
13.war game preparation 5

[+100AP from Hestia]

[+2AP from Loki]

[+3AP from Aiz wallenstein]

[+1AP from Welf]

[Available AP- 256]

It has been 6 hours since Roy and bell left from orario to ursus, they barely managed to escape the watchful eyes of guards and found out the gate that has been known as lost its entrance was under a huge tree, with fire magic they destroyed the trees, plants covering the entrance and safely got inside the structure.Entire structure can be seen as divided into 6 uneven parts, the northern part is the largest part which is owned by elf kingdom, while southern part is second largest part monitored by orario's adventurers guild, east part is also divided into two sectors with two different entrances but they got destroyed in the war and got covered with rumble and trees. And at west part there are two entrances.

Chienthrope's Fera kingdom fought for the bigger sector part of the two of them with elf kingdom and orario and got it but the entrance and the surroundings are full of monsters there were so many of them such that they were barely able to keep them at bay, after the incident, Fera kingdom gave up on the entrance and decided to keep fighting the monsters until they are exterminated but their fight is still going on, the last entrance got lost from a flood many years ago from the river 'thelsa' which is located at the northwestern part of ursus which is very near to the entrance , it was constructed in such way because of water source and canal system for agriculture and many purposes there protective mechanisms against natural hazards, but after the ursus got destroyed the protective mechanisms got destroyed too, there were flood which hit the sector regularly many times in the past now the entrance became identical to a swamp and got submerged in water , what makes people fearful is that there are many creatures in and near the swamp like grass snakes only people with particular abilities and skills dare to go there but after rumours started to spread since past 100 years , this entrance which was only known by a few people became 'lost'. Many people don't know about it , only the ones who made an extensive research on history may know about it. The entrance got submerged in the swamp but if one crosses the swamp a wet and somewhat dry land can be seen to fo into deeper part of sector one has to pass through the way which is inhabited by grass snakes.

Currently at this place, even though Roy and Bell may have a chance of passing through the grass snakes, if they use fire magic but Roy decided to stay here and train , Bell couldn't understand Roy's intentions but agreed to it because there are various types of monsters such as goblins, orcs on land and dagons in water , orcs are slow but have incredible strength, goblins are weak but they have strength in masses, dagons are in water they have some intelligence they can make some crafty moves and also use water magic.

He gets to fight three types of monsters which will give him rich battle experience and good training for him unlike the dark dungeon which is covered with darkness and danger everywhere where he has to fight life and death battles at every instant, he can train peacefully here and strengthen his basics,since there are one here who would disturb him, thinking about about this bell looked towards Roy who went in the direction of goblin's nest with a grateful look in his eye. But he didn't know that it is not going to be the ideal 'peacefull' training trip as he envisioned but a extremely dangerous one, fate had different plans for this little rabbit guy.

------------------------------standard pov-----------------------

Before fighting grass snakes and going deeper into the area , Roy decided to train in haki, mainly Haoshoku haki because it would easy for him to escape from creatures in this area because he remembered that haoshoku haki has effects of 'domination' like when, the kraken Surume was shown obeying commands from Luffy after being intimidated by a glare from him and on amazon lily, when Luffy unleashed Haoshoku haki while shouting at Boa Marigold and Boa Sandersonia to stop attacking their petrified country woman, the two sisters were shown to be taken aback by the outburst and ultimately obeyed his command and another affect of 'Incapacitation' like time when Luffy knocked out 50000 fishermen in the fishermen island arc in the anime, also the affect of 'Pressure' it shown when Shanks used Haoshoku haki on the mobydick to such a degree that it not only knocked out many of the Whitebeard pirates around him,but also slightly cracked some of the wood composing the ship,which withstood the incredibly harsh sailing of the New World since era of Gol D.Roger,more than a decade ago, there are some other advance techniques but they relatively unknown because they were very few people who posses Haoshoku haki.

Haoshoku haki would be very useful in the dungeon which is crawling with monsters, that is the reason Roy asked for Haki from god he thought he would be able to do it but after training for 3 hours straights with some weird poses forget the high level monsters in dungeon, he couldn't even intimidate chicken, reality is hard , he became even more frustrated.

