Sirius Starr reincarnated into the world of 'Danmachi' anime. With the system in his hand, read how he lives his new life in a fictional world. This story consists of 'Danmachi' anime and 'Genshin Impact' game. The first world is that of anime, and the next world is the game. Support me: Please Note: I do not own anything in this story. I adopted this story from two different fanfictions.
Please keep these points in mind while reading this fanfiction.
1. My English is not professional. So, please forgive me for some mistakes.
2. I may change and rewrite some stuff while translating.
3. I do not guarantee any update frequency. If you want me to do so, please support me on Patrèon.
4. I have adapted this story from more than two fanfictions. So, please beware if you feel familiar!
Link: (I will post it in the paragraph description.)