
Danmachi: Shrouded in the Abyss of Darkness

In a world suffocated by the weight of societal expectations, Ren's life unfolds as a hollow facade, devoid of purpose or true fulfillment. His days are spent trapped in the chains of conformity, desperately yearning for the moment they will end. And then, a revelation tears through the veil of his existence, thrusting him into a realm beyond his wildest dreams. Consumed by a delusion that permeates his every thought, Ren becomes enamored with a goddess-like character, Ais Wallenstein, from the world of "Danmachi." Her otherworldly beauty, with long golden-blonde tresses cascading like a radiant sun, her eyes a mesmerizing shade of gold, and a figure exuding grace and elegance, captivate his imagination. As if fate's cruel jest, tragedy befalls Ren, casting him into the realm of the afterlife. But amidst the abyss, a powerful Goddess emerges, confirming the existence of worlds he once believed were mere figments of imagination. It is a revelation that shatters the boundaries of his perceived reality and reignites the flames of the twisted desires he suppressed for a long, long time... ————— The novel's discord server: 2NUzdasA6F Author Notes: First and foremost, I extend my apologies in advance. Throughout this novel, I may make references to various anime and novels, as well as playfully critique certain aspects of other works. Please understand that it is not my intention to offend anyone. I neither claim ownership of these works nor have personal connections with the authors. Posting Pace: I must confess that I am writing this story purely for my own satisfaction, without any fixed schedule or deadlines. Anticipating some common questions: Q: Will there be a harem? A: I cannot say for certain. My MC has a deep obsession with Ais Wallenstein alone, which may be enough to satisfy his desires. Q: Is the MC mentally stable? A: No. Ren is a broken individual, a clear example being the MC of "The Villain Who Robbed the Heroines." If you are unfamiliar with that character, I encourage you to read a few chapters or peruse the synopsis for further insight. Q: Is this a Danmachi fanfiction? A: Yes, it is ultimately a Danmachi fanfic. However, it may diverge from the most popular fanfictions you may have encountered, offering a unique perspective and narrative. Thank you for embarking on this journey with me. I hope you find the story engaging and thought-provoking, as it explores the depths of Ren's twisted desires and the intricacies of a world woven from both familiar and unfamiliar threads.

DeeplyLostInShadow · Cómic
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94 Chs


It was a well-known fact that children instinctively sought the assistance of the person closest to them or someone who had aided them in a perilous situation.

Even I understood this much.

However, for Ais, it appeared to be an entirely different story.

Despite my attempts to explain that Wiene's attachment to me was a misunderstanding, she stubbornly refused to accept it.

Regardless, as much as the situation brought a faint glimmer of happiness to my heart, now was not the time to delve into such matters. The ensuing weeks cast a heavy blanket of silence over Orario.

In truth, it felt as if the vibrant scenes we had witnessed just days prior in the sky were now distant memories of a bygone era.

Not a single person ventured outside their "homes" or what little remained of them. The only souls brave enough to step out were either first-class adventurers, individuals drowning their sorrows in alcohol in vain attempts to forget, or those who had nowhere else to go and were devoid of means.

In essence, it was as if the slums had taken over the entire city.

While understandable given the recent events, it still struck me as tedious. People must carry on and embrace the present. Clinging to the memories of the departed would only breed further misery.

Of course, no one dared approach the Dungeon. It had transformed into a quarantined zone, a place to be avoided at all costs.

We had already submitted our reports to the Guild, ensuring that information regarding the situation reached the public. However, it appeared that no one possessed the courage to face the monsters at this juncture.

The city teetered under the weight of collective trauma, and if not addressed promptly, businesses would be the first to crumble.

Under such immense pressure, one might expect the city to be on its knees.

Undoubtedly, neighboring countries must be assessing the situation from that perspective. Well, if they dared to launch an assault on the place Ais calls home, I would gladly enact a justified mass genocide.

