
The First Dungeon Run

Walking down the stairs with groceries in hand, Domnus saw that both Hestia and Bell were asleep. Bell was on the couch while Hestia was sleeping on the bed. With the quietest sigh Domnus went over to the closet to put up the groceries. After that he put down his bag and went back up the stairs.

Domnus then began to look around the abandoned church for a decent seat to sleep on. Finding a good enough one Domnus picked up with one hand. He then walked over to the trapdoor to open it. Carefully pulling the seat down Domnus got it into the room and began to put some blankets onto it. Setting his alarm,

Domnus fell onto the bed. Falling asleep almost instantly.


As the alarm woke Domnus up Bell was still fast asleep. Deciding that because Bell is an adventurer now he will need to wake up earlier to get into the dungeon. So Domnus went right next to Bell and pulled out both of his sickles, about to slam the together.

"Hmm?" Bell said waking up before Domnus could do any thing.

"You're up early," Domnus said quickly putting away the sickles before bell could see the them.

"Yeah, I need to fully register at the guild building before I can go to the dungeon." Bell said with a smile on his face.

"Well then we're going the same way for a little bit," Domnus replied putting a smile on his face, "When you get your license pass by my shop for a little surprise," Domnus said walking away.

"Wait up!" Bell said walking up the stairs with Domnus. Leaving Hestia alone to roll around in her bed.


When the separated Bel started to run towards the guild. Knowing that he would get to be a full fledged adventurer soon put more pep in his step.

Getting to the guild building Bell swung the door open to get inside. For a moment he stopped, looking at everything.

"Are you ok sir?" a guild worker asked Bell.

"Yes, thank you, where can I register to be an adventurer?" Bell asked the worker.

"Right there sir," the guild worker said pointing at an almost empty line.

With a nod, Bell stood in line. The line took longer than expected but with Bells excitement he barely noticed the wait.

"Next up please!" the guild member called and Bell went running.

"Hello my name is Bell, Bell Cranel!" Bell said while bowing.

"What familia are you in?" the guild worker asked.

"The Hestia Familia." Bell responded.

"Lady Hestia," the guild worker thanked began to write things down, "You are the first in her familia correct?" the guild worker asked Bell.

"That is correct," Bell replied.

"Ok," the guild worker said pointing to another desk, "Please go there to get an advisor and you will be all set"

"Thank you!" Bell said before heading to that desk.

Getting to the desk, Bell looked around until his eyes focused on a bell. Ringing it a voice made itself known from the back.

"In a minute!" the voice yelled, before heading over to the desk.

"Hello!" Bell greeted.

"Hello, I am Eina Tulle" the Eina greeted, "I will be your advisor." she said with a slight smile.

"Thank you!" Bell replied smiling as well, "So may I leave?" Bell asked.

"Do you have any gear?" Eina asked looking at the lack of stuff that Bell had.

"Well no, not really," Bell admitted.

With a sigh, Eina grabbed a ticket from underneath her desk.

"This will allow you to get some armor and a cheap weapon." she said putting the ticket down on the table.

Grabbing it Bell turned around to head to the dungeon.

"Thank you Ms. Eina!" Bell said running away.

Eina thought about telling Bell that he has to come back to sell the magic stones dropped from monster, however with Bell's excitement she had a feeling that Bell already knew this.


Tapping his hand on the stand Domnus was becoming slightly bored. No one interesting has shown up as of late. The only person who has shown up is his first customer saying sorry and buying two GO potions. Today he had put up a Sorcerer Emblem. Unfortunately not many people like it.

Looking around for someone who looked mildly interesting, Domnus noticed Bell running by. Bell seemed to be looking for his shop. Putting both hands in his mouth Domnus let out a load whistle.

"Over her Bell!" Domnus yelled getting the attention of Bell.

As Bell turned towards the sound and saw Domnus, he began to run over to tell him the good news.

"I'm an adventurer now!" Bell exclaimed to Domnus with a wide smile on his face.

"I can see that!" Domnus replied gesturing to Bell's new armor and weapons, "Give me a moment" Domnus said before ducking under the stand.

"What are you doing?" Bell asked confused.

"Ah ha! Here it is!" Domnus said coming back up to side with a red band with a heart on it, "A band of regeneration! This will help yo live a bit longer." Domnus said handing the band to Bell.

"I can't accept this after all you've done." Bell said trying to refuse the band

"Come on!" Domnus pleaded, "I have quite a few more of these, on won't hurt my supply," Domnus insisted bringing the band towards Bell.

"Fine," Bell finally said grabbing the band and putting it on, "Thank you and,see you later today!" Bell said running off to the dungeon.

Thinking for a moment Domnus realized that he should have given Bell some GO potions just in case. Then Domnus calmed down knowing that Bell is unlikely to cross over floor one.

Getting back to the monotony of siting on his stand and waiting for something interesting to happen. Something did happen but it was not to Domnus's liking.

"Hello again," Loki said running up to Domnus's stand.

"The die is still not for sale," Domnus quickly said without even looking at Loki.

"Im not here about that," Loki said obviously lying, "I was here to look at that." Loki said pointing at the Sorcerers Emblem.

"That? It increases magic power on whoever wears it," Domnus said looking at Loki, "You want to buy it?" he asked.

"Sure, as a famous goddess I have money to spend," Loki said while acting all fancy, "So how much is it," she asked.

"Two hundred fifty thousand valis," Domnus said without a single pause.

"What about the discount?" Loki inquired.

As soon as Loki said this Domnus turned around and wrote on the discount sticker, "Except for Loki," on it.

With a man huff Loki turned around, just to come back with a bunch of money.

"Just give me it!" She said slamming the money on the stand.

Taking the money Domnus was happy to give her the product.

"Happy doing business with you," Domnus said as Loki walked away with the Emblem.