
Danmachi: I'm Leveling Up In The Dungeon

This is a story about fighting monsters and upgrading. Aston, who traveled the world to solved the mystery of his birth, plunged into the dungeon without any hesitation and began the road of defeating monsters and upgrading. However, it seems that, unconsciously, there are more and more beauties around me. How is this going? I'm here to fight monsters and upgrade, not to meet beautiful women like the red-eyed rabbit!!! #### t/n: I am not the author of this ff, I am just translating the raw chapters. original: https://b.faloo . com/1337512.html Patreon.com/METARLN

Metarln · Cómic
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167 Chs

Chapter 13 - Selling Potions

Hey guys! Thank you for supporting this book the first week of publication, we were close to 100 power stones! Here is the first chapter.

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"Aston, listen up. Your situation absolutely cannot be disclosed to anyone else."

"I'll keep it a secret, won't spill the beans to anyone."

"If the other gods find out about your situation, it's gonna cause a huge stir."

"With those mischievous gods' personalities, they'll definitely treat you like a lab rat for experiments." Although Aston tried to change the topic, after punishing him for a bit, Hestia still issued her warning.

Aston's status changes are just too unusual, and Hestia even suspects if her own blessing went haywire.

Once others find out, it's likely to reach the ears of the gods. Those gods who can't find fun in the heavens and specifically come down to the mortal realm for entertainment, once they know about Aston's abilities, they'll be watching him all the time.

Some more radical ones might even risk being sent back to the heavens and try to mess with him.

Aston is her first Familia member, and she doesn't want anything to happen to him.

Her attitude is either not creating a Familia, or once she creates one, treating all members as family.

Even though she only met Aston three days ago, the moment he became her Familia member, she already considered him family.

Seeing Hestia's immediate concern for his safety, Aston understood that his choice was not wrong.

"As expected, choosing you as my goddess is the best." Looking at Hestia, Aston smiled.

This statement caught Hestia slightly off guard. After snapping back to reality, she put her hands on her waist, raised her head, and her nose was almost reaching the sky.

"Of course, I'm the best goddess."

"Hehe." Watching Hestia in this pose, Aston chuckled and didn't say much.

"Phew!!!" After goofing around, Hestia also burst into laughter.

Later, Hestia's expression changed again, and she became serious once more.

"Aston, promise me, don't tell anyone about your abilities."

"I'll also conceal the Status on your back. Even if someone uses an unlocking potion, they won't be able to see your true attribute values or magic." Hestia's expression was serious as she spoke again.

"Yeah, don't worry. I'm not stupid."

"With such a great goddess around, why would I dig my own grave?" Aston nodded slightly, smiled gently, and said.

"You saying that makes me embarrassed." Watching Aston's handsome face with that gentle smile, Hestia was slightly stunned. After coming back to her senses, she became a bit fidgety.


"Alright, enough with the jokes, just fix my stats quickly." Coming back to his senses, Aston leaned back on the sofa again, not bothering to look back.

"Yes, yes." Hestia responded and continued updating Aston's Status.

"By the way, Aston, your attribute values are so high, but there hasn't been any indication of leveling up. You must not have enough achievements."

"You chose a combat-type blessing, different from Hephaestus's side. For hers, as long as you crafts weapons beyond your capabilities, you can gain enough achievements."

"But for you, you'll need to defeat more powerful monsters. If possible, try to defeat monsters with strength surpassing level 1. With your blessing value, you should be able to handle monsters with level 2 strength."

"That's the only way to accumulate enough achievements." Updating Aston's status, Hestia also gave advice on his situation.

"Defeat more powerful monsters, huh?" Aston mumbled softly, the image of a certain head-over-heels monster popping up in his mind.

With his current strength, to accumulate achievements by defeating stronger monsters, he can probably only handle Middle Floors monsters.

After updating the blessings and preparing dinner together, Hestia, after each meal, would inquire about Aston's adventures.

This was agreed upon when creating Hestia Familia.

She wanted to make sure Aston wouldn't act recklessly, and Aston had to share a rough overview of his daily activities every time he returned from the dungeon.

It was evident that Hestia cherished Aston, her first Familia member.

He didn't resist this, and he did the same after returning from his first adventure yesterday.

