
Chapter 649 Nixilei’s future?

After shelving the conversation about the best government structure one could strive for was, Kat decided they needed a more light hearted topic. "Well, you've mentioned that training is one of the main prizes people are after in terms of the Tournament. What about you?"

Nixilei nodded, "It's the same for my. Apparently the largest information broker in the world is one of the people offering training. The fact that I know so little about them is already quite enticing for someone like me. As good as I am at healing and fighting, spy work is actually what I enjoy the most. I know that one day, Green will grow up a bit more and won't need me as much. Well, that and Gareth will step into a lot of my roles, he already has. When that happens I want to take over Green's family spy network and expand it massively…