
Danmachi: I am Bell Cranel

In a world where GODS and other strong Races wield unimaginable powers, a soul finds himself inserted in one of those worlds with little knowledge. watch as he becomes the epitome of force one can become. [ system is starting, welcome player ] "huh?"

truepowerscaler1 · Cómic
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13 Chs

the goliath!


the whole dungeon room trembled as Bell launched himself and punched the minotaur, the monster flew into 3 others behind him, and it smashed itself and the monsters behind it into minced meat.

"looks like it's time to challenge the goliath, and from what i know even a level 4 can't beat it, after this i will level up and reach level 3!" bell said with a smirk as he dashed past all the monsters in hi way, the monster he past had their bodies touched and then they burst into flames.


bell reached the entrance to the 17th floor, and with a step he entered, instantly the wall that was covered in rainbow stones cracked as a huge red humanoid monster burst through it, it had white hair and red glowing eyes.

the monster's eyes locked onto my figure, and it picked a huge boulder the size of me, but the boulder looked like a pebble in the goliath's hand, he cocked his hand back and threw the boulder at me.


A sonic boom echoed as the boulder flew towards me, i quickly put my dagger up, and it impacted me sending me a few meters sliding as my feet dug the floor up in an attempt to stop my figure from moving.


the boulder was cut into two parts, the flew past me on both sides and crashed into the floor behind me causing 2 deep craters to appear.

the wind blew my hair and red cloak, it was like a royal cloak and a white fluff around the neck, basically the cloak of Julius nova chrono.

on the back of the cloak, a huge yellow sun was seen, and below the sun was the word sin of pride, on the front of the cloak, there was expensive jewels worth millions of valis, and below the cloak bell had the armor on.


the cloak ruffled against the wind as bell ran at the speed of sound at the Goliath, bell released a magic slash coated with fire hot enough to melt metal, he temperature of the whole room increased sharply.


the goliath was sent flying into the wall causing cracks tens of meters to form, but the huge gash on the chest of the goliath started healing fast.

seeing this, bell decided to have a confrontation with the monster, bell ran at the monster and did a flying kick to it's chest, the kick knocked the goliath into the air as a huge dent appeared in it's chest.

"RAAGHHH!" the monster roared in pain and rage as it looked at the humiliation it weas enduring, it opened his mouth and released a sonic attack.


Bell was impacted wityh a sonic attack, and his body was blasted into the ground, the ground caved in as a crater 30 meters wide and 6 meters deep appeared, Bell stood up with some blood running down his lips, he smirked as he felt the thrill again, the thrill when his life is in threat.

bell dashed at the goliath and attacked him with a cruel sun, the sun made a huge explosion, burning half of the goliaths body in flames, after the smoke went away, it revealed the goliath with bone deep burns but it was slowly, albeit slower then usual.

bell ran towards the goliath, but before he could get close, the goliath opened his mouth and released a sonic bullet, it was less powerful but much faster, about 3 times the speed of sound, bell could barely react as he put the dagger in front of him.


bell was sent flying as the sonic bullet dragged him into the wall, the wall caved in and a burst of wall went everywhere, bell climbed out of the deep hole in the wall, and pushed himself against the goliath, cutting it's leg of with a terrifying magic slash that had concentrated mana and sunshine on it.

"RAAAAGHH!" the monster screamed in pain as it fell down on the ground, it's ead hit the ground causing the ground to tremble, i looked at his face that was laying in front of me, and at this moment i knew i fucked up.


at point blank range, a full powered sonic beam was launched into my stomach, it sent me flying for tens of meters before my body hit the ground, i flew out creating a deep ravine for tens of meters before colliding with the dungeon wall.


the whole dungeon room trembled as i created a big crater that covered the whole room wall. the smoke dispersed when the shockwave from me colliding with the wall traveled.

i stood up panting as a dent appeared on my armor, i coughed out blood as i looked at my dagger stuck in the ground a few meters away from me, my bady hurt like hell as some of my bones definitely cracked.


the dagger flew into my hand with a command, i looked at the goliath, and i started chuckling with excitement.

"hehehe!, yes this is the fun i was looking for, i will murder you!" i shouted as i ran at the goliath with full speed, i released thrust of flame jets out of my back, propelling myself towards the goliath.


i collided with it's chest and i came out the other side leaving a gaping hole in it's chest, it started recovering, and then attacked me with a sonic bullet.

thanks to the flame jets i could avoided some of them but every now and then it managed to land some of them.

the fight continued for many minutes, and at the 20 minutes mark, i stopped fighting and looked at the goliath, i am stronger but evetime it gets hurt it regens.

"looks like i need to get serious" i said as i felt sunshine, my body started growing stronger, my magic power increased and i felt my hands tighten around the dagger.

i pointed my dagger towards the goliath, and i built up my magic of magic slash, and then i added full power sunshine, and this time i did it in a beam and not a slash.

"CRUEL SLASHHH!" I shouted as i sent a beam of pure yellow surrounded with blue, it pierced towards the goliath with 4 times the speed of sound, and it instantly started melting it's whole body, it screamed in pain as it's body melted into nothing, and a few seconds later, the Goliath was defeated.

instantly i felt my injuries heal and my power increasing by at least 30%, i felt my stamina get better, my magic power grew, and my physical strength grew, but that was not all i could feel my body regenerating.

"hmm, looks like i got it's regen powers, though i is only 10%, the goliath can heal from having half it's body evaporate, and with this i could regen lost limbs or damaged organs!" i said with excitement, i casted an instant clean magic spell, that i created myself, with my infinite potential i wouldn't just be able to grow stronger infinite.

i could also learn things much better, my cloak and everything recovered, like i never got dirty ever, i now just need a flying skill, and i know just how to get it.

i ran at full speed at the entrance of the dungeon and in a few minutes i arrived, a few more minutes pass and i arrive at the guild,

"Eina!" i shouted and causing Eina to look towards me, when she saw me she blinked in surprise and a blush was on her face as he remembered our promise, and because she also thought i look handsome in the cloak.

"hey eina guess what!" i said as i hugged her, i put my head in between her breast and i pushed my head from right to left getting the full package experience.

"yes?" she asked while blushing, and her nipples got hard again.

"i defeated the goliath and also got a lot of magic stones!" i said as i dropped hundreds of magic stones.

Eina counted it and it came to a total of 35 million valis, when i heard the number i excitedly kissed Eina on the cheek causing her to look shocked and blush too.

i then hugged her for more then 5 minutes after which i left, i returned home and i looked at the church the last time.

"let's go girls!" i said with a smile as me, Hestia and lily walked to our new homes, it was a big mansion that could house up to 300 people, and i took the biggest room with a king bed, it could fit 7 people on it comfortably

the mansion was surrounded by small green grass, with a huge fountain in the front, and at the back it was filled with all types of small houses, house for, forging, storage and many more!.

in the future i will have to get more people after all and with me looking at a level 5 black smith, and a crozzo it will do good to have a forge.