
Damn, I Awakened With A Horror System!

A sudden and unprecedented event occurred and took place on Earth. A fissure instantly appeared in the clear blue sky, revealing a void devoid of any light beyond, instantly covering the whole planet, leaving no Life, no Hell, and no Paradise behind... Hence the start of a new chaos and a great beginning of life devoid of any hope began. In this apocalypse and lawless world without any limits set upon its beings, a silent dark wisp took form. A wisp that was bound to become the Horror of All was born... "Wait… I’ve become a Ghost?!" _______________________________ Bonus Chapter; Power Stones, 200 PS = 1 Chapter 400 PS = 2 Chapters 600 PS = 3 Chapters ... Golden Ticket, 100 GT = 1 Chapter 200 GT = 2 Chapters 300 GT = 3 Chapters.

Master_OfDao · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
311 Chs

Class job that leans on art.

Time flew fast, in the blink of an eye another three days silently passed by.

In the past few days, Leo started following the child, all of his hours watching the child never felt boring like before.

Although only three days had passed by, Leo already had an idea of what kind of skills the child often used. Surprisingly and unsurprisingly every time the child used a skill he would mumble its name, weakly or loudly.

Hehehe, boys...

Shaking his head with a weak smile hanging on his face, Leo began to think about the skills of the child.

One of the most used skills that the child uses is called "Brush of an Artist". Upon activating the skill, the child would summon a white chalk from the void, using it to draw and vandalize around. As for its effect, Leo doesn't have any clear idea... Yet.

"It is probably still low level that's why he could only summon a chalk from the void. If he manages to maximize the level, then it would become a brush."

Followed by "Materialization of Art", "SketchBook", and "Army of Doodle". If Leo guessed correctly, then the child has a class job that leans on being an "Artist".

Leo slightly shook his head upon remembering the "SketchBook" skill of the child. When he first sees the sketchbook that the child summoned from the void, his first reaction was actually to appear beside the child and scold him loudly.

"You actually have a sketchbook yet you vandalize around!" Fortunately, he managed to calm down his nerves in time, if not... he might scared the child to death!

Unsurprisingly, the child could directly use the "Materialization of Art" towards the drawing on his sketchbook.

Meaning that he could directly use his "Materialization of Art" in the midst of battle without needing to draw around!

Sigh... Unfortunately, the child's "SketchBook" currently only has 3 pages.

As for the "Army of Doodle", It is actually a group of a dozen stickmen with combat ability of level 5. Still, even though the group only has a combat ability of level 5, it would be tricky to deal with if they encircled the target.

Shaking his head with a smile, Leo followed the child inside of one of the abandoned houses.

Cautiously opening the door to avoid making noises, the child bent his knees and whispered to the cartoonish cat beside him.

"Kitty, look if there are monsters inside if you didn't find anyone inside come back to me, OK?" The child whispered in a hushed tone as he gestured toward the cat to enter the house.


Getting the command, the cat slowly entered through the gap in the door, checking the door, room, and bathroom if there was danger inside.

After waiting for a short minute, the cartoonish cat poked its head through the gap in the door, meowing to the child outside.


"There is no one inside? Great!"


Seeing the child enter the house, Leo floated behind as he passed through the solid wall, entering the dusty room.

Meters away from him, the child upon entering the house, dropped his little backpack on the couch as he started touring inside the house in curiosity.



The child gestures to the cat to quiet down as he carefully opens the fridge and drawer to get some supplies. Seeing bottled water and biscuits/bread in plastic packages the child smiles widely before stuffing it into his little backpack.


"Yes Kitty, there is also some canned food here." Petting the head of the cartoonish white cat, the child pushed one of the sardine cans toward the cat, gesturing to it to use its claw to open it up.


"Yes that's yours, eat it up..."

After finishing eating, the child summoned his "SketchBook" to draw. Soon after, the child yawned slightly as he moved toward one of the rooms.

Lying comfortably on one of the beds, the child cuddled the cat as he sleepily whispered to its ears. "Kitty, wake me later if there are sounds outside, OK."


Hearing the confirmation of the cat as it nudged his face softly, the child finally closed his eyes, instantly falling asleep.



Seeing that the child finally fell asleep, Leo silently passed through the ceiling above him.

Emerging from the ceiling, Leo quickly scans the surroundings to see if there are some zombies around. Upon seeing that the surroundings were empty, Leo quickly dashed toward the direction of the horde.

"Now, It is time for me to hunt..." Leo mumbled in a low voice, as he quickly traversed the road, leaving a dark trail of smoke behind.



Leo shrieked loudly as he mysteriously materialized on the back of a Level 6 zombie. The zombie upon being hit by a mysterious force, felt his brain turn into a mash as he stood blankly on the road before completely collapsing on the cold road.



[ Congratulations upon killing a level 6 zombie! ]

+4 exp points!

Seeing the familiar notification of the system, Leo massages his non-existent neck, feeling a slight ache after using the "Soul Skrieking" skill by full force.

Still, curling his lips up, Leo again entered his invisibility mode as he silently snuck up behind one of the zombies.

Imagining that 70% of his soul power going to his throat before focusing and constricting it to his throat for 5 seconds, Leo opened his mouth widely as he directly screamed into the zombie's ear.


In an instant, a seemingly silent scream passed through the void, directly appearing inside the zombie's head, destroying and turning its brain into a mash.

Collapsing to the cold cement, the zombie's mouth releases a foam of bubbles before becoming still.


+6 exp points!

[ Congratulations upon killing 10 zombies with a single hit for the first time! ]

+2 Free attribute points!

"Ouch," Leo silently yelped as he touched his imaginary throat in pain.

How could that bastard crow use this skill without pausing? Does a soul-eating crow's throat made of metal?

Sighing slightly due to unfairness, Leo again continued his hunting. Determine to increase his level by 1 before the child wakes up from his sleep.