
Danmachi: Legend of Titania

"Live life to the fullest!" I heard that. I'm considered a side character in this life but if I had a chance to redo it all; I would be greater than the main character. A LEGEND! ÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷× Writing Experience: 1/20 {Novice} Writing Style: 2/10 {Monochromatic} ÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷× Warning ⚠️Yaoi but don't worry as it will not take most of the chapters and overtake the main topic of the story. Beware: I have a very monochromatic writing style so my choice of words may be dull or mundane. ÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷× This is a Fast-Paced, Overpowered, Gay MC. It's your choice if you want to read or don't want to read it! ÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×÷×

Apprentice_Writer · Cómic
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13 Chs

(4) Dungeon I

|Lucas Pov|

I returned the knife to its sheath as I decided to return to the pharmacy as I'm now full of sweat and dirt. I'm quite satisfied with my body, I have faint muscle, and faint abs showing on my body now; though I'm still bony, I think I should eat a lot more from now on to balance my routines.

I'm now in front of the pharmacy, I knocked as it was like four in the morning so the pharmacy is still close and they're probably still sleeping.

I heard the creaking of the wood: that's probably the stairs, the door opened and I saw Miach-sama with a sad look on his face.

Miach: "I thought you were kidnapped or something we were worried about you, we almost even called the Astraea Familia (Knights) to help us, but Naaza said you're smart so I should trust that you'll be back safe and sound." -- he said patting my head.

"Yup, I was just training to get ready for my first dungeon dive." -- I said, I was quite embarrassed as I didn't get a father figure in my past life as my biological father died early of a car crash. And getting patted is embarrassing! I'm sixteen for God's sake, though I've trained myself to dust I still didn't get an inch of height, my height is still on the level of Miach's shoulder.

"Go ahead and take a bath then, Naaza's cooking -- wait you don't need to eat fresh human meat do you?!" -- Miach said worriedly.

"Nope, myths are myths," I replied

"Good," -- he mumbled as I head to the bathroom.


When I got out of the bathroom I quickly headed to Miach-sama for an update, can't be going in the dungeon with my past stats can't I.

I quickly asked him for an update and now I'm lying down as the blood drip on my back.

Miach: "You are ready!"

Mavis: "Cein Quinn

Level 1

STR I - 46

VIT I - 54

DEX I - 49

AGI I - 55

Mag I - 0

Magic: Vampire Domain [Locked]

Skills: [Psychologist] is a skill equal to having two minds, it also lets you have a very clear mind in any situation and gives you protection in any mind straining damage affected to the user. [Psychologist] also lets you reign over emotions this magic is locked for now. This skill also gives you the subskill [Omniscient Eyes]. [Omniscient Eyes] gives you the ability to see through a person's soul; abling you to see/know their memories and also their intentions. [Psychologist] also gives you another subskill called [Impart] which let you impart your magic or skills to others as long as they pass the 'qualifications'.

[Challenger] is a skill that lets you grow stronger when fighting stronger opponents than you. This skill also lets you break through the A rank of any basic abilities.

[Adapt] lets you adapt to anything faster. When fighting opponents for over two minutes the user can have a seventy percent chance to foresee an opponent's attack.

[Eclipse] lets you change into your bat form or vice versa."

{A/N: I'm sorry about last time I missed quite a few details in his skills that are essential to the story so here it is.}

Me: "My hard work paid off I guess." -- I replied as I wear my top.

Suddenly I smelled the smell of eggs, as it quickly permeates the air of the front of the pharmacy coming from the back of the pharmacy.

Miach: "Eat first, I'll follow suit"

I quickly headed there with my stomach grumbling. Vampires don't get hungry when they're asleep, only IF THEY'RE ASLEEP!

When there, I saw a mini living room fit for two to four people, a kitchen, and the dining area: where three golden omelets were placed, another three bowls of salad, and three bottles of water all on top of a circular table covered by a mustard-colored tablecloth.

Naaza: "Eat up!" -- Naaza said with her usual sleepy voice.

I quickly ate up not caring about my dignity if I don't eat now I wouldn't be able to tell if my stomach will suddenly speak and scold me.

When I was about to finish my salad as I had already finished my omelet Naaza spoke -- head lowered:

"I'm sorry Cein, I have the trauma of monsters so I really can't go into the dungeon. I'm sorry for being such an irresponsible captain."

I look up at her, I stood up and hugged her: "It's okay, I can do it! I'm old enough anyway."

She had lowered her head for a while, then she goes to the cabinet. I took my water bottle and drank some water.

Naaza: "Take this and be careful. And don't just trust people inside the dungeon." -- She said -- handing me a bag with what I can tell macaroons like snacks and two water bottles inside and five potions.

"Thank you!" -- I replied, I wore my armor and my belt where the sheath is tucked in with my knife, while I sling the bag to my shoulders.

I left the back of the pharmacy and got in front of the pharmacy where Miach is.

"Good luck, and return alive!" -- he said as I nodded and bid my farewell.

I avoided the abandoned church as I know that Hestia this time was already kicked out of Hephaestus by freeloading and it is not time yet for us to meet, and I also avoided the Hostess of Fertility in fear of seeing Ryuu and seeing Syr too early as my plan is still too far from completion.

It took me a while to get to Babel as both the abandoned church and Hostess of Fertility is the route to get here.

I saw a knight guarding the stairs to the entrance to the dungeon. I heard what they're saying: 'Adventurer Card'... Fu*k I forgot.

But just then a half-elf came up to me, she has a slim body, pointy ears, shoulder-length brown hair, and emerald-colored eyes. Eina Tulle!

Eina: "Are you... Cein-Kun?" -- she asked.

"Yes I am, how can I help you?" -- I replied hoping Rehmer send her here to deliver my adventurer card.

Eina: "Ah, well Rehmer-sama forgot to give you your adventurer card so she let me give it to you." -- She said, handing me a white card with black stripes in its rear.

Me: "Thank you, Eina-san"

We bid farewell and I'm now lining up for the knights to check my card.

After a while, they checked my card, and now I can descend the spiral stairs.

I'm feeling very excited right now -- like I'm born to do this, the feeling to get stronger.

As I descend I saw the wide hallway also known as the beginning road signifying that I'm now on the first floor of the dungeon, further back on the first floor I see adventurers slaying goblins.

I saw three goblins alone by the corner one holds a spike while the other two are barehanded, I stealthily walk towards one of the barehanded as it was the one close to me and hack the knife towards its neck, \Pchk\ it noticed me but it was already too late as its head fell off and it's body turning to dust alarming its two other companions.

I aimed my knife on the neck of the other barehanded goblin but missed as it dodged it but I was still able to graze some of its skin off, he took a step back, and the one with the spike slashed at me aimed at my chest but I raised my knife to my chest and the spike slid through the knifes edge and the goblin was taking aback I took my chance and slashed its right hand where he held the spike \Schk\ his right hand fell, then I stab towards its chest only for him to cover it with the left hand but nonetheless my knife still penetrated his chest. Before the armed goblin was even turned to dust the barehanded one kick me on the side and I was instantly knocked back into the wall of the dungeon. Spitting blood I quickly dashed to the goblin, it hooked its right hand punching me but I quickly dodge it, extending my right arm that's holding the knife I stab his unprotected abdomen \Shlk\, but it was not enough as he tried to kick me, 'I'm not falling for that again' I mumbled as I shove my knife further into his abdomen, my knife penetrated through his back, turning him to dust.

I quickly picked up the three magic stones and put them into my bag.

I quickly looked around to find my next target, and I saw four goblins ALONE.

{A/N: I know the first three chapters had been messy so I'm really sorry. As you can see I've held my sh!t this time and it's gotten a little bit more comfortable and clean.}