
Daily Life With a System

Lin Xiao was your average high schooler, cruising through life without a care in the world. That is, until he stumbled upon this weird system called [Supreme God System] that decided to shake things up. Suddenly, his daily grind included stuff like doing 10 pushups for what felt like zero gains in strength. But here's the kicker: Lin Xiao wasn't exactly jumping for joy at his newfound "powers." "Come on, give me some super powers" [Space Control Rewarded] "Wait, why did you give my lazy cat superpowers instead of me?" And before he could even process it, his furball is zipping across the room like it's auditioning for a teleportation gig. ..... Few Years Later "Huh? What do you mean my cats have taken over half the universe??" Lin Xiao glanced at his adorable cats curled up on his chest and said, "No way."

Samay04 · Ciudad
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147 Chs

Eternal Cold

Lin Xiao and Mei sat in the warmest corner of his house, discussing the dire situation the villagers were facing due to the Eternal Cold.

"Mei, why is this Eternal Cold so dangerous?" Lin Xiao asked, trying to grasp the severity of the situation.

Mei took a deep breath before explaining. "The Eternal Cold freezes everything. Without warmth, animals disappear, leaving us without food. Even our houses freeze from the inside out, making it impossible to stay warm. The cold penetrates everything, and even fires struggle to keep us from freezing."

Lin Xiao listened intently.

He knew his supernatural powers wouldn't be enough to solve this problem; he needed to think of practical, human solutions.

After a few moments of contemplation, he began to brainstorm ideas.

"We need to focus on three main things: warmth, food, and shelter," Lin Xiao said, laying out his plan.

"First Warmth," Lin Xiao said "We need to insulate the houses better. We can use straw, leaves, and any other natural materials to add layers of insulation inside the walls and roofs. It might not stop the freezing completely, but it should help retain some warmth."

"We should also create communal heating areas. If we build a large fire pit in the center of the village and surround it with stones, it will act as a central heat source. People can take turns gathering around it to stay warm." Lin Xiao added

Mei nodded, with stars in her eyes. 

"For food, it's essential to gather and preserve as much as we can before the cold worsens. We can dry meat and collect nuts and berries to store in a communal storage area. This way, we'll have supplies even if hunting becomes impossible. Another idea is to dig underground storage pits. The ground can help keep our food from freezing and spoiling, and we can line the pits with straw for extra insulation." Lin Xiao explained.

Lin Xiao paused, watching Mei's attentive expression. "When it comes to shelter, we need to reinforce our houses. Adding extra wooden beams and supports will help keep them stable against the weight of the snow and ice. We should also consider creating communal living spaces. If we all stay together in one or two houses, it will be easier to keep warm. Shared body heat and resources will help everyone survive better."

Mei nodded, understanding the urgency.

Lin Xiao continued, "We need to act quickly before the cold becomes unbearable. Let's gather the villagers and start working on these tasks immediately. With everyone's effort, we can increase our chances of surviving this Eternal Cold."

Mei agreed, and together they went outside to rally the villagers, explaining Lin Xiao's plan.



Lin Xiao and Mei trudged through the snow-covered forest, the biting cold seeping through their clothes.

Lin Xiao consulted his system map discreetly, pinpointing the locations of berry bushes and other edible plants.

They found a cluster of berry bushes, and Lin Xiao quickly got to work, his fingers numb from the cold.

As they collected the berries, Mei looked at him with concern. "Immortal or not, the cold is unforgiving," she said, noticing his discomfort.

Lin Xiao nodded, his breath visible in the frigid air. "I can see why this Eternal Cold is so dangerous," he replied.

"Even in the modern world, such extreme cold would probably bring everything to a halt." Lin Xiao thought to himself.

They continued their search, finding more berries and other plants that could be preserved.

The freezing temperature made every movement laborious, and Lin Xiao's hands and feet grew increasingly numb. Despite the animal pelt around his neck, the cold penetrated deeply, making it difficult to stay focused.

Back in the village, the villagers and the reformed raiders were working tirelessly. They insulated the houses with straw and leaves, fortified the structures, and created a large communal fire pit.

Lin Xiao's plan was coming together, but the cold's intensity was a constant reminder of the challenges they faced.

As Lin Xiao and Mei made their way back to the village, he noticed the light dimming. The sun was setting, and the moon was rising.

Lin Xiao felt a surge of hope, knowing that the changing time meant he might soon return to his world.

However, Mei's sudden cry of distress shattered his moment of relief.

"No! I was hoping there's still time," Mei exclaimed, her voice filled with fear.

Lin Xiao turned to her, alarmed. "Why? What's wrong?"

Mei's eyes were wide with terror. "Legends say that at night, the Eternal Cold can intensify by 100%. Ice storms come, and the cold becomes unbearable. Even fire won't be enough to keep us warm."

Lin Xiao was shocked. The cold they were experiencing was already overwhelming, and a further increase in intensity would be catastrophic.

He could feel the urgency in Mei's voice and knew they had to act quickly.

"We need to get back to the village, now!" Lin Xiao urged.

They rushed through the snow, their footsteps hurried and desperate. The temperature seemed to drop even faster, the air growing colder with each passing minute.

By the time they reached the village, the sky was dark, and the first signs of an ice storm were beginning to appear.

Lin Xiao rushed to his house and took Xiao Bai and Lil'blackie in his arms.

The villagers and the reformed raiders were gathered around the communal fire, their faces etched with worry. Lin Xiao holding his cats in his arms saw the fear in the villager's eyes and knew he had to act quickly.

"Everyone, listen!" he shouted over the rising wind. "We need to gather all the insulation materials and cover ourselves. Make sure the fires are well-protected and keep them burning," 

The villagers scrambled to follow his instructions, piling straw and leaves around the fire and each other.

Lin Xiao and Mei worked tirelessly, ensuring that everyone was as insulated as possible. The wind howled, and snow began to fall heavily, turning the village into a scene of white chaos.

Lin Xiao could feel the intense cold biting at his skin, but he pushed through. He knew that his survival right now depended entirely on the village. 

As the ice storm intensified, Lin Xiao quickly gathered the villagers and instructed them to huddle together in the village chief's house.

The wind howled outside, and the temperature continued to drop, making the situation even more dire.

Lin Xiao was deeply worried, realizing that if the night lasted for a week, their food supplies would not be sufficient to keep everyone alive.

A few hours passed, and the ice storm showed no signs of letting up.

Mei approached Lin Xiao, her face etched with concern. "Lin Li, the children are hungry, and we only have enough food for them. If we give them the food, we won't have any left for the rest of us. What should we do?"


Enjoy :)

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