

Does jifan look like his great-grandfather? Then is there a descendant in the Nebertcher clan like Do Fee Ar? Like her family now with hair and hazel eyes? Every meeting between the jifan clans is closed and curbing talks with the other clans. He just feels bad about what happened a long time ago. Another clan is a fragment of the dabarath clan. The clan he now lives in has become the oldest but past mistakes make this clan less respected than any other that has a bad history with his clan.

The more he reads history, the more guilty he becomes of the people of the other clans. They struggle to live when their families are so easy. They are fought by strong clans that are no match for their power. That's not fair. Though all is well now, this history will be read through generations.

Not until Jifan read the book the sound of knocking kept him distracted. After placing the book she read, she opened the door and found her older brother waiting waiting with folded hands at his chest. Ho yuan ar, he's the oldest. In contrast with his father, cunning ideas were always on his head to bring others down. The advantage is that he is good at talking, so the father likes to take Ho Yuan Ar to clan meetings. Not only were cunning ideas in his mind but the brilliance that descended from his father was within him. Understandably, many people like him in spite of his speech and style.

"You continue to linger in a stuffy room just to read books? Isn't it a long time 16 years to master all the books in the world?" Jifan did not respond to his brother's mockery and walked to his study chair. Yuan smiled tilted at his brother abai at him. It was not unusual for all his siblings to ignore him. The childish reason they say is because he's arrogant and annoying. They're just plain kids who think life can turn on a wheel. There will be times up or down. It's not that simple. If you want it to turn, you have to move it and if you don't want it to go under, you have to be brave enough to keep others down.

"You must attend the festival tonight! People must be waiting for you, a new idol shining with dark hair," says Yuan in a mocking tone. Jifan began to be unaffected by his brother's taunts. It's common to hear his elder brother tell the difference between them. It is often said that he was an outcast because his father was not introduced to him when he was born like any other brother. He bragged about how ashamed his father was of having a dark-haired son and small eyes like the Nebertcher clan people.

"Yes and they would be more supportive of me because I'm not as proud as you are! You will fall if you keep your head up," Jifan quietly looks at his sister now moving in on him with a crunchy laugh. His body was bent to stare straight into his younger brother's eyes. The one she hated even when she was a baby. For her Anna was the youngest, there was no one in her family but Anna.

"Really? What if they make you cry in the fertival? You think they're gonna act like me? Think you're a prize so you take good care of yourself? They'll hate you, stupid! You've been oblivious to your never coming out of your dorm room!" What was his fault? Why is it always the eldest brother's enemy? Even his other brother was just being nice without ever wanting to corner him the way he is now. Yuan fractured his body with his two hands behind his back, "didn't you get a report from your bodyguard? They're out there saying you're a mixed kid," says Yuan. His laughter exploded as soon as the youngest blurted his brow.

"You don't have to take care of other people's lives, I'm fine about it all," Jifan lied about wishing his big brother would get out of his face. She still has the courtesy of not expelling her sister out of her room. In a situation like this he expects the father to come and get rid of yuan.

"Looks like you're getting good at lying. I wouldn't mishear someone sobbing in the middle of the night. Who else would cry like that if not you? Nebertcher boy!" cried Yuan and laughed like a madman. Content with bullying her brother he stepped out of the monochromatic room on her way out. Today she has to attend the festival prep in town, make sure all the preparations are going well and it will be loud.

"He doesn't know it yet, I'll be the leader of the Dabarath," mumbled Jifan and stepped out of the room. She's going to her father's to make her permission to stay away from the festival.

His brother will be silenced if he dares to venture outside the palace and see so many people. He'll be more confident when he sees with his own eyes how others look at him. Even if it meant removing any other possibility that the big sister spoke.

Her steps stopped in the corridor as her second brother stepped from the pavilion. What else was he supposed to do in front of his sister? If her eldest brother is so arrogant and annoying, then her second is so confident and sadistic. Several times he substituted his servants for minor mistakes. She's also a woman who spends a lot of money on luxury items. A daughter who truly harnesses the power of her father to beautify herself. Even so, her older sister's fighting ability is really something to be reckoned with. He used to be his training assistant. So annoying.

And it looks like tonight his older sister is ready to spend a little bit of his dad's money. It's better to be faced with the eldest alone. He'd never hurt physically, at least he wouldn't have scars on his body from the firstborn. With his second brother he's always such a heavy bag. He is Io Filo Ar.

After much thought, it was better to turn around and go back to her room. Instead of engaging in pointless arguments with his brother. This second brother if it's his time of the month always does the trick. I don't know what he did wrong but his brother's always talking about it. Jifan's footsteps seemed to rush to his room.

"Ko Jifan Ar! What's wrong?" all of a sudden, he's standing right in front of him. Jifan bowed not to his father, nor did the servants behind him who bowed deeper. He's not his father today, he's the head of the dabarath. Strict rules regarding honor and failure to look the leader in the eye are always highly valued. He got an ethics education at the academy. Although his own teacher came to his residence at the request of the father.

"Come to your room, there's something I want to talk about."

He said and received a solemn nod from Jifan. Jifan followed in his father's footsteps, followed by many of his bodyguards, his servants, and his servants. The halls of each residence in the palace have a beautiful view. Tidy, tidy flowers even have vines that prevent sunlight from directly touching the person walking in the hallway. In the hall is a small swimming pool of colorful fish. At one time Jifan was only allowed to step foot into the pond by the father. His father lied that there would be Cerberus popping out of the ground and spitting fire on the kids running around. In fact Cerberus is only an unknown story and Cerberus doesn't breathe fire on humans, she only does that to evil spirits.