

In the time of myth and land of magic the fate of a great kingdom rests upon the shoulders of a young boy His name ___ DAMIAN SHROUL.

My village Benign was attacked by soldiers, killing every single person that shows any form of resistance. My dad hid me in a small room under my house to protect me. He fought gallantly but was soon outnumbered pretty quick and massacred wright on top of me.

The house was ransacked and I was discovered in my hiding place. Only for the soldiers to take me as a prisoner so as to become a slave to a very powerful kingdom ZEBULON.

I woke up with a start, just for me to discover that I had been dreaming again and sweating profusely.

After his constant nightmare reminders, he stands to begin his new duties as a slave of Zebulon palace.

Damian is a skinny young lad that is sun tanned thereby making his skin to appear as the color of baked pastries. He is in his late teens, tall with an handsome face, making him have the appearance of a very young child.

Later that same day, while he was tending to the horses in the stables, a young maid was passing by the field, a soldier decided to pick on her. This soldier was only clad in his tunic and a scared face used his huge body to block the path of the girl.

He man handled her by roughly seizing her arms in a tight grip thereby hurting the young maid. The girl cried for help but all other soldiers only laughed at the actions of both of them. Damian was enraged that he threw caution to the wind and went to save the palace maid from the bully of a soldier.

On getting there, he shoved the side of the soldier bully making him to release his hold on the girl and face him with anger of a soldier. The scared face jabbed at the boy, but the boy was quicker, so he docked and hit his knee cap making the soldier yelp in pain.

This action made the soldier's rage to go full blown. He wanted to throttle the boy, but the boy was swift to move a step backward and hit him square on his solar plexus, making the soldier to bend forward involuntary in pain. These fighting skills were part of the instinct of Damian instilled into him during his training days.

With one quick move, Damian cleared the soldier off his feet and landing on the ground with a thud. All these actions were done in a few couple of seconds, then the other soldiers quickly came to the aide of their man by seizing the young boy and letting the young girl go.

The leader of the group of soldiers was not happy as to how a skinny boy 'wet behind his ears' could beat a fully trained soldier. He then took the only logical decision, by sending Damian to the theatre to face his 'woe'.