Although this city is nothing more than a location, in the end, Ais does hold fond memories of this place—memories tied to this Manor, the Jagamarukun Stall...


The time had come to attend the funeral, a somber occasion filled with mourning and solemnity.

As we mingled with the surviving members who had suffered great losses, we exchanged sympathetic words and condolences. The weight of the tragedy hung heavily in the air, particularly burdening the Loki Familia.

While the executives maintained their composure thus far, there was an undeniable sorrow in their eyes for the comrades they had lost. It was time to let them go.

Ais, too, appeared visibly affected by the senseless deaths that had occurred. My heart burned with anger toward Malachi, for he was the one responsible for bringing such grief upon my beloved Angel. I swore to myself that he would face a fate far worse than death the next time I met him.

Lost in my thoughts, I was suddenly thrust onto a stage, all eyes turned toward me. It seemed my actions had made me a symbol of hope and resilience for these grieving individuals, prompting them to seek solace in my words.

Oh... was I expected to deliver a speech?

Taking a moment to steady my emotions, I cast my gaze upon Ais before addressing the crowd.

"...While many of you may not be familiar with me personally, I believe that my name has already reached your ears. I am Ren Von Seraphis, a newly appointed executive of the Loki Familia. We have relayed to the Guild our firsthand reports of the events that transpired below the surface, shedding light on the cause behind the relentless onslaught of monsters. I am deeply saddened by the losses each and every one of you has endured. Though I cannot claim to understand your pain, I am grateful to have been able to assist in whatever way I could, in my own humble capacity..."

I made sure to speak with sincerity, avoiding any exaggeration or feigned understanding. I would not pretend to grasp the depths of their grief, as I had never experienced the loss of a cherished loved one firsthand.

The mere thought of Ais meeting such a fate was enough to plunge me into the depths of despair.

I would kill myself the second she died.

And yet, these individuals stood before me, bearing the weight of their departed loved ones.

I found a modicum of admiration for their strength, their ability to endure and carry on. However, I also couldn't help but view them as somewhat foolish, questioning whether they truly cherished them enough.

--- Freya's POV ---

I gripped the fragile glass of wine, my fingers tightening around it until it shattered in my hand. The broken shards scattered across the floor, the rich red liquid staining the ground.

How dare they? Blaming us for not extending a helping hand to every soul in need. Are we to be treated as a mere charity organization?

But that wasn't the root of my seething anger. No, it was the sight of a man with raven black hair and piercing cyan eyes appearing on the crystal ball, tending to the wounded.

"It's all your fault..."

Bell Cranel's radiance had dimmed, and the culprit behind this decline was none other than this disgusting man.

I could no longer allow him to hinder the progress of my beloved.

It seemed the time for this charade to come to an end had arrived. Though I desired to avoid invoking Loki's wrath, he left me with no other choice.

Orario must be reminded of the reason why our Familia has consistently claimed the pinnacle for so long.


At the same time, in another location...

"Incredible news, Marius! Our moment to strike has arrived! Orario will finally succumb to our conquest!" Ares bellowed with laughter, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

Beside him, Marius could only sigh wearily. Would this endeavor end in yet another failure? Marius was well aware of the recent developments that had unfolded in the aftermath of the incident. If they were privy to this information, surely the other nations had been as well. And indeed...

"The Amazones and Dwarves have already reached out to form an alliance," Marius revealed, his voice tinged with resignation.

The swiftness of their response was not a surprise.

What Ren had theorized on multiple occasions was now materializing before their eyes.

When Orario stood at its zenith, the neighboring Nations would present themselves as friendly and accommodating.

Yet, as soon as a threat emerged that could even potentially jeopardize their own existence, their true nature surfaced—focused solely on personal gain.

How ironic it would be if their efforts to target Orario ultimately led to their own downfall at the hands of the true enemies lurking in the shadows?


Author's Note:

The Funeral will be seen from another POV, properly, next chap.

After that, well, you can already guess :)