Dying a guy from our world ends up reborn in Danmachi. A world filled with gods, monsters, and heroes. Just what kind of legend will he create now that he lives in such a place? Read and find out. Warning: This fiction will not be all sunshine and rainbows it will contain dark themes. Such as murder, thoughts of suicide and graphic content. You have been warned so read at your own risk.
The others and I continued down the path we were on, coming to the end of it in just under an hour. Just as we planned.
Stepping outside of the tunnel we were in we found ourselves on the 14th floor for the very first time.
But we didn't have any time to take it in.
Since as soon as we set foot on the floor several openings appeared in the nearby walls and ceiling, releasing a horde of at least 60 Almiraj as far as I can see.
The dungeons version of Bell.
"Cute." Millhiore murmured.
"Yeah, but don't let their appearance fool you. These bunnies won't hesitate to chop you into little bits and pieces." I said. Raising my spear in their direction.
The moment I did so all the Almiraj pulled axes from behind their backs and started moving closer to our position.
"Their advancing." Gaul shouted, stating the obvious.
"Stick together." I said. "These guys literally represent the phrase "Strength in numbers.". Don't stray too far and cover each other blind spots. Also when they throw their weapons is usually the best time to go in the for the kill." I quickly explained to the others.
All of them drawing their weapons as I did so.
A moment after this happened several of the Almiraj charged towards us, axes raised and at the ready to cut.
Seeing this Ryuu and I stepped forward.
Me with my spear, and she with her sword, we quickly cut down the murderous bunnies heading towards the group.
But as soon as we did so several more hopped forward and closed in on our position.
One of them swung their axe towards my head, so I quickly raised up my spear and blocked the attack.
But as soon as I did so another Almiraj ran forward, aiming their axe towards my chest.
Even so I am not worried.
{What I seek is thunder, Izuchi!}
Ryner cried out.
The second after he did so a lighting bolt struck the Almiraj charging towards me, as well as the one trying to cut me with its axe. Killing them both instantly.
As soon as this happened I moved forward, thrusting my spear through three Almiraj at once.
Killing them instantly.
Then as soon as I did so I moved back within range of the others.
Just as I did the ceiling above us opened up, and dungeon worms came falling towards us.
"Rogue, Leonmitchelli, handle them!" I commanded.
"On it."
"You got it captain!"
Jumping up into the air Rogue sliced through one of the dungeon worms with his katana easily. While Leonmitchelli took her axe and hacked the other four to pieces in an instant.
The two of them landing on the ground after it was done.
Meanwhile Gaul rushed in, taking down several Almiraj at once. Delivering one punch to each of them, killing them without too much trouble.
Once I saw this I re-focused on my own efforts.
Moving forward again I swept my spear from left to right, killing five Almiraj. I then stepped forward and thrust my spear towards another, only for the bunny to jump back. Throwing its axe towards me after it did so.
Taking my spear I swung it and deflected the weapon into the ground.
Just as I did so the floor to the left of me cracked open and even more Almiraj jumped out of it, axes at the ready. All of them coming towards me.
{Ground that we walk upon, heed my command and come forth!}
[Geo Force]
I summoned a wall of earth to defend myself.
Then once I did so I jumped back and re-grouped with the others.
The Almiraj doing the same, glaring at us with their beady red eyes.
"Shit, we can't seem to breakthrough." Gaul said.
"Yes, it would seem so." Ryuu added.
"Ok then. Time to change things up." I said. "Milli, your up." I said to Millhiore.
She nodded at my words.
Once she did so Millhiore stepped forward and then began chanting.
Since thanks to her level up she gained magic, and I must say its quite perfect for large groups of enemies like the one we are facing.
{Taste my screams of fury my enemies!}
[Battle Cry]
As soon as Millhiore finished speaking she screamed, releasing visible sonic waves in the direction of the Almiraj. Which killed almost all of them in an instant.
And the ones that weren't killed dropped their weapons, and held their ears. Keeling over in pain.
This is Millhiore's magic, an attack-type magic known as [Battle Cry].
It turns her voice into a sonic blast, which cannot only disorient enemies but scramble like eggs from the inside out.
The moment I learned Millhiore obtained this magic a shiver ran across my entire body. Since I could imagine what her power could do if used on another person instead of just monsters.
It would be terrifying.
That's one of the reasons I'm glad she's on my side.
