


  Angel Azrael and Lucifer were outside of Adrian's world. While Eve stayed behind to look around if she could find a way to find Adrian. All she could feel around was pure hatred and love at the same time. She was confused how anyone could feel two different kinds of feelings at the same time. Just then, she felt something bitter in her mouth. She knew where Adrian could have gone. She stepped out of Adrian's world and walked towards the two celestials. "I think I know where he might have been. We need to hurry." Hearing Eve's voice, both celestials turned around. Lucifer had a confused frown on his face while Angel Azrael had a worried look on his face as he heard Eve's panicked tone.

  "Where is he going?" Lucifer asked out of curiosity while staring at Eve's worried face. Although he had a perfect idea where he might have been going, Lucifer still wanted Eve to confirm his suspicions.