"Damn it, why can't I use it? I tried staring and shouting like Luffy did in the manga , but I can't even scare a chicken , that damn God , did I got cheated by him? let's check status first"(Roy)

Roy open the status and clicked on the [Haoshoku haki]


[Haoshoku haki]

[Status]:- Sealed

[Requirements]:- User should develop qualities of a king to use it.


"Now I get it, qualities of king right ? Not now maybe in the future? okay let's try Busoshoku haki!"(Roy)(determined)

Roy remembered the effects of Busoshoku haki from anime , first one is basic techniques,There is a degree of ambiguity around the nature of basic Busoshoku Haki usage. Hardening was not shown until after the timeskip, and so prior to that, the coating of users' body parts and weapons was completely invisible. Since the timeskip, however, nearly every usage of Busoshoku has explicitly involved visible Hardening, with most of the ambiguous cases being with characters who wear dark clothing or use darkened weapons which make it difficult to tell in the black-and-white manga. Even characters who used invisible Busoshoku before the timeskip have been shown using visible Hardening in the two years following.

As of now, it is still unknown whether there are any functional differences between Busoshoku usages before and after the timeskip beyond the difference in appearance. In general, despite looking different and occasionally having a new degree of activation, the basic techniques of Busoshoku Haki work very much the same way after the timeskip as they did before.

'Hardening' is the most basic application of Busoshoku Haki. The user clads their desired body part with a coating which is mostly black, the color varies among users, with Luffy  being shown to have a red tint and Kataluri having a light blue one.

With Hardening, the affected body part becomes stronger in terms of both offense and defense. Hardening increases one's attack power by a considerable amount, allowing the user's blows to become tremendously destructive and dangerous. Defensively, Hardening serves as an armor which can safeguard the user from a great amount of attacks, particularly ones which are not clad in Haki themselves. For example, Luffy was able to intercept Rebbeca's blunt sword with a Haki-covered forehead and shatter it.Users are capable of hardening as much of their body as they wish until they are fully coated; however, more extensive coating will lead to the Haki being depleted faster.

Particularly strong concentrations of Busoshoku in a body part will cause the edges of the coating to take the shape of flames. Luffy, big mom and Katakuri have been shown with flame-shaped Hardening; the necessary process to attain this is currently unknown. Notably, while this shape has only been shown appearing for Luffy and Katakuri when they are performing their strongest attacks, Big Mom generated a flame-shaped coating while casually blocking an attack from Luffy.

Although Hardening is extremely tough, it is not impenetrable, as strong attacks using weaker Busoshoku Haki or even none at all have proven to be able to overwhelm Hardening defenses. Typically, though, if two people with different levels of Busoshoku Haki clash using Haki, the one with the greater degree of Busoshoku will break through the other's defenses and hurt them.Given that it is not invulnerable, Hardening can be strengthened through training and fighting against people with stronger degrees of Busoshoku.

The next one is 'imbuement',Katakuri's mochi fists imbued despite being separated from his body.Busoshoku Haki users can also harden any object they touch to imbue it with Busoshoku, thus allowing them to give weapons the same boosts as they do to their own body. Imbued weapons gain a new degree of offensive power, with one example being the Kuja warriors' imbued arrows being able to blast through solid stone.Defensively, imbuing Haki into a weapon prevents it from being damaged as easily and increases its lifespan. Dracule Mihawk, the greatest swordsman in the world, strongly believes in the importance of constantly imbuing one's sword with Busoshoku in order to prevent the blade from chipping.If a projectile weapon is imbued with Haki, the projectile will remain hardened even after it is launched away from the user's body. This has been shown with arrows,bullets,and even body parts.The Great Grade Enma is capable of drawing out a wielder's Busoshoku on its own, without needing the wielder to intentionally imbue it. This poses a challenge to the user, who must "tame" the weapon and regulate the amount of Haki it draws to avoid their bodies becoming depleted and weakened.

