

So this is just a random idea I had and really it's just me doing something as a way to I guess just get my feelings out of my head.

This is sort of a diary/blog of random things that pop into my head it is not a story with a beginning, middle, or end. Well maybe an end when I get bored of doing this or when I inevitably kick the bucket, but you get the point. This is mainly for me and if whoever's reading this doesn't like it they can choose to continue or not.

I will probably just ramble on about some topic or another until i think that it's enough.

Just some things to know about me I'm a gamer who is also a nerd/geek. I am an anime fan and I generally like learning about things that interest me. I also have ADHD so if it seems that I go from one sentence to a completely different topic in the next it's probably because of that. I guess to lessen confusion in regards to that I'll go ahead and just make a new paragraph to convey the thought change and so it's not just a block of text that looks intimidating.

Welp that's all I can think of right now for an introduction to myself/this dairy/blog I'm writing. If anyone does read this and wants to continue reading stuff like this you can leave a comment down below and maybe I'll ask questions to the readers later on.