

I walked into the kitchen, wearing my hero suit. My quirk had come back thankfully.

Mei was standing next to the coffee pot scrolling on her phone. She looked up when she noticed me, a smile spread across her face. "How was your mission last night?" She asked excitedly.

I grimaced. "It was… Well, basically the group it belonged to held me hostage for a few hours and then gave me a ride home."

Mei blinked. "Are you joking right now?"

I shook my head. "Nope."

"What group was it?"

I gave her an awkward smile. "Promise not to freak out?"

She set her phone on the counter. "Promise."

"The league of villains."

She stared at me a second before screaming, "What?"


"The fucking league of villain's? Oh my god! How are you even alive?"

"I don't know."

"Wait, which members did you see?"

"Shigaraki, Twice, Dabi, and Toga."

Meis eyes popped out of her head. "How in the fucking world are you alive? What did they want?"

I shrugged. "They just asked me about hero stuff thinking I was higher up than I actually am." I lied. "When they realized that I truly didn't know anything, they gave me a ride home."

Mei blinked. "They didn't hurt you did they?"


"You are one lucky bitch, you know that?"

I smiled. "I know."

"Did Shigaraki look how he does on tv?"


She grinned. "God he is the only man I would become straight for."

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, because having random hands on a guy is so hot."

"Only if it's on him." Mei muttered.

"How was your night with Aiko?" I asked, attempting to change the conversation.

Meis grin grew wider. "Magical. She asked me to be her girlfriend!"

"Aw that's great Mei!"

Mei blushed.

"As much as I would love to talk more, I am going to be late for work."

Mei groaned. "You need a day off Y/N!"

"I will take one later. Bye!"

I quickly slipped out of the apartment and headed to work.

I walked into Death Arms office. He looked up at me and blinked. "What are you doing here?"

I raised an eyebrow. "I work here."

He cleared his throat. "Yes, of course."

"I wanted to report to you about what happened last night at the building you sent me to."

Death Arms nodded. "Go ahead."

"No one was there and the warehouse was empty." The lie rolled off my tongue easily.

He blinked. "It was abandoned?"

I nodded. "Seems to be."

Death Arms didn't say anything for a moment. "Thank you for checking it out. You may leave now." He said through gritted teeth.

I turned and left the office.

The door to my office opened and Max strode in. He shut the door behind him.

"What now?" I asked, smiling.

"I heard you had an assignment!"

"Yeah I had one last night. It was a bust." I lied.

"Aww that sucks. I know how hard you have been working." Max commented.

"Yeah well I am sure I will get more opportunities soon."

Max nodded. "Yes you will!"

I gave him a small smile. "Thanks. Now, shouldn't you be doing something?"

Max groaned. "I don't wanna clean the bathrooms." He whined.

"Well too bad." I laughed.

"See ya later Y/N!"


Max left my office.

My phone beeped and I pulled it out of my suit pocket.

Shigaraki: Kuriogiri will pick you up at your apartment and take you to us at eight tonight.

Me: Okay.

I leaned back in my chair and let out a breath. I can't believe that I am working as a double agent. I am working for the freaking league of villains for god's sake! Am I any better than a villian? I mean, I am using a villain group to go up ranks in the hero world.

I shook my head.

I have been working so hard to get here, and I am just using a little help to go further. I definitely won't be able to become a higher up hero on my own. Besides, what's the harm in it? As long as I don't out all of the stuff about heroes or any of the important stuff, then it doesn't matter. Right?