" In canon even for protagonist Luffy it two years to use 3 haki's to basic level while I am blessed by god and also have pre acquired skills which are at rank 'S' can't I master basics of only Busoshoku haki and kenbunshoku haki within three days ? Hell I can!!!!"(Roy)(enthusiastic)

Roy began to meditate and trying to use the skills of haki, is was little afraid of it at first whether it would work or not but he was relieved and excited when he could sense his spiritual energy, now he just have to concentrate to gather it mould it and use it.

Withlist doing it he began to memorise the information of kenbunshoku haki from anime, as far as he remember the first affect of kenbunshoku haki is 'Presence sensing'

The most common usage of this Haki allows the user to sense the presence of others. Rayleigh states that to fully master this ability would allow the user to see others, even if they are concealed from view or too far to see naturally.This type of Haki allows the user to see another person through the aura, be it behind buildings, strategically hidden, or camouflaged. Given this, Kenbunshoku Haki, depending on the level, can discover who is hidden, but still present. When viewed this way, the user cannot actually see the person or animal with any physical characteristics, but rather recognizes the targets by their "aura", which is a mental image of a colored silhouette of them on a dark background, as demonstrated when Usopp sniped Suagr,or how the blind Issho sees the world.

In the unique circumstance of being swallowed by a larger creature and still being alive, the Mantra user will only be able to sense the larger energy signature. Similarly, a Mantra user trapped inside a larger creature is unable to sense what is happening outside.

The second affect is 'Strength sensing' This application of Haki allows the user to measure the strength of the people whose presence they sense.This usage of Haki is useful in finding "powerful auras". Through this application, the user can easily locate powerful allies and avoid powerful enemies.

This ability can also be utilized to measure the Haki of others. Black beard confirmed this during his raid on Impel down,when he mentioned that Luffy's own Haki was greater than it was during their previous meeting in Jaya.Other characters that have been shown using this specific application are Bellamy, Koby, Basil Hawkins  and Ulti.

Third affect is 'emotion sensing' This variation of Kenbunshoku allows the user to sense and empathize with the emotions and nature of others. For example, Otohime used this Haki to sense the sufferings and emotions in the heart of a Fish man thief, as well as hear the screams coming from Fisher tiger's heart. Another example is that Aisa was able to sense Wyper's aggressive nature with this Haki. In addition, Issho sensed no trace of resentment from the citizens of Dressrosa, discovering that they were putting on a facade to help the Straw Hats escape.However, this ability is not flawless. People with high control over their emotions and acting abilities can somewhat counter this technique. An example of this is Squard, Pudding or Kanjuro who were able to fool very proficient users of Kenbunshoku Haki like Whitebeard Sanji or the Nine Red Scabbards.

When someone awakens this ability unconsciously, they become vulnerable to passively empathizing with the negative emotions of others without having the proper mental fortitude. This can be a traumatic experience for the user; especially in the context of several people dying, as the user will passively empathize with strong emotions of fear, pain, and hate.

The fourth affect is 'intent sensing' Another variant of Kenbunshoku Haki allows its user to sense another person's intent to act in the immediate future (especially through bloodlust/killing intent within combat), allowing them to predict what someone is going to do, usually seconds prior, in what resembles a pseudo-form of precognition. However, it should not be confused with the actual, literal ability to see into the future which requires another level of skill entirely.

Naturally, this predictive application of Haki is highly helpful in battle, as the user, depending on their level of proficiency, may have a vastly easier time predicting the path of enemy attacks to either dodge or counter them. The more killing intent exuded by a given enemy, the more predictable their attacks, although great enough Kenbunshoku experts can predict enemy moves whether there is murderous intent or not.

Of course, since conscious intent has to be present for one to sense it with Haki, any actions that are done unconsciously or with complete indiscrimination cannot be predicted. Luffy, during his fight against Enel, was able to counter the latter's Kenbunshoku by delivering attacks in random, uncontrolled directions.Yet another way to counter predictive Kenbunshoku is by simply being so fast that, even if an enemy can predict one's attack, they cannot dodge in time.

