takemikasuchi was expecting something similar to happen, but looking at this he could only sight in injustice for all other adventurers.

He finished updating Noctis's status and gave him the status file.

"Congratulation, you now have the right to level up if you wish." He said with complicated emotion. Still, he was happy for his newest but also strongest child.

"More than that, this is... Noctis, you, you are on a completely different level." He didn't even know how to speak normally anymore.

"This is how it should be!" Noctis's voice was incomparably more arrogant than before as he looked at his status, no, that's the wrong term, it was more 'prideful' as now he had an achievement he can be prideful about in 'this world'.

He was 'the fastest person to have achieved the requirement to become level 2', and that, he was sure.


Noctis Caelum


•Strength: A- 814

•Endurance: A-888

•Dexterity: S- 901

•Agility: S-998

•Magic: SS- 1169




_Sin Of Pride


His lowest stat was strength and even that was A. He was well on his way toward greatness like no other.

His highest stat was magic, although that may seem strange it was not, since it was, in fact, the stat he used the most. The Six Eyes required it to be used, thus he was essentially using it H24.

In truth, he was more surprised about the fact that it didn't hit SSS... but it was also not far from it so that was fine.

"So what no? Are you going to level up?" He asked, still surprised that it was possible to go beyond S in stat.

"No, I will wait a bit more, in order to increase my stats as much as possible."



I think I need an editor or at least someone to proofread.