
Dad: I Was In College and Was Blocked By the Goddess of the School Flo

[Single female protagonist + milk dad + dog food sweet text] Qin Lang was dumped, and Su Shihan, a rare student in a century-old school, came to the classroom to look for him and said he had become a father. It turned out that at the meeting of the two schools last year, drunk Qin Lang and Su Shihan had an encounter. Qin Lang, who is still a college student and only has a handsome face, how should he support his wife and children? Novice daddy, don’t panic, the daddy system is online. Say hello to the baby in the belly and reward the host with 20,000 yuan in cash. Do prenatal education for the baby and reward the host for singing skills. Make handmade toys for your baby and reward the host with carving skills. … Before he knew it, Qin Lang became an all-around expert on bringing the baby!

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41 Chs

Dad: I Was In College and Was Blocked By the Goddess of the School Flower

Chapter 10: Breast milk? Dad can help


A cry of a baby broke the atmosphere in the ward instantly, Qin Lang immediately got up, cleared his throat, and walked to the stroller.

"Which baby woke up?" Su Shihan asked with a blushing face.

"It's the Three Treasures." Qin Lang has already picked up the child. "The little guy the Three Treasures seems to be a little bit less than his brother and sister."

For the next two days, Lin Xiao would come over almost every day to accompany Su Shihan and help Qin Lang take care of the three babies.

Su Shihan's body has also recovered a lot, and she got out of bed for a while yesterday and today.

In the afternoon, the warm sunlight was shining in the ward, and several adults were a little drowsy. At this time, Sambo, who had not been asleep for a long time, suddenly woke up again. Qin Lang was immediately awakened by the cry of the child. Picked up the child.

Su Shihan just fell asleep, Qin Lang was afraid that she and the other two babies would be disturbed, so he took them out soon.

But Su Shihan was still awake. Lin Xiao saw this scene and said to her in a low voice: "Shihan, don't tell me, Qin Lang is really attentive to the child."

Su Shihan smiled softly, nodded, and said: "Well if he is not here these days, I'm afraid I can't handle it by myself..."

Before he finished speaking, Qin Lang returned with the Three Treasures.

His expression was a little nervous.

"Qin Lang, what's the matter?" Su Shihan asked.

Qin Lang put the Sambo in Sambo's stroller, then opened the baby's quilt, and carefully checked the baby's torso skin.

Then he twisted his eyebrows and said, "Sambo seems to have newborn jaundice."

Su Shihan and Lin Xiao became nervous in an instant.

"How could this happen? Jaundice...is it serious? Qin Lang, Sambo, she..."

"Shihan, don't worry, I have already seen the baby's skin condition. There is only a slight mark on Sambo's skin. The condition should not be serious. Moreover, jaundice is very likely to occur in newborns, especially premature babies. The three treasures are the smallest and the body is also the weakest. It is estimated that this phenomenon will occur."

Qin Lang patiently explained to Su Shihan, and then said: "I'm going to call the doctor over now, we are in the hospital now, there will be no problem."

He rang the bell on the bedside, and the doctor and nurses came quickly and took the Sambo for the examination. Su Shihan will also go with him. Qin Lang patted her and said, "Shihan, I just go, don't worry. , I'm there on the Three Treasures, you stay and take care of Dabao and Erbao with Lin Xiao."

"The problem of jaundice is really not that big. Many newborns will heal on their own. I have checked all these data and there will be nothing wrong."

His voice is inexplicably reassuring.

Su Shihan clutched Qin Lang's hand tightly and said, "Qin Lang, you..."

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Qin Lang nodded at her.

After they went out, Lin Xiao comforted Su Shihan for a while, and then took out his mobile phone to check the jaundice information, which was really the same as Qin Lang said.

After the two watched them, they felt a little more relaxed.

"Shihan, you are right. Qin Lang is really good at taking care of the children. There must be nothing wrong with Sanbao. He is there." Lin Xiao said sincerely.

