
Dan God's Harem

The world of fate is filled with top tier waifus loli and traps. For some that is troubling even wrong but for degen- I mean man of culture Jack Thompson. Who now has reincarnated into this world with the powers of Chen Xiang from World Defying Dan God. So of course that means he is not only overpowered but also not bound by this world's laws.Let us all sit back to watch as a man does whatever not matter how sickening it is. Warning this story will have a character that will stick his dick in anything he finds attractive regardless of age or gender. Of course they will have be at the very least cute. If this is not appealing to you then just don't read because I have no intention of changing anything. Also if you have ideas for with girls then please leave a comment. (Astolfo is guaranteed)

Black_knight12 · Cómic
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17 Chs

Chapter 16

Curious Wu Wang had Medea create a portal to this world of hers. Once they were inside Wu Wang was surprised to see this world had familiar looking plants. Even better was the air saturated with spiritual Qi. If compared to the outside then this world is better for his cultivation. His confused from the events disappeared when he realized what happened. Ever since they formed a contract Wu Wang's qi has been influencing her mana. As a result when she created this world it was with the help of qi. Wu Wang unable to hide his excitement hugged Medea and kissed her cheek. Medea blushed as she pushed him away. She stood there rubbing her cheek while Wu Wang started to practice some skills. During this time the previous snail's pace refining of his physique has sped up greatly. After practicing for a while Wu Wang felt he should do some sparing.

Wu Wang: Medea can you go tell Saber that i need to talk to her.

Soon Medea returned with Saber as Wu Wang was standing there shirtless. The two women blushed at the sight of his perfectly proportioned, chiseled muscles. If one went by appearance alone he did not look that strong however both of them knew better. Saber had to admit that even she could not compare with her master's physical strength. After all he was able to fight berserker ,who no other servant dared to, completely unarmed. Thinking about that her thoughts soon turned the arrogant ass in golden armor. Even if he could defeat berserker it would not be without the use of his noble phantasm. It was even more terrifying when you consider that Wu Wang is also skilled with just about any weapon he touchs.

Wu Wang: Good Saber you made it. I was hoping you would not mind sparing a little bit so I could get more experience.

Throughput the years Wu Wang would often sneak out to face dangerous mages that appeared in town. As a matter of fact he even had the honor of the association labeling as a massive danger. Still he had to admit that while skilled at killing long distance fighter, cqc was somewhat a weakness. Thus he decided to have Saber serve as a training partner. Saber stared at her master thinking that no matter how much time passes he will still surprise her. As far as she knew there has never been a master that treat a heroic spirit as a training partner. She however did not refuse and immediately equiped her armor. Wu Wang smiled seeing her intense eye while he summoned his azure dragon slaughtering devil blade. When it appeared as if it was alive the blade released an excited roar. Streaks of lightning traveled across its edge making it look even sharper. The two warriors faced each other without trying hide their fighting intent. Silence filled the air as they glazed into each other's eyes. Finally fifteen seconds later the both turned into a blur rushing each other. Boom, a loud explosion reverberated through the air as their blades made contact with the other. Medea was forced to create a barrier just to ensure she was not blown away. Wu Wang had an advantage in the direct class as Saber was forced. However, her experience is not something to look down on. Right as he procced to chase after her, suddenly thrusted toward his throat. Sensing the threat Wun Wang's steps lagged a little giving her time to regain her balance. Not showing anything on his face Wu Wang deflected Saber's attack. The two were once again sperateds as their auras clash. Watching that brief exchange Medea's jaw dropped. Not being a warrior herself Medea knowledge in regards to the clash was limited but even she could tell it was impressive.

Medea's assessment could be considered correct because their fight could be called high level. Due to his absurd physical abilities Wu Wang has beaten most opponents with ease however against Saber it is different. Saber may not have as much physical strength as he did but her experience more than made up for it. Each move she made focused on throwing him off balance and then seizing the gap. It may seem simple but Saber's strategy is in fact the best choice. Wu Wang has always been superior in terms of strength however this caused his techniques to fall short of their potential. Control was something he could use a lot more of ,and this fight cemented this fact. Of course he noticed this problem a while ago ,but could not do anything. Now he has the perfect place and partner.

After fighting for two hours straight Wu Wang called it a day so he could digest everything he had learned. Sitting on the ground legs crossed Wu Wang mentally ran the earlier sparing session through his mind. If he had one flaw it would be that he is easily thrown off balance. Not only that but he has a bad habit of being overly reliant on his reaction speed rather than strategy. As a result if he could not detect an attack then he was in for some trouble. While he was running through the spar Wu Wang wondered what he could do to fix this flaw. It wasn't a matter of just randomly seeing a problem and making it go away. For now he decided to increase his defense by refining the Black Tortoise Adamantyl Armor. With it he would have more room to make mistakes during a fight. Now that he thinks about it ,he felt it would be a good idea to make the God Slaughtering Hand while he was at it. His plans made Wu Wang quickly went to gather the materials he needs.

Soon he got everything together had medea set a barrier and then immediately went to work. First he was going to make the Black Tortoise Adamantyl Armor, next would be the God Slaughtering Hand.