"Oh, Hestia, could you help me order some alchemy tools and materials tomorrow?" After chatting for a while, Aston asked Hestia for a favor.

"Alchemy tools and materials? You planning to try out your new skill?" Hestia was a bit puzzled by Aston's request.

"Yeah, I have a lot of potion-making methods in my mind. I want to bring them into reality."

"That's what I'm thinking."

"I'll strengthen myself by killing monsters in the daytime and make potions at night."

"Let's save up some valis first, then rent a shop and sell some potions."

"You can manage the shop, open it whenever you want, and close it whenever you want."

"This way, you won't have to work for others, won't be bored, and we can also have an additional source of income."

"What do you think?" Aston laid out his thoughts.

"Anyway, I've already got my gear, so no need to worry about that. Might as well spend the money on potions."

"Potions are a goldmine, a real money-spinner. Can use it to develop the Familia."

"With my master-level alchemy skills, the potions I make are sure to have a good reputation. This way, Hestia Familia's name can spread."

"When the Familia's wealth reaches a certain level, and my strength reaches a certain level, Hestia Familia, with its renowned reputation, can start recruiting new members."

"Without a good reputation, Hestia Familia won't attract anyone. And since I don't want to reveal my strength, gotta focus on potions."

"As a newcomer, being able to make top-tier potions is kinda ridiculous, but it's all thanks to one thing—talent."

"Even though exposing my potion skills might attract the attention of other gods, compared to revealing my strength, it's not that big a deal."

On the other side, as Hestia listened to Aston's words, her expression went from puzzled to realization, then surprise, and finally, her eyes sparkled with anticipation.

"Good, good, good." As Aston finished speaking, Hestia couldn't wait to nod her head, her little brain bobbing like a jackhammer.

Being the boss herself, who would want to be a mere employee?

Certainly not Hestia.

In fact, she preferred to wander alone in the ocean of books.

But such a thing is just wishful thinking.

She is now the head of a Familia, a Familia deity, so she can't be as carefree as before, doing nothing.

Moreover, if the potion shop really opens, she would love to spend a lot of idle time reading books in the store.

After all, there can't be adventurers crowding the shop all day long, and even if there were, with only Aston making potions, he wouldn't be able to produce much in one night.

"Since that's the case, let's settle it like this."

"I'll take 20,000 from this 120,000. You take the rest tomorrow to buy alchemy tools and materials."

"Yeah, leave it to me." Hestia assured excitedly, with each tap of her fair little hands, waves surged on her chest, giving Aston a delightful view.

However, Aston quickly shifted his gaze because Hestia was looking his way now.

At this moment, the excitement on Hestia's face disappeared, replaced by a frown.

"Aston, you're adventuring in the dungeon during the day and making potions at night. Isn't that too tiring?"

"Maybe we should forget about it." After the excitement, Hestia realized what Aston said was true. If he's busy all day, he won't have any free time.

Hestia was afraid that Aston would get tired.

"Don't worry, my potion skills are strong."

"One hour is enough for me to make a lot." Aston was unconcerned about Hestia's worries.

With his master-level alchemist abilities, making some low-level potions is effortless.

"Really?" Hestia expressed doubt.

"You should be able to tell if I'm lying or not." Aston smiled.

"... No." After a moment of silence, Hestia spoke up.

"Alright then."

"If it's not as you said, then we'll drop the idea of opening a shop."

"But if it is, I'll follow your arrangements and enjoy it." Hestia grinned, showing her white teeth.

Seeing Hestia like this, Aston couldn't help but reach out and gently stroke her head.

The gentle touch on her head made Hestia feel extremely comfortable, and she unconsciously showed a joyful expression.

However, the next moment, she realized it. She was like a cat stepped on its tail, jumping up directly.

"Aston, I'm a goddess! How can you touch my head like that?!" Hestia glared at him, annoyed, then pounced on the bed nearby, covering her face with a pillow, ignoring Aston.

Seeing Hestia's reaction, Aston couldn't help but smile.

It seems that he has quite a high position in Hestia's heart; otherwise, there wouldn't be such a reaction.

Indeed, the fact is just like that. Under the pillow, Hestia's face showed a faint blush.

"Aston, how can you touch someone's head like that?"


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