
Danganronpa: The Tale of Hifumi Yamada

Transmigrated into the Body of Hifumi Yamada after he accidentally choked to death on some hard ramen our hero is thrown into the World of Danganronpa. Shinigami: BOO! Yamada: Ahh?! A ghost!…. Wait Shinigami? What are you doing here? This isn’t Rain Code! Shinigami: Kyahahaha! Don’t sweat the small stuff, I’m here to help you out in your life in this world after all! Yamada: What are you talking about? I’m in Danganronpa! The world is already screwed in a few years time! How the hell am I gonna Survive this hell hole?! I don’t want to be thrown into any death game like this! Shinigami: You need to learn to Relaaaaax, Just let Shinigami help you survive, but don’t worry the lady that sent you here altered the world a bit so you don’t need to worry about all those events in the original world, besides those wouldn’t work with all the new characters brought from V3 and several other worlds into this one after all! Yamada: …. Say what now? ***** There will be Multiversal world hoping along with his world being a hodgepodge of different stories as well just so you know. Danganronpa Alternate Universe includes Trigger Happy Havoc, Danganronpa 2 & V3, Saiki K, Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid, Daily Lives of Highschool Boys, K-ON!, Lucky Star, Komi Can’t Communicate, My Dress up Darling, Working!!, Nichijou, Classroom of the Elite, The Devils a Part-Timer, Monthly Girls Nozaki-kun, Kakegurui, Fate, Mangaka-San to Assistant-san, More TBD Other Worlds Traveled Too: One Piece, Kill la Kill, Akame ga Kill, League of Legends, Panty&Stocking, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners/2077, Demon Slayer(Current)

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231 Chs

1 Angry Ghost Part 2

"Mr. Yamada here, while is the least qualified to be a lawyer in a normal court setting we made a special exception for him as he is one of the worlds famous Managaka who has written the 'Detective Conan' & the 'Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney' series and having a great understanding of both Lawyer and Detective work he was eligible to appear on our show!" The announcer said as the crowd cheered for me as I waved at them all before taking my seat next to them.

"When the hell did you have the time to become a Mangaka on the side, and how'd you make yourself look like…. This?" (Panty)

"I'll tell you guys after we are out of this." I said quietly before the announcer looked up to the Judge stand.

"Now let us introduce our 100% real and extremely British Judge for todays trial!" The announcer said as the judge rose by lift up to his seat as he wore one of those powdered judge wigs, judges clothes and monocle on his aged face.

"The court is now in session! The defendants are considered innocent until proven otherwise!" He shouted out before hitting his gavel as court was now in session.

As the trial started the prosecution had the floor first as Tom Croose approached the sisters before asking his question.

"Tell me, Panty & Stocking Anarchy, where were you exactly at 9:55PM on the night of November 27, the night of Mr. Husbands Murder?" He said asking his first question to them both.

"Beats me." (Panty)

"No clue" (Stocking)

"I see…" he said before pulling out some evidence and laying it out before them.

"Then let's jog your memories shall we? Here's a photo of you both speeding through a red light haphazardly at exactly 9:55PM on November 27!" He said with a smug look on his face.

"Oh right, I had Panty help me get some boxes of the limited edition Fall Ice Cream collection, Decadent Pistachio, it was so delish!" Stocking said as she gushed about her sweets habits like usual.

"And another piece of crucial evidence is that this camera is exactly 5 minutes away from Central Park, 5 Minutes before the death of Mr. Husband that you committed!"

"Objection your honor! Prosecution is trying to put words in my clients mouths!" I called out to the judge.

"…. Sustained, Mr. Croose please try and keep from putting words in the defendants mouths to force a confession if you will." The Judge took my side in this as he looked at Croose with a squint in his eyes.

*Ehem* "But of course your honor, please ignore my outbust then." He coughed and stretched his collar before getting back into things.

"Your honor if I may? Will you allow the defense to take the stand on this crucial piece of evidence?" I said as I stood up and addressed the Judge.

"…. I'll allow it, please present your defense Mr. Yamada." He said with a nod.

"Thank you, now I would like to offer my counter evidence to the prosecution." I say pulling out a similar picture to the same one prior, but unlike the one that was shown my evidence was of the camera shot at its normal angle and not zoomed in on Panty and Stocking.