Soon, Qin Lang returned with the Three Treasures. The little guy was already asleep after a toss. Qin Lang carefully put her back in the cart and twisted the little quilt.

"Shihan, the doctor has checked Sambo, although Sambo does have neonatal jaundice, the serum bilirubin level is very low, within the normal range, it will subside in about a week, it's okay."

When Su Shihan heard this, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

She looked at the sleeping Sambo, her eyes filled with love and pity.

Two days later, Lin Xiao was arrested by the company and went on a business trip. Qin Lang continued to take care of Su Shihan and the three babies.

Sanbao's jaundice is approaching its peak at this time, but because Qin Lang has professional knowledge of dads, he took care of them carefully in the past two days, and the overall TSB value is well controlled. The little guy does not need to be treated with light, except for occasional uncomfortable crying and crying. Apart from the loss of appetite, there are no other problems.

As for Dabao and Erbao, these two little guys are physically strong. In addition to eating and sleeping, sometimes Sanbao wakes up and occasionally cries a few times, which does not affect their good sleep at all.

In the middle of the morning, the three little guys slept and woke up from hunger, and another "crying" competition started in the ward.

Qin Lang has already had experience in taking care of babies these days. He skillfully picked up the bottle and went to the mother and baby's room to make milk powder.

After came back, he and Su Shihan held a baby and nursed him.

Looking at the cheerful Erbao drinking in his arms, Su Shihan couldn't help sighing slightly.

"Baby, I'm sorry, it's been five days, and my mother hasn't let you drink breast milk."

There was a little apologist in her voice.

Bao's mother usually has just finished giving birth, and it takes almost three days before she has breast milk. Su Shihan hasn't gotten her milk right now. She is actually very anxious watching the babies drink milk powder every day.

Qin Lang saw that she was a little sad, and comforted: "Shihan, it is normal for you to be like this now. It takes three to five days for the smooth delivery to have breast milk. You have a C-section and it takes longer. Don't worry, babies drink milk powder now. The drink is also very good, I prepare the best milk powder."

Su Shihan faced his relief and gently twitched the corner of his mouth, but still felt guilty under his eyes.

So when the nurse rounded the room today, she asked again about breast milk in a low voice.

The nurse said immediately: "Mom, your situation is normal now. You only need to continue to do the same for the past few days and let your baby help."

"I, I let the baby drink often according to what you said,, but this has been four days..."

"I can understand your mood, but the secretion of breast milk depends on personal circumstances. In fact, if you are in a hurry, you can ask your baby's father to help."

"Can he help me? He, how can he help me?" Su Shihan asked.

When Qin Lang over there heard this, his neck turned red, and some unsuitable association pictures appeared in his mind.

The nurse smiled and said: "Of course, you do it like a baby~ The baby's strength is relatively small, and the baby's father's strength must be greater~ If you are in a hurry, you can try this method so that the baby can also be faster. Drink breast milk~"

After the little nurse said, she went out with a smile on her face, and when she left the house, she said: "I will help you close the door~"

Su Shihan has already reacted to what the nurse said about helping. She blushed and wanted to rush out to find a place to hide, and never see Qin Lang again!

Qin Lang was a bit embarrassed at first, but seeing Su Shihan's shy and cute appearance, he couldn't help smiling and said, "Shihan, should I help you?"

Su Shihan clasped her small fist in shame, and said angrily: "No, no, you, you."

"Why don't you use me, I am the baby's father. It is also my responsibility to let the baby drink breast milk early." Qin Lang said righteously.

Su Shihan bit her lower lip tightly, almost speechless shyly.

Seeing her like this, Qin Lang smiled and said: "Okay, I am teasing you, don't bite it, your delicate little mouth should bleed in a while, I'll cook dinner for you, now you can eat something normal I'll make you a confinement meal that stimulates breast milk secretion. Don't worry, babies will be able to eat breast milk soon!"