Keeping her magic going for three minutes Millhiore completed decimated the Almiraj monster horde in front of us.
Then as soon as she stopped Ryuu, Rogue, and I moved in to finish off any stragglers.
Once this was completed I turned back towards the others, only to see Millhiore staggering on her feet.
"Milli." Leonmitchelli said. She then rushed towards her and steadied her.
"I'm ok." Millhiore said.
"No, you are not." I said. Coming up to her. I then reached into my bag and handed her a magic potion. "Drink it." I told her. "And it's not up for discussion."
We don't need her getting a Mind Down in the midst of battle. That would be a horrible scenario.
Nodding Millhiore took the magic potion, opened it, and then drank it.
After she did so I directed the others and we collected some of the magic stones and even some drop items.
We then rested for five minutes before beginning to move forward again.
Stabbing my spear in the underside of the dungeon worm in front of me I moved it forward, careful not to get myself coated in any blood.
Since being covered in monster blood inside the dungeon will attract other monsters to you faster than normal. I learned that in Roses lectures.
Once I sliced open the worms guts I jumped back as it fell on the ground and died. It's magic stone hitting the ground a second later.
Moving over I collected it, resting my spear on my shoulder afterwards.
I then looked around to make sure everyone else was doing ok.
Thankfully they are.
Three days have passed since we've begun our expedition into the middle floors and so far we are making good progress.
We're clearing floor 14 and within another day or so should hit floor 15.
So if our progress continues as is we should reach floor 18 within another three days.
Giving us one full day before the monster Rex of floor seventeen respawns.
The Goliath.
A beast which our party is certainly not ready to face.
If we were high level two's or one of us was level three then sure, we could beat that rip-off titan. But as we are now, no dice.
That's why I made sure to triple-check the re-spawn time for when the Goliath would next appear before we left so we would have no chance to run into it.
I mean none of us are Bell with a cheat-like one-shot skill like [Argonaut] in our possession.
Which I will admit I'm a bit jealous off.
I wonder, just what would I have to do to obtain a skill similar to [Argonaut]?
As I thought about this the others finished up with their enemies. Taking several deep breaths and exhaling after they did so.
"Dammit, are these monster hordes ever going to let up?" Rogue asked. Leaning on his katana blade.
"Nope." I told him. "The dungeon will never be that kind." I explained. "So we must push through, otherwise it will swallow us whole without a second thought. Let's take a fifteen minute break and then get moving again, sound good?"
The others nodded.
Once they did so I started using my spear to carve up the area, that way no monsters would spawn in our immediate vicinity as we rested.
The moment I was finished with that I moved to a nearby wall and sat down, resting my back against it.
Taking off my pack I reached inside and retrieved a pouch filled with water, taking a drink from it after I did so.
Since killing all those monsters works up quite a thirst.
After I had my fill I placed my pouch back in my pack and re-secured it.
Just as I did so Ryuu came and took a seat next to me.
Turning away from Rogue's direction she reached into her own pack and retrieved her own pouch fo water. She then pulled down her mask and started drinking from it.
Seeing this Rogue sighed.
But he's not angry mind you.
After all he understands why Ryuu is being like this.
Even though she's pretty much stopped self-loathing about being an elf, she's still not all comfortable around other people. Especially where showing her face is concerned.
So even after these past few months neither Rogue or his mother has seen Ryuu's face.
But I'm sure with a bit more time she'll allow them to see it. She just needs a bit more time to warm-up to them. Like she did when she first joined the familia almost two years ago now.
Finishing her drink Ryuu slipped back on her mask and placed her pouch back into her bag, securing it.
Once she did so she got into a comfortable position.
But the second after she did so she shot to her feet.
"Ryuu, what's wrong?" I asked her.
"I hear someone crying out for help." Ryuu told me.
Elven ears are much more sensitive to sound than human ones, so if Ryuu is saying this I know it to be true.
"Guys, Ryuu says she hears someone in trouble." I said.
As soon as I did so everyone sprung up and collected their belongings, as did I.
Once we did so Ryuu started leading the way towards where the voice she is hearing is coming from.
For five minutes straight we ran, thankfully not encountering any monsters at all, until eventually Ryuu came to a stop near a rock formation.
As soon as she did so I heard a voice.
"No, stop! Get off me!" A female voice screamed.
Sharing a quick look with he others we all moved closer towards the rock formation in front of us and peeked past it.
In doing so we all saw a scene that made my blood boil.