"At 9:55PM my clients were caught on camera speeding down Main Street at an intersection that is indeed 5 minutes away from Central Park, however I know this intersection as I drive down here on a regular basis as this is the Main and 3rd Ave intersection on the corner here you can see a specfic shop, Maggiano's Itailian Bistro, now the camera is seeing the front of the store while Panty and Stocking are going towards and beneath the camera facing them-"

"Your honor the defendant is drawing out his statement!" Croose cut in.

"Overruled, I find what he's talking about is important, Mr. Yamada, you may continue." The Judge said taking my side to Crooses shagrin.

"Thank you, as I was saying to see the front of the store at this angle from the camera then it must be facing North on Main Street while Panty and Stocking were heading southwards! And while it is 5 minutes away from that intersection, how do you believe they will be able to arrive to commit the murder if they are driving the opposite direction of the crime scene!" I said back as I slammed the table before pointing towards Croose whose began to sweat slightly as I got the cheers of the crowd on my side before we heard the gavel slam a few times as everyone quieted down as a result.

"With the new revelations on the evidence, Mr. Croose I will now refrain from allowing it to be used further, unless you provide more evidence that shows them even closer to the crime scene then what has currently been shown." The Judge said which seemed to get the irritation of Croose but he calmed himself quickly enough.

"No your honor, then we shall discard that previous piece of evidence, however I would like to ask Panty Anarchy a question." He said as he approached Panty.

"Ms.Panty, what do you do when a rampaging ghost going through the city?" (Croose)

"I'd shoot it of course." (Panty)

*Gasp!* "So your telling me you would go out of your way to shoot and kill any and all ghosts! Even the cute and harmless ones that pose no threat to this City at All!" (Croose)

"Objection your honor! Croose is putting Words in my clients mouths again! He clearly said Rampaging ghosts and never said anything about cute and harmless ghosts to my clients!"

"Sustained, Mr.Croose this is your second time doing this in my court room, do this one more time, even if this is a Tv Show, I will find you in contempt of court and I will declare them innocent automatically! Do I make myself clear?" The Judge said getting irritated with Croose's antics.

"…. Understood your honor, but I will ask this, do you Panty and Stocking, Hunt and Kill Ghosts?" (Croose)

"Yes, but only if they are causing problems for people of the city, if they don't do anything and leave people alone we don't do Jack shit to them." (Stocking)

"I see, though it is a fact that you sisters do hunt and kill ghosts, and that only you and one other, a man named Jacket, can hunt and kill Ghosts correct?" (Croose)

"Well…." (Panty)

"Not only that but your weapons that you use to hunt Ghosts are the only weapons that can kill ghosts! Not only that several witnesses heard gunshots at the time of the murder!" He said before turning to the judge as one of the sexy bikini girls went up to him.

"I would like to provide some evidence, this your honor is one of the weapons the Anarchy sisters use while it's usually disguised as sexy lingerie." He said as the judge took a pair of Panty's lace panties and began to look at that.

"Hey wait! How the hell did you get that?!" Panty said as she felt down near her crotch before realizing that she didn't have any of her panties on and that the ones up there were hers.

"My…. How risqué…." The judge blushed as he looked at them closely himself.

"So! The only known people in Daten City that can kill Ghosts is none other than you two! Even if you both were heading in the opposite direction and that you only kill rampaging ghosts! Your weapons are the only weapons that can kills ghosts! Only you two could have killed Mr. Husband!" He said pointing at them both.


"No Thats Wrong! I Object to that Conclusion!"


"Oh and why do you object to that conclusion there Mr. Yamada? The evidence is right there! The only people that could kill Ms.Petter's husband is no one else but the Anarchy Sisters!" Croose said trying to refute my objection.

"Actually Croose their are two other people who could have killed Mr.Husband but one of them is the only one that was ever seen near the scene of the crime!" I said before pulling out the crime scene where it showed the half destroyed body of Mr.Husband.

"Your Honor, will you allow me to ask my clients a question?" I say turning to the judge.

"Hmmm…. I'll allow it, because I feel this is getting interesting, so ask your question Mr.Yamada." He said giving me the go ahead.

"Thank you, now girls I have to ask, whenever you kill any of those rampaging ghosts, what happens to their bodies after you shoot and slice them up?" I say to them before turning and looking at Croose who he along with the announcer began to sweat hard.

