
DanMachi: Death (Hiatus)

OC will arrive in the Danmachi world a year before Bell. This will also involve a new Familia. It will be a Familia of the goddess who reincarnated here Death. The Primordial Goddess Death with her own Familia. Powers will include but are not limited to transformation into poisonous creatures. A gun that shoots magic. Possession. Decay kind of like Tomura from MHA. Then lots of poison.

JokerHighJack · Cómic
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8 Chs

Chapter 2: Orario

(A/N I just wanted to throw this out there the OC is not OP yet so that's why Death will be protecting him or speaking for him sometimes especially in the face of other Gods. This is not because the OV is a pussy or anything he is just not a rash idiot who would pop off at anyone without a plan.)

In an instant both Death and Lawliet appeared in Orario at the center without anyone noticing in the morning.

Lawliet then asked "By the way how far or deep are we from canon?"

Death stretched a bit "I think around 6 months from canon. Why?"

Lawliet shrugged "I just want to know what to expect. I guess I will head down to the dungeon."

Lawliet started to walk over Death then coughed and said "Are you forgetting that we have to register, get you weapons, as well as armor."

Lawliet quickly turned around "I was just going to use magic and my abilities the whole time but if the great Goddess of Death would like to buy me stuff that would be great too."

Death smirked "That's right I am great. Okay let's go to the guild so I can talk to Ouranos."

After that they both started to walk to the guild. People would notice them because they were both out of this world handsome and beautiful in their own perspective. But people also felt a chill when they looked at Death a little too long. Death actually let out a giggle.

Lawliet turned his head "What's so funny."

Death shook her head "Nothing you would understand for awhile."

Lawliet then said "Do I have to be as old as you?"

Death didn't even give a reaction however as soon as Lawliet finished the sentence he found himself on the ground as he looked up Death kept walking. Lawliet just scratched the back of his head thinking it was probably a bad move on his part. After Lawliet caught up to her they both entered the guild.

When they got in Eina Tulle was the elf to greet them. She said "Hi welcome to the guild hall how can I help you?"

Lawliet went up and said "Hi we are both new here this is my Goddess we would like to speak with Ouranos."

Eina kind of stumbled and said "That would be hard to do."

Death then said "I'm not waiting."

She then let her aura unleash. The guild started to shake and many people started to pass out as well. Lawliet looked around and noticed he was completely unaffected he thought it might be because that was his Goddess doing that or maybe simply Death made it not affect him.

All of sudden out of a room many Gods came out. They started coming in one after another. Apparently today was also Denatus day. Where all the Gods meet. Lawliet was using his ability Soul Scour to look into each one of the Gods souls trying to get information. Eventually Lawliet looked at Apollo's soul.

While most Gods knew that Lawliet was looking at their souls they did not mind. However what the Gods did not know was how in detail Lawliet could look. He would know them to such a fine detail. He would not know their previous actions but based on their soul he could somewhat predict their future actions. Needless to say when Lawliet looked at Apollo's soul he just smirked.

Apollo having his soul looked at got furious and ran up on Lawliet however before he could grab the smirking Lawliet. Death grabbed Apollo first. Deaths aura was gone but in a sinister like voice that echoed throughout the guild even though it was only in a whisper "Be careful who's Familia you touch."

Apollo swallowed his saliva he didn't know who this Goddess was but everyone was on edge for a reason. Apollo then said "He was looking into my soul it's my right to be angry."

Death rolled her eyes "Lawliet don't be rude we just got here."

Lawliet snickered and innocently said "I was just trying to get to know everyone."

Death sighed "Its still rude."

Apollo then coughed "Could you let me go now."

Death dropped Apollo to the ground. Death then said once she saw everyone was around "Sorry about the rude way of showing up but I needed all your attention and this seemed like the best way to do it. Or maybe not the best but definitely the fastest. I also apologize for my child he is still getting use to his powers."

Lawliet looked at Death and thought 'She must just want to appear friendly. After all it's not like everyone here is a piece of shit.' Lawliet then started to stare at Hephaestus an a few other Gods and Goddess. When his eyes landed on Freya they looked into each other's eyes. However Lawliet didn't even give her the time of day. Which to Lawliet surprised got her to fidget around. Lawliet then thought 'Fucking freak.'

Death then smiled and said "Who's in charge anyways."

An old man with piercing blue eyes then stepped forward "That would be me Ouranos what do you want Death."

This got a lot of shock an awes. As well as some murmuring between the Gods.

Death then smiled and said "I need to have a meeting as well as your top three Familias. Not the whole Familia obviously just the Gods or Goddesses in charge of them."

30 minutes later

In a meeting room inside the guild sat Ouranos, Hephaestus, Loki, and Freya then on the other side say Death and Lawliet.

Ouranos was the first to speak "Death why have you come here?"

Death smiled "Well obviously to start my own Familia."

The four Gods were shocked at this. Death then smiled "Don't worry I'm not trying to kill everyone here or anything. I genuinely want to start my Familia an I already have my first child Lawliet right here."

Lawliet greeted everyone even Freya. "Yeah I'm just here to have some fun and help Death with what she wants to do."

Ours son then asked "And what is it you want to do Death?"

Death shrugged "Like I said start a Familia. But I figured I would be nice and drop by first and let you all know I'm here after all last thing I need is you all questioning who Lawliet is and then find out I'm the one backing him. Also I would like to make a deal with two of you."

Loki squinted her eyes planning "Who do you want to make a deal with."

Death smiled "Specifically Hephaestus and you Loki."

Hephaestus then jumped in "What do you want."

Death put on a thinking face "Well I'm powerful enough to crash the current economy like it's nothing but I figured I would let you guys make the choice on if that happens or not. So Hephaestus I want you to make a weapon and armor for Lawliet and then in exchange for that not only will I crash the economy but Lawliet will have to accompany your Familia when they go on expeditions. Loki you are involved because I know that you bring Hephaestus Familia a lot on your expeditions. So I guess I thought we could work together instead of me forcing more than I already am."

Loki sat back and started to think specifically think about how there is not much downside for her. Hephaestus was more worried about the economy side however she then thought to ask a question.

Hephaestus then asked "Will you still be paying for the personal customized weapons an armor."

Lawliet then hopped in "I wouldn't want it for free anyways but if you would think of it as an investment because I'm sure I can make the money in no time. After all Death would not want to ruin my fun anyways."

Lawliet then glared at Death who just giggled and nodded. Lawliet didn't expect her to just say she could break the economy like it's nothing.

Ouranos then asked "Well if they are okay with it that's fine anything else."

Death smirked and said "Also Ouranos I want you to give me a section of land in a good area so I can build whatever I want there it should not be too hard. After all there could be worse outcomes. Right!"

When Death said Right! Lawliet couldn't help but laugh as she said it like a school girl. Freya then stepped in and said "Why am I here?"

It then got ice cold as Death released her aura again "Because Freya I know about you. So you better stay away from my child or your whole Familia will be gone. After all the laws of this world don't hold my powers back."

Freya glared for a bit seemingly unfazed She then straightened herself out "That shouldn't be a problem."

Everything went back to normal and Death got cheery and said "Good any other questions."

It was silent for a moment Hephaestus then said "Lawliet you can meet me tomorrow at my workshop and we can discuss further details."

Lawliet shrugged "Works for me."

He then turned to Loki and said "Also Loki's I look forward to working with you and Hephaestus on expeditions."

Loki then thought 'How did he know I was going to accept. Well it doesn't matter right now. After all Deaths Familia is probably going to skyrocket. I need to place my bets.'

Loki then said "No problem there should be one in like 4 months so just get prepared for that. My Familia doesn't like it when someone is eating them down."

Lawliet smirked "Won't be a problem trust me."

Lawliet then got up "Death you can take care of the other stuff right. I want to go to the Hostess of Fertility."

Death waves him off "Don't worry about just don't cause too much trouble."

Lawliet smiled "Okay see you later Kami-sama."

Lawliet then walked out as the rest of them went on to discuss further details that did not involve Lawliet. Little did they know Death was getting everything she wanted one way or another.