
Danmachi: I am Bell Cranel

In a world where GODS and other strong Races wield unimaginable powers, a soul finds himself inserted in one of those worlds with little knowledge. watch as he becomes the epitome of force one can become. [ system is starting, welcome player ] "huh?"

truepowerscaler1 · Cómic
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13 Chs

Welf Crozzo!

[ in the training grounds of the Hestia Familia ]

"fire bolt!"

"lightning bolt!"

"ice bolt"

people kept shouting as they tried to fight the blurring image, it's been 5 days since the Hestia familia excepted the 40 adventurers, and in this 5 days Bell made sure to have the familia members get used to using magic, with this their mana also grows.

the 40 familia members tried to shoot Bell, but they could not do anything as he looked like a ghost phasing through everyone.

at first they rejected trying to fight him together as they felt even the most powerful people can't dodge 40 different types of magic coming at you at once, but now they looked at Bell as he flew past them with ease.

a few minutes passed as they continued to try to hit Bell, but most of the people don't even know what a goblin looks like, so they aren't more powerful then a normal teen or adult.

"aright, that's enough for today, go take a rest, in 5 days we will be going to the dungeon, 10 members each day, until you guys get strong enough to go to the dungeon in a 4 member team, one for assault, one for defense, one for support and one for looking at your backs" i said as i stood in front of the familia members.

after i told them this, i let them go, but not before calling 4 people here, they are talented people with high potential, they might reach level 7 if they try, or even higher, after all it's the achievement that defines your leveling speed, and i will not let anyone level up if none of their stats are a level, and if it's not, they will have to have a b in every stats to level up.

this will ensure that they will be stronger then the average adventurers that are on the same level, after all most people level up when they reach d or c in stats.

"you four, tell me your names" i asked them as i took in their image, these are important familia members, as they not only have higher talent, but they also have impressive wills, even after this they will train their bodies.

"my name is, Ryu" the one with brown hair and green eyes said, he had lightning bolt, he had smarts to win a fight and he trains the most, he will probably reach level 9 under my care.

"my name is. Terra" the boy with red hair and red eyes said, he had fire bolt, and he was also impressive, might reach level 9 under my care.

"my name is Aqua! the girl with blue hair and blue eyes said, she had ice bolt, she might reach level 9 under my care.

and finally the most impressive out of everyone, the one that had a skill without my magic grimoire, might be able to reach level 11.

he had the skill of, "Gluttony", this skill allows him to absorb all the exilia in the monster that he defeats, most people only absorb a small amount of exilia from the monsters, this is why most people only reach level 2 in years.

"my name is Chikara" the boy said, he had black short hair, and he had grey eyes, he looks like a normal guy that is a little handsome, he is the strongest here out of everyone, he was able to fight me, when i limited my strength to someone who just went to floor 3.

"what weapons do you prefer?" i asked them as i thought of welf.

"i prefer, a spear" Ryu said, i nodded in acknowledgement, spear is a good match for lightning.

"i prefer a sword" Terra said, i nodded again as a sword is good for fire magic.

"i want a magic staff that increases my magic out put" Aqua said, i nodded but this is probably the most expensive.

"i want... a dagger" Chikara said as he looked at my dagger, it was not the one in my inventory, just a well made dagger.

i nodded with a smile towards chikara, i then sent them to do what they wanted, after which i went towards the tower of babyl.

i arrived and i stood there in excitement as i9 looked at the first modern technology that i saw in this world, an elevator,

i got into it and set my point at the forge floor, the elevator went up and my excitement quickly went down as i realised this is by magic and not electricity.


the elevator stopped and i stepped out, i looked around and spotted the expensive weapons ranging from hundreds of thousands of valis to hundreds of millions of valis, i could afford everything here, as these days i started skipping the floors, i directly went to floor 16 where i killed hundreds of monsters, and with their stones worth way more, i got way more money, at least 50 million every time.

i walked out, and while walking towards the office of Haphaestas, i saw a red haired boy walk past me, i stood there for a second before walking after him, he noticed me and looked at me with confusion.

"i want you to forge weapons for me exclusively, and no one other then my familia" i said as i looked at welf with a serious face, he was probably the 3rd best smith in orario, but with magic weapons then definitely second.

"uh?, who are you" he asked me in confusion, i told him who i am and quickly he turned into an excited mood.

"can you take me down onto the lower floors, if you do, i will make a contract for you, to only make weapons for your familia" Welf said in an excited tone, this is the chance for him to level up.

" i will help you, and with it you might reach level 5" frankly i did not see much potential in him, level 5 is still good, but this guy is made for smithing, and with his magic weapons he could probably fight with a level 6 or even draw with a level 6.