"Sister do you think-" (Announcer/Kneesocks)

"-That he isn't Mr.Yamada then yes, he's too smart for this…." (Croose/Scanty)

"Well whenever a ghost dies it explodes and turns to dust of course." (Stocking)

"Then ladies and gentlemen I want you to look at the body! Does this body look like it was turned to dust from attacking the Anarchy Sisters?! Because I think not!" I shout out getting murmurs from the crowd.

"Not only that I shall prove my clients innocence and prove who the real culprit! Your honor I wish to use evidence that has been in several different cases to help find the real murderer of Mr.Husband, will you let me?" I say turning to the judge who was rubbing his chin deep in thought about it before nodding.

"I'll allow it, Please Close this case and show us who the real culprit is Mr.Yamada!" He said as he pointed his gavel at me.

*Closing Argument!*

"In several other cases across the city in the last several month their have been a large number of 'animal' attacks resulting in deaths of more than 10 people, all being bite wounds but always leave a reddish black substance in the wounds, a substance that only attacks from ghosts can cause!"

"And to refute Mr. Crooses claim, the Anarchy Sisters weapons aren't the only things that can kill ghosts! Because other ghosts can kill and consume eachother to gain strength! And the wounds I see here on Mr. Husband's body are bite marks of a animal like ghost."

"And their was only one ghost that was nearby the scene of the crime that could inflict those bite wounds…." I say before turning and pointing to the only witness that was brought on the show.

"Isn't that right Ms. Petter? Or should I call you the 'Wild Dog Killer' instead!" I say as the entire audience and everyone watching through the Tv gasp in shock!

"What?! M-me?! Why would I-"

"Because Ms.Petter, the day you got married to Mr.Husband over a month ago suddenly the Wild Dog Killer vanished without a trace and the case went cold, then suddenly Mr.Husband dies and the next day another victim was found killed by the Wild Dog Killer once more! Now that's very odd that the Wild Dog Killer completely vanishes after you got married but suddenly reappears right when your husband dies, that's no coincidence! Now tell us the truth Ms. Petter! Your the one who killed Mr.Husband didn't you?!"

"I-I-I...." She stutters before she slams her hands onto her table and begins to laugh like a maniac.

"Your right! I'm the one who killed him! Not only that but I'm the one who killed all those other assholes as well! We are ghosts! We are supposed to do whatever the hell we want to humans! Not be going around acting like some stupid pet mascot to them! I married that asshole so that I could get citizenship status and live normally! BUT I COULDNT DO IT!!! I COULDNT JUST SIT THERE DOING NOTHING AND ACTING LIKE A NORMAL PERSON! SO I KILLED HIM! AND I ENJOYED EVERY SECOND OF IT! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" She shouted out as she laughed while her mouth split apart in four separate ways.

"Well I think we have our culprit people! Now then!" I snap my fingers as suddenly Ms.Petter got restrained by her chair before a metal hat connected to wires fell on top of her head.

"It's Judgement Time folks! Let's send the guilty party thier just desserts!" I shout out as everyone in the audience presses the devices they were given if the believe if the suspect is innocent or guilty and no surprise everyone selected guilty.

"AHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHHHHAHHHAAAHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She screamed out as she got a huge 100,000,000 volts of electricity sent directly through her body as a result, but that didn't kill her as it just left her their convulsing in her chair while several guards freed Panty and Stocking while I noticed the Announcer and Tom Croose were no where to be seen.

"Hey Judge, can I get my Black Lace back? It's time we dealt Justice our way." Panty called out to the judge who was still holding her Panties.

He sighed before tossing it, "With all the evidence provide I fine the Anarchy sisters innocent of the crimes that they claimed to have done and Ms. Petter guilty of killing Mr.Husband and all other killings related to the Wild Dog Killer! Anarchy Sisters will you do the honors of dealing her final judgement?" The judge said as he put down his final verdict.

Panty smiled as she twirled her panties as they transformed into a gun in her hands as she took aim and-





"Hey Jacket." Stocking asks as all of us are sitting in Seethrough as I, still in my original fat look, take up the entire back seat.


"…. Can you stay like that for tonight?" She said to me with a lust filled look in her eyes as she wiped her lips of drool as she looked at my current fat form.

"…. Excuse me?"


Be happy that I decided to make this a long chapter and not break this into a three parter instead.

One more episode before we begin to hit the final parts of the Panty and Stocking Arc!