After a while, suddenly a message rang in Roy's head,

(" Hello Roy~ how are you ?, you have done very good job in comprehending Busoshoku haki and Kenbunshoku haki, you will have to work hard to comprehend Haoshoku haki, you may not do it now but I sure you can do it in future, I should have explained it to you sooner but I didn't, so sorry about that. As an apology I will give you two gifts one of them is a weapon since the weapons and equipment have not yet opened in the store, I will give you a weapon. A inventory for storing non living things, so good luck , don't die ok~)

Acquired [ Zanpakuto (Senbonsakura) (A)]{dormant}{soul bound}

Acquired [ Inventory (D)]:- storage space of 5000kg

[+5000 AP from god]

"Wow thank you god , I thought that you cheated, sorry for cursing you , now I can sense a sword inside me , I really got byakuya's Zanpakuto , if I master it , I will as cool as him! that INVENTORY is not a big deal but it's still useful , guess I will keep my marriage contract inside it".

"open INVENTORY"(Roy)

A transparent box like thing, appeared I put by bag, belongings and marriage contract inside it.

"The 5000 AP I got where should I use it?"(Roy)(confused)

Roy open the status->shop and contemplated for a while and chose,

"Buy [Sharingan (C)]"(Roy)

"Use 4000 AP to buy [Sharingan (C)] ?"


"Acquired [Sharingan (C)] , Apply it ?"(status)(notification)



[Starting the process.....


Roy felt so much pain from his eyes, it continued for 30 minutes and finally stopped.

[Completed the process]

[Congratulations for to user for gaining skill {Sharingan (C)}]

Roy slowly opened his saw the notifications on the status, there is small puddle of water near him, he moved there to take a look of his eyes.

"What where is my Sharingan? I lost my precious 4000 AP, wait calm down there is Sharingan in skills in status let's try to use it"(Roy)


After a while, Roy felt a tingling sensation in his eyes as he moved forward to see eyes in water.

"Yeah I got it, Legendary Sharingan, it is really like a game pay some points get abilities, red eyes with a ring and a small black dot on it, it is Sharingan!! it is real, now I have to master it along with Busoshoku haki and kenbunshoku haki , goblins, orcs here I come I am your nemesis!!!"(Roy)

Roy began to train,

After two days,...




"come on! once again gooooo!!!!!"(Roy)



Roy is using his Busoshoku haki to his hands and punching boulders rapidly also simultaneously using Sharingan and enhancing his speed,

"lets go kill some orcs !!"(Roy)

Roy slowly came near to a orc settlement, there are about 20 orcs, Roy came near one of them and summoned his zanpakuto sword and proceeded to slash it, suddenly orc felt some blood lust from one the bushes and moved away by instinct, Roy understood what it's going to do,with help of Sharingan and kenbunshoku haki he could sense its movement and intent, Roy increased his speed and changed the trajectory of his sword to the direction of orc, this time the poor orc is done for.


Roy sliced the orc into two, but suddenly he sensed that three more orcs were coming in his direction through his kenbunshoku haki, then he used his Busoshoku haki to reinforce his sword and increased his speed to rush towards the incoming orcs and ambush them , the orcs came and saw their comrade's death and became vigilant,just then one of the orc felt cold towards its neck and



the head of the orc fell down on the foor. After cutting the orc's head, Roy staggered a little which gave a small opening to the two orcs , they simultaneously took out their axes which are tied to their waists and swung it towards Roy. Roy sensed their intent and movement, then he used Busoshoku haki to reinforce his entire body with spiritual energy and,



took out his wand and casted the protection spell also,


used his fire spell, the orc which is relatively near to him got roasted and died, other orc got furious and attempted to kill him, but roy took his sword and swung it towards orc and


orc's axe and Roy's sword collided with each other, orc's axe completely broken into pieces while the orc lost its momentum and fell down, Roy used this as an opportunity, increased his speed and


cutoff the orc's head. All the orcs felt the change then saw that their comrades are dead, they became furious, holding their axes rushed towards Roy,



"Come on you bastards, become my nourishment kukukukuku~~"( Roy)(laughing like a maniac)