"yesss!" he said excitedly as he put his hands into the air, a few seconds later he was calm, and asked me the important question.

"so do you want a weapon right now?" he asked me, and i nodded, we went to his forge and i put down the best drops i got from monsters, it was the bones of the goliath, even after it's death the bones regen, and it is the most rarest drop, it was only dropped once, and that weapon has disappeared.

"this is the bones of the goliath, it can regenerate, and it's hardness is the top of the top, able to withstand attacks from level 5 and 6, if you input mana into it, the durability increases with the strength of your mana." i said as i handed the large bones to Welf, at first he looked shocked at what i said, but then he had an excited look on his face, this is probably comparable to his magic weapons, if this becomes a weapon then it could be worth billions.

"i want you to make, a dagger the same size as mine, a katana, a spear and a staff with this bones" i said as i took out 4 bones, it was the size of 3 meters each, and with the left over materials, i asked him to make some light armor for the 4.

immediately, welf got to work and it took all day for him to make 1 weapon and 1 armor, seeing this i told him i will be back in 4 days, and on the 5th i will take him to the dungeon.

[ 4 days later ]

"are they ready?" i asked welf who had dark bags under his eyes, probably barely slept with all that material.

"yes, it's over there he pointed at the floor, there war 4 weapons and armor, it was laid out on a piece of cloth, and they looked beautiful.

i took the weapons and armor into my inventory, and i told welf to take a rest for tomorrow, i then went back home and called the 4 to me.

"these are the weapons that you requested, these weapons are worth billions, and will never leave you, they get stronger the stronger your mana is" i said as i gave the armor and weapons to the 4, i told them to try out the armor and weapons, and it fit perfectly to them.

they tried the weapons, and they were able to infuse their weapons with mana, the weapons is like a conductor, easily allows mana into it, and it will become stronger and sharper, the magic staff made the magic of Aqua 30% stronger.

[ next day ]

in front of the dungeon, i stood there with terra, aqua, ryu and chikara, along with welf, i took them down to the first floor, and i made them each kill a goblin, they were easily able to do it, and i moved down to the 5 floor, here they struggled, and they almost could not hold on,

But to my surprise, i could see that Chikara was able to fight back, so i moved down to the 7th floor, they could not hold on anymore, i moved back to the 5th floor and made them kill monsters for an hour, they did and they got better with their magic, and Chikara was especially good, with lightning bolt, and Gluttony, i could see he got better at fighting at a much higher pace then others.

after the hour passed, i took welf and the four down to floor 16, and i made a minotaur injure, i cut on arm off, and took it's weapon, i then made welf fight it, the fight was very hard for welf, the minotaur is a high level 2, and it's stats are far better then welf, but in the end he got it at the cost of a serious injury to the stomach, i gave him a potion and it healed enough to walk.

[ Hestia familia ]

Hestia upgraded the Falna of the four and i was kind of surprised.


Strength: 105 h

Dexterity: 110 h

Durability: 100 h

Magic: 134 h

Magic: lightning bolt


Strength: 95 i

Dexterity: 120 h

Durability: 120 h

Magic: 156 h

magic: ice bolt


Strength: 129 H

Dexterity: 105 h

Durability@ 144 h

Magic: 120 h

magic: fire bolt


Strength: 189 H

Dexterity: 195 H

Durability: 176 H

Magic: 200 G

skill: Gluttony

Magic: lightning bolt.

i looked at their stats and i was proud, they were better then 99% of people, and chikara was better then every one.

"good, from now on the 4 of you will be going to the dungeon from tomorrow, all the money will be divided into 20%, meaning80% of the money will be yours, the remaining 20% is minw" i said as i looked at them, they nodded, as money was not that important to them, they already got weapon and an armor that will be with them for life.

"now go rest, in 3 days you 4 will go to the dungeon, and remember on allowed to the 4 and 6 floor" i said seriously as i looked at them, theirt falna was upgraded so they could handle floor 6 now, but seven they might be in trouble.

they nodded, and i allowed them to walk away, of course i sensed their magic signature, if anything happens to them, i will know, ever since i got the observation skill, i only did things with it, even when my eyes are open, ilose focus and listen with my hearing and senses, specifically air vibrations and magic sensing.

my range can now cover half of the city, and if anyone targets them i will know, except if they are in the dungeon.

with that i got up and also walked into my room, where i was met with Hestia and Lily, naked on the bed waiting for me.

i jumped onto the bed.


what do you guys think about he mystery ability, i made it so that bell can create grimoires, and don't worry it won't be op, he will only be able to create magic like fire bolt, and other elements, but no space skill like teleportation, so it is not that op.

and what do you guys should the next girl be vote for it.


