

Danielle has to transition from teenage hood to adult hood but the childhood trauma holds her back. The death of her father and abuse from her mother weighs on her soul. But there's love. what happens when the love eats her slowly from the inside? Would Danielle finally be able to discover who she truly is? Read on to find out. REWRITING

qweenamanda · Adolescente
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148 Chs



Colour is completely irrelevant here. There is no participation and no way to communicate. For its part, the colour claims, "I'm simply a colour, what say so I have to one's personality" and "What say so I have to one's disposition." Yes, I do recognise our differences; yet, I cannot remember ever treating you as less than human. But I do believe it, no matter how loud the colour got. Between the fighting and gunfire, it would be impossible to hear it. This is how my life normally unfolded. Danielle reframes her original comment so that it better suits triston, while holding back other